1.15 Art Ass Auto Blo Block Bran Brand Class Ect Erver Kit Love Nam Name New Pvp Ran Server Spartan Title You

Spartan Kit PvP

Hello its Purple from Spartan Kit PvP we are a brand new server on 1.15.2 and we would love to have you.

Ass Auto Base Based Blo Block Class Com Ect End Erver Exp Explore Farm Farming Friendly Generator Island Join Lab Land Lore Ming Nation Play Prison Rat Riendly Rules Server Staff Title


ReturnerMC is a generator based server. It is a combination of farming, island, generator and prison. Join now to explore the server! Friendly staff member available and acceptable rules are available.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Arena Auction Auctions Ban Best Challenge Challenges Clan Community Crates Create Custom Dedicated Duels Dungeon End Friends Great Java Join Land Mine Minion Mob Open Play Plugin Plugins Server Servers Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Staff Store Survival Title Unique


The official server for Skyblock!
Survival at its best! Create your own Skyblock and play with others!
Great staff and community! More features than any other SB server!

Skyblock IP:

Playable on 1.12.2 – 1.15.2!
Custom and unique Skyblock plugin that does not exist elsewhere!
Create your very own island and invite friends! w/ Friends Menu!
24/7 with daily offsite backups. 99.9 uptime.
Custom plugins, Hosted on one of the fastest dedicated servers available.
More features than any other Skyblock server.
Variant Island Types, Large Island Spaces, Complete Challenges
Levels, Mob Arena, Crates, Create Shops, Custom Island settings, minion, pet, custom ore, mine, dungeon, duels, custom shop, auctions, banker and MORE!!!!

Anything Ars Battle Bed Bedwars Block Build Cat Claim Class Game Games Has Help Kywars Mine Mini Minigame Minigames Murder Murdermystery Mystery Need Network Play Rvival Server Servers Sky Skywars Staff Survival Title Tnt Tntrun War Wars


a network with 2 servers 1.Survival and 2.Minigames. Minigames has many things to play such as: Bedwars,tntrun,skywars,murdermystery and build battle! we have very kind staff that can help you with anything you need


Staff applications are closed!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Ass Beta Block Car Challenging Class Craft Custom Ect Eng Erver Features Free Fun Ill King Minigames Mon Monster Monsters Play Pro Ree Rvival Save Scar Scary Server Slime Surviva Survival This Title Unique


This is the beta for a server I’m working on, feel free to play and don’t worry about your progress, even when finalized it will be saved.

Quirky Craft is a unique survival server that is both challenging and fun to play in, it features custom generation, scary cave monsters, slime fun, and much more!

Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Craft Cube Culture Date Eam Ect Erver Exp Experience Experienced Free Game Keep Mod Nam New Newer People Pro Ree Server Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Title Update Updated Way

Culture Craft

We are a newer server with an experienced team of people keeping the server updated and bug free. We are always adding more game modes and keeping you busy!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Admin Admins Ban Build Bukkit Chat Chill Craft CTF Discord Event Events Grief Griefing Join King Mine Minecraft Mod Moderator Moderators Open Play Player Players Pvp Quest Questing Rank Ranks Server Simple Small Spawn Staff Survival Title Who

Survival Company

Survival Company is a basic server for small amount of players around 70 players, PVP is turned off for most of the time and only turned on for special occasions and events. The discord is

Our Rules are simple
1. Be Respectful, you can trash talk but keep it reasonable and not personal.
2. Don’t build near spawn or it will result in a ban/kick, try to be at least 300-500 blocks away.
3. No cheating, griefing or spamming chat.
4. Requesting for Items or Ranks really will get you banned.
5. We like to keep it chill and have it be a relaxed server.
6. If you join the discord, be sure to state who you are on the server or you will get removed.

Our current staff are,
Owner: SlaptasticHotdog (Sarcasm)
Co-owner: ~Zythos 3 (Angler Fish)
Admin: Devilflare (Soster Mikes)

We are looking for staff ATM but don’t log in and ask for it:

We have open spots for 2 moderators to be active when the Owner, Co-owner and Admins might not be active.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Block Class Create Different Economy Has Join King Long Mean Mine Mines Need New Non Nonop Pay Play Player Players Plot Plots Prison Pro Pvp Rank Ranks Red Sell Server Servers Shop Shops Testing Title Trade

Commie Prison

New Non-op prison server with plots. Work your way through the ranks, unlocking new and improved mines along the way. Each mine has a shop to sell materials, increasing in price to encourage players to create shops within their plots to trade with other players in different ranks. We are improving our server and testing is needed.

We got tired of the current prison servers with op tools and progression that does not feel meaningful, so we created our own. Our server is non-pay-to-win. Join Commie Prison today!

Block Chill Class Com Community Custom Discord Download End Erver Friendly Friends Gun Guns Hangout Join King Looking Mall Mob Mod Modded Modpack Music Play Player Players Server Small Smp Social Survival Tech Title Town Vibe

Dork’s Hangout

Dork’s Hangout is a 1.12.2 custom modpack server including tech, guns, automobiles, and music..? we are a small local community looking for friends and players, so come on! Join the discord to download the pack**

Amazing Best Build Craft Custom Eco Econ Economy End Free Fun Lore Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Need Network Online Pets Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Ranks Server Servers Shop Shops Skills Smp Staff Store Survival Survival Multiplayer Title

PudgeCraft [SMP] [Staff Needed] {1.15.2} {McMMO} {Ranks} {Economy}

Network IP:

[Version 1.15.2]
Finally back! Get in while it matters!
Free ranks!

Server Features
🌟 Online 24/7 – ALWAYS!
🌟 Plenty of game modes, and MUCH more to be added as we grow!
🌟 Protected from all server attacks on an amazing host!
🌟 Several experienced college educated developers!
🌟 Tons of updates and maintenance to keep the server fun smooth!
🌟 Always looking for experienced staff members as we grow!

Survival Features
🌟 1.15.2 – ALWAYS up to date to make sure we keep Minecraft features!
🌟 PvP – A player VS player arena where you can risk your best gear for more!
🌟 Economy – Several CUSTOM written plugins to make an advanced economy.
🌟 Player Shops – Start up a store and build your empire!
🌟 McMMO – Build a party with you friends and level up your skills!
🌟 Pets – Multiple different ways to obtain pets.
🌟 Trails – Many choices of trails with a custom GUI editor.
🌟 Custom Items – Tons of custom items tailored for the players!

Block Buycraft Class Country Craft Custom Discord Dynmap Earth Enchants Enjoy Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Factionspvp Geopolitical Head Inecraft Invite Join Map Market Mine Minecraft Nation New Noop Open Pvp Rank Real Scale Server Title War Wars World

GeoMap Minecraft Server (1.8.9)

GeoMap is a 1:2000 scale map of the real like earth with a factions setting.
You can have custom enchants, a black market, start a country or even part take in WAR!
This server is very new and I suggest you join to get a head start! Enjoy world domination at it’s finest!

You also purchase a rank and support the server at
Discord Invite:

Antigrief Ass Basic Block Chest Chestshop Class Com Conomy Eco Econ Econom Economy Ecosurvival Ect Erver List Mon Money One Plugin Plugins Protection Real Realistic Rvival Sell Server Shop Silkspawners Stuff Surviva Survival Title Way Welcome


Welcome to Eco-Survival we are a basic survival server with a few enhancing plugins.

Server IP : (1.15.2)

We tried to change a few things that most server do. We want a realistic economy for the server so there is no server shop the only way to get money right now is to sell stuff using a chestshop.

Block Cat Class Craft Crate Crates Custom Enchantments Event Events Fac Faction Factions Features Gaming Ill Inecraft Join King Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Network New Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Randomteleport Server Servers Sickle Staff Title Voting

Rainbow Gaming Network

Rainbow Gaming Network is a brand new network of gaming servers. We are very much a work in progress.

Our Minecraft 1.15.2 server is a 24/7 Factions server. Our goal is to have Custom Enchantments, Events, and more! We are adding new features almost every single day.

On our Factions server we have Raiding and PvP enabled. We have plugins like: mcMMO, Voting Crates, RandomTeleport, Sickle (allows harvesting of crops by right clicking), and are constantly adding more!

We will also be accepting staff applications very soon!

Join today!

City Claim Claiming Community Craft Create Creative Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy End Event Events Friends Job Land Landclaim Lands Mine Minecraft Mod Open Parkour Play Player Plugin Plugins Rank Ranking Semivanilla Server Servers Simple Survival Title Unique Who

KastCraft | Survival, Economy, Parkour [1.15.2]


KastCraft is a Minecraft community that takes a step back from all of the over-complicated nonsense found in other modern servers. We put our community first and aim to keep it simple with engaging and entertaining updates and events for all players. Our goal is to deliver a nostalgic and classic Minecraft experience to everyone who plays on the server.


Our main focus is survival. Our survival server features a large amount of fully customized plugins such as a unique lands claiming system, corporations, a job based economy, parkour, events, a custom ranking system, and so much more. Play with friends, play alone, or create a thriving city joined by dozens of players. Your fate is entirely up to you!



Abilities Active Build Builds Casual Class Creative Custom Custommobs Eco Econ Economy End Friendly King Magic Magical Magicspells New Play Player Players Pve Pvp Quest Quests Rol Role Roleplay Rpg Secrets Server Shop Shops Spells Staff Survival Title Unique World

Arcane Arts Magic RPG

Arcane Arts Magic RPG is a brand new Magic/RPG Survival server with dozens of exciting custom coded magic spells such with elements such as Fire, Wind, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, Nature, and many more! We have a really friendly casual playerbase, a survival world with active shops and beautiful builds. Our unique quest system lets players have a fully immersive magical experience and also lets players grow and get stronger by the hour! We’re looking for new players and creative staff members! Come learn the secrets of the Arcane!

– PvP
– PvE
– Custom Magic abilities
– Roleplay
– Quests
– Economy

Adventure Adventures Build Building Community Custom Discord Dynmap End Environment Event Events Fun Good Grief Hard Head Heads Map Minecraft Mob Mod Multiplayer New Open Pay Play Player Pvp Reset Server Ships Shop Sky Survival Title Trading Vanilla

Mostly Vanilla Survival Server (Looking for new members)

We are going to be starting season 3 when 1.16 is fully released so that we can all start fresh together. Email [email protected]with a little about yourself if you are interested in joining us for this fresh world reset. Looking for 10-15 more people to join us. Minecraft is always more fun with friends.

We are a tight knit group that enjoys playing Minecraft in a mostly vanilla environment. We value respect, trust and like to have fun while building our own bases. We usually interact most when working on community projects or trading the goods that we produce in our shopping district. We utilize discord while we play in order to chat about whatever is on our mind. We play for 10-30 hours per week or so. PVP is limited to events or games.

We are looking for a few people that are like minded that would like to join us on our crafting adventures. We are planning a server reset in the near future and are currently playing multiplayer sky block while we wait.

Here is a list of non vanilla add-ons that we like to play with. We are open to more or less but this is the play style that we have been using for the last couple seasons .

  • Hard difficulty
  • More mob heads
  • Multiplayer sleep
  • Live view web based world map
  • Shulkers drop two shells each
  • Customizable armor stands
  • Gravestones
  • Ships generate in oceans
  • Illager fortresses instead of Igloos
  • Rules:

  • No Griefing
  • Respect others loot. Do not take things that aren’t yours
  • Pay stated value for items in shopping district
  • PVP only when both agree
  • Do not modify or add to others builds unless you’re collaborating
  • Interact with each other
  • Have fun!

  • Categories
    Ace Admin Block Build Class Community Create End Essentials Friendly Fun Home Ill Join King Mage Need Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Pve Economy Riendly Rol Server Sethome Solo Staff Survival Title Town Towny Tpa Troll

    Palace Towny

    WE DO NOT NEED STAFF! 1.15.2 – 1.15.2 – 1.15.2 – 1.15.2
    Our server is created for those that play towny! This server is Perfect for solo players, as if you build far away you are unlikely to be found, you dont have to join a Town, you can just play survival.

    We aim to create a friendly community and a server that fits for everyone.

    This server is a work in progress, so dont expect it to be perfect. If you stick with us we will make sure it will be worth your while.

    This server uses the plugins:

    Essentials – This includes commands such as /sethome /home /back and /tpa

    Creepercontroll – creepers will do damage to players but not to blocks.

    This is it for now, we are taking on any plugins that are suggested to us. Just consult a admin with your idea.

    We would like to think that people have a lot of fun on this server, how about you come on and try it?

    Build Builds Claim Class Color Community Craft CTF Discord Eco Free Friendly Fun Grief Griefing Join King Land Land Claim Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Mob Mobs Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Server Ships Shop Simple Smp Spawn Staff Survival Title Vanilla

    Quera SMP

    Quera SMP!!

    We are a Semi-Pure Vanilla Minecraft server, and we are a community and we are looking for players!

    Some of our plugins we have include: QuickShop, SinglePlayerSleep, HolographicDisplays, and much more!

    We would love to have a ton of more players join Quera SMP!

    Our rules are simple, be respectful, and have fun!

    Our spawn is filled with airships of all different colors, and a big castle with a lot of decorations!

    Please feel free to join the IP above, and our discord! We would love to have you! We are open to every single player out there!

    We also have anti mob griefing so mobs will not destroy your builds, in addition, keep inventory is turned on everywhere so you will not lose your items when you die! In addition, we also have NO LAND CLAIM! Come join us!

    Discord Join Link:

    Server IP:

    Ass Auto Blo Block Build Builder Builders Class Ect Erver Good Help Ill Lec Nam Name Need Prison Server Tes Test Title You

    Need builders to build a prison server

    help us build a good prison server. Only good builders plz, you will be tested.

    Block Class Community Custom Developer Dungeon Dungeons Enjoy Free Geo Ice Ill Item Items Lag Mall Map Maps Nice Online Optional Play Player Players Ring Rpg Server Sky Skyblock Small Survival Multiplayer This Title Unique

    TorchNight Skyblock 1.15

    Featuring TorchNight: Skyblock!

    Not many people read this to be honest, but I’ll write here anyway.
    Our community is pretty small, but the aim is to perhaps a grow a nice small one 😀 that way everyone will be close to each other.

    I’m a developer too, so I’m hoping to add unique twists to the server, like adding (optional) dungeons, rpg maps, and custom items that players have access to.

    Anyway, hop on in and enjoy the server!

    It’s pretty much lag free, and online 24/7.


    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server List Skyblock. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!