Aim Builder Builders Claim Claiming Cool Laim Land Claim Minecraft Survival Minecraft Survival Server New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Pve Survival Swe


Come join the YodaCraft community. We are a new minecraft server looking for some cool players. We are a Minecraft survival server with SkyBlock. We allow PvP and PvE We also have Land claiming aswell as some coustom plugins. We are currently looking for builders for the server. If you think you are a good builder let me know and we will see what we can do.

Admins Bug Change Early Hanks Hiring Multiplay Multiplayer Quick Smp Survival Survival Multiplayer Survivalmultiplayer Talk Thanks

Noopacraft Survival

Welcome to Noopacraft! This is an SMP (Survival Multiplayer) server where you can just play survival and have a good time while talking to other people. We’re not currently hiring anyone for any staff positions, so please do not ask to apply until this changes.
Please note that Noopacraft is in very early development and it is possible that there will be bugs. If there are any bugs, please do not hesitate to contact one of the admins, so it can be fixed quickly.
Thanks, and enjoy your time on Noopacraft!

Arcade Battleroyale Bedwars CTF Dominating Guns Network Skyblock Skywars Streamers Survivalgames Twitch Twitch Stream Warzone Youtubers

Mineark Network

We’re thrilled to have you here with us on dominating our game modes.

Mineark proudly host * BedWars * Survival Games * Arcade * SkyBlock * CTF * SkyWars* Warzone*

Mineark is not released to the public.
We’re going to release one game mode at a time as a soft launch.
You may join in on the fun only if you’re preapproved.

We will publish one game mode at a time to eliminate all bugs. Plus, any suggestions will much be appreciated and might end up in the game mode.

Join our Discord:

Alpha Tester Application:

After all game modes have been tested, we will have our real soft launch of the full server open. The actual opening of the server will consist of popular Twitch streamers and YouTubers!

Stay tuned for updates as we will be rolling out fast and heavy!

/d/ /e/ Ander Applications Cats Google Lsc Minecraft War Roleplaying Survival Multiplayer Training Trusted Wand Warrior Warrior Cats

Wandering paths

Welcome to wandering paths!

We are a minecraft warrior cats roleplaying server in the making

I am now taking builder and staff applications

Builder application:

Staff application:
Message me on discord on why you believe you would make a
good staff member and what position you would
like to start out as. I am taking applications
for Admin, Moderator, and Trusted (Trusted is staff in training).

We’d love to see you join our team if you have any questions just message me on discord.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Acting Colored Flight Hangout Hats Modern New Nickname Particles Props Resourcepack Roleplay Roleplaying Tags Walking

Open Komodo

NOTE: Open Komodo is in beta and an early piece. Open Komodo has been mostly programmed from scratch so expect bugs/glitches. If you wish to report bugs, please report it on our discord server. Feel free to mention our staff for any sort of harassment

Welcome to Open Komodo!
Open Komodo is a Minecraft roleplay server, having roleplaying as a main focus point!

Ever wanted to act out your characters? Open Komodo gives an entire map for roleplayers to roleplay! Invite among your friends to roleplay together in a open map!

We provide:
– Props and the props shop! 39 props to choose and collect!
– 32 Hats!
– Tags next to your username!
– Particles
– An open world with warps!
– Progression to ranks to unlock new features like colored nicknames and flight!
– Getting paid points for playing!
– Help build a community!

When you join, please read the rules by typing /rules. Thanks!

Hidden XP system:
Whenever you talk or walk/run to places, players earn hidden XP in order to rank up. Chatting in public will give you more XP than walking, however ranking up will take quite a bit.

Chat system:
Normal chat has a chat distance of 50 blocks, while shouting is across the entire server. To shout, just put an exclamation mark at the start of your sentence.

Basic commands:
/rules – Display the rules
/help – Displays help
/sit – Makes your player sit down
/msg – Private message a player
/tpa – Request teleport to a player
/home help – Displays help for setting up homes

Minecraft Version: 1.14.4

Challenges Ffa Kitpvp Kits Learn Learning Manage Management Minecraft Playerbase Pvp Quick Show Starting Upcoming


Welcome to CavernMC! Were a brand new and upcoming server who is growing rapidly and learning more about tending to a community and more. We love our players and community and the staff and management team always tries their best to listen to the players and fix bugs as soon as possible. Were very active and new, with a small starting playerbase we hope to grow. Our server is currently in beta, so do prepare to face some challenges, but we will have them fixed very quickly, and we hope to show our awesome server to you with the best impression possible!

Desert Dupes Fortnite No Dupes Recruiting Redstoner Religion Respawn Roads Scat Stands Trivia Vanilla Villagers Watchtower

LPG#KoolCraft Recruiting new Members!

LPG#KoolCraft is looking for a new player base after most of its players lost interest in the game and deserted our beautiful, beautiful server! (blame Watchtower and Fortnite) Meaning: we are looking for around ten new veteran players who enjoy playing in the purest vanilla Minecraft survival style!

This server is for you if:

– You’ve been playing Minecraft for a number of years and start to really know your stuff. Redstoners, builders, explorers, whatever you feel is your strong suit just tell us.
– Minecraft is the main game you play and you play often, the idea is to keep an active server, if you are looking for a place where people connect multiple times a week then this is for you.
– You understand, respect and enjoy being part of a friendly community.
– You are a mature individual who understands that being rude to others on account of their nationality, sex, age, gender, political opinion, religion or sexual orientation, etc is just not okay.
– Agrees to the no grief, no steal, no dupes rules
– this is obviously a white list server but if you fit within these criteria there is really no reason why you wouldn’t be invited to join.

On the server PVP is allowed within reason (no bullying and of course no stealing) once you join, how you play and what you do is completely up to you. You may want to join a team to work on community builds or on the contrary build you own stuff in peace and quiet, or play in or against other teams, whatever you want really.

/// MOST IMPORTANT : to help us make a well balanced team, send us a short description of yourself , you game style, ideas as well as a few pictures of your best builds! This is all absolutely necessary if you want to get an invite/// Send us a message on our Discord : LPG#KoolCraft

About the server:

LPG#KoolCraft is very community orientated, each player has her/his own base(s) but there are also a lot of resources and infrastructures shared by all.

New players spawn on the Respawn Platform where you can equip yourself with basic stuff and start your adventure.

Most players will then rally 0;0 the huge Spawn Plaza. From there, the Main Roads take you to other areas of the world in all cardinal directions.

We have a center for fast resource production, the Tubenet, a crazy network of automatic farms where you can take all the resources you need.

There is a market place where you can sell/buy products for diamonds, the first floor has shops where you can take basic resources for free, great for starting players. The upper levels has another set of stands that you can claim to sell stuff and make money 🤑.

Last of the main community build, the House of Maps, a gigantic building with a huge map of the “Inner Spawn Region” (where most players choose to build their main bases). This is a great help in order to find free spots, and plan construction of builds or transport networks. In the galleries around the main map you will find detailed maps from off dimension areas and distant Overworld colonies. Pretty fancy.

Many villages have been expanded and protected with walls, some of them have special villagers (one of them even has it’s dedicated temple), others have ben optimised to fight off raids. Many even date all the way back to 1.13 before the villager update.

Countless farms, bases, more less random features are scattered all around the world and await that you discover them.

The server has been created in 1.13 and we just reset the nether dimension for 1.16. There is no reset of the Overworld. We just aim at making the most splendid server in the world, furthering the greatness and splendor of LPG#Koolcraft everyday!

There is a lot of trivia and history and builds left by past and current players on this server for you to discover and this is also why we don’t have server reset in the Overworld it’s really what makes this server so unique.

Note : because of the nether reset, all of the nether roads are gone, one the new team’s first goal will be to design and build a proper nether hub to travel across the world.

Also note : New players will be added overtime in group of three, don’t despair if you don’t get an answer immediately.

///Any questions just ask, send us your request!///

18x Auto Club Duelos Duels Event Evento Eventos Full Fullpvp Keyall Mana Minecraft Servidor Team Pvp



<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

030 Auto Hardcore Host Hosting Insta Lin Nam Name Nline Online Pvp Pvparena Survival Tree


InstainMC is een groeiende server dat ernaar streeft het Survival server te zijn met de beste en meest vriendelijke spelersbasis. Samen met personeel 24 uur per dag online om de beste ervar

16x Dates Dev Development Give Group Minecraft Kit Start Mpet Nline Npc Oup Paw Pet Project Updates

HetweeLand 1.12x -1.16x Minecraft server

Start a new project HetweeLand. Grif server with good economy, moderation is open.
The first 15 players who are in the group will be spawned with an NPC with their first and last name. We need to type online, which will give an impetus to development. So come in, there will be many updates;)

Alia Aust Australia Australian Gts Hosted Inventory Market Peace Peaceful Pixelmon Pixelmon Server Poke Post Smp


We’re an Australian hosted Pixelmon server, with active staff and loyal players. Our goal is to make the users experience as best as it can be by adding into the server what everyone wants!

If you’ve got any questions or suggestions, you can ask/post them on our discord:

Currently what we have to offer is:
– Active GTS/Market
– Unique Voting Crates & Rewards
– Wonder Trade
– Peaceful mode
– Keep inventory
– Not enough? Give us some suggestions on our discord!

Aim Allowed Anarchy Anarchy Server Create Creates Faction Pvp Factions Goal Hack Hacking Hacking Allowed Hacksallowed Sim Title


The main aim/goal of this server is to create a hacking allowed factions server that creates a similar experience to an anarchy server.

1.11 620 Addon Addons Ein Essential Essentials Guy Lets Max Players Pub Survival Multiplayer Title Toxic

New OG Survival (essentials and minor addons)

What up guys if your seeing this, then you are looking for a newly published minecraft server. This is one 60 players max og survival may add factions. join
bring ur friends
have fun
be toxic
or dont
lets craft

Anticheat Established Faction Factions Factionserver Factionspvp Foot Legacy Npc Npcs Shop Shopgui Voteparty Votes Votifier

Factions in the Kingdom of WolfHeim!

The Kingdom of WolfHeim has just been established, and multiple factions are gaining a foothold! Join now and begin your legacy!

We have multiple mods enabled including Factions, NPCs, ShopGUI, AntiCheat and more! What are you waiting for? join now!

We are also a new server and appreciate any support, any votes contributed add to our voteparty!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Apex Auto Car Cars Honey Hun Ice Money Nice Ops People Shop Shops Survival Title

Smp Survival Server [Owner JJHoneyBuns]

Really nice survival Server,
Need people,

We have shops,
and Lots More

Basics Community Ezz Fly Friendlystaff Happy New Nonpvp Purchase Rush Survival Survivalserver Tool Tools Ush

JezzCraft Survival Server 1.16.2

Hi Guys welcome to my Server it is a Survival Non PVP server not much rules really just the basics and common sense

i have also added some extra commands for free because i dislike how servers make you pay up to $30 for /fly

some commands are


we also have a basic kit and a /Dtools kit for free, i will be adding ranks for purchase in the future but not in a rush to charge people

if you ever have a problem or any questions please don”t hesitate to ask

Owner: JezzBraslin

Chunks Culture Educational Gangs Infinite World Market Moderated Mojang Nogrief Rewards Shop Social Survival Titles Villages


EmoteVille is a custom survival server built on top of Mojang’s latest update inspired by various other sub-cultures. We aim to create a self moderated, creative, educational, social space for those who just want to chill with their friends or meet new people with similar interests.

Some of the things we focus on;

  • Gangs (Manage chunks by claiming them and defining permissions, organising your team, protect your chunks.)
  • Affiliate (Our own currency integrated throughout the server that can be paid out into real currency from contributing to the community.)
  • Modes (Customize your gameplay and how you interface with the server/community.)- Villages (A dedicated area on the server which typically houses extra functionality of the server.)
  • Awards (Our own implementation of titles built around social status and rewarding contributions/achievements.)
  • Infinite World (Splitting a world across multiple instances across multiple servers to seamlessly expand our world, remaining up-to date)
  • We are a relatively new server and because of this we are starting on a basic level to prevent things becoming overly daunting to potential players that might want to get involved in this project, once we feel this is understood, we will begin to add additional functionality.

    We hope to see you in-game soon! 🙂

    Added Ate Donate Has Mcd Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Spleef Mix Owner Pers Person Persona Personal Server Minecraft This

    MixCraft server Minecraft

    The owner of the MixCraft server has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your personal account.

    712 Company Host Kitpvp Kywars Noop Opé Pvp Pvp Minecraft Quest Skywar Skywars Survival Target Title

    712mount. (1.8 – 1.16.2) | A mostly PvP Minecraft server.

    712mount. | A mostly PvP Minecraft server.

    Hello and welcome to 712mount., a mostly PvP Minecraft server.
    We host servers like KitPvP, Survival, and Skywars.
    If you feel like you should join this server, feel free to join at any time as our servers are open 24/7.
    If you have any questions, feel free to join our Discord server.

    Have fun!

    Emc Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Donate Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Launcher One Block Oneblock Pvp Rad Russian Minecraft Trade Voxel

    Voxelarium OneBlock server Minecraft

    Minecraft server description, but you only have one block

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Prison Gamemode. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!