You’re on a plane on your way to see your Mother for her birthday when suddenly the plane crash lands on phoeviean island…
You’re knocked unconscious, wake up to see that all of the remaining passengers are gone and so you assume they must’ve got taken out by the’s your mission to survive, let’s see how far you go?
Occasionally, packages will wash up on shore these packages will be on the east side of the island it’s a rare chance they may contain food so be sure to check the shore often.
The island is comprised mainly of andesite, not stone. Usable stone is rare. However if you look around the island there could be people who might be able to help you….
Most passive mobs don’t spawn as you’re on an island in the middle of an ocean.
However it’s a rare chance packages washed up on the shore might contain food.
Boats cannot be crafted.
Grass does not drop seeds
If you’re not lucky to find packages washed up on the shore you can kill a parrots in return they’ll drop meat.
Coconuts can be found on palm trees, but they are limited in supply and cannot be farmed. Placing a coconut down allows you to eat it.
Achievements and XP are given for certain discoveries.
Ore deposits custom dungeons, and other resources can be found on the island you’ll just have to look.
Things to note:
Players are encouraged to work together but just note that raiding is enabled..
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As we’re a brand new server trying something new we’d appreciate any feedback and if you have a suggestion or complaint please message:
Z or SilverLum we hope you love our server!!