Chat Community Craft Datapacks Diamond Discord Eco Econ Economy End Event Events Friendly Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Home Mine Minecraft Mod New Nice Open Play Player Pvp Reset Server Sethome Staff Stealing Title Vanilla Vanillasurvival Whitelist Whitelisted World

(Whitelisted) Diamond Axe Vanilla for Minecraft 1.16

Welcome to Diamond Axe Vanilla!

We are a community of Minecrafters with a love of community and exploring the game for what it is. We enjoy meeting new people and seeing what we can do within the borders of vanilla Minecraft. We’ve recently reset our world for 1.16 and we’re excited to see what we can do!

Server Features:

-Running on FabricMC; a lightweight modding toolchain that vanilla players can still use.
-No usage of /tp, /sethome, etc.
-Economy using datapacks and /trigger commands

-World will persist past updates unless the community agrees to reset the world
-Friendly community and staff
-Occasional planned server events
-Announcements and chat through Discord


-No stealing
-No griefing
-No hacking
-No PvP, unless agreed upon
-Refrain from defamation, harassment, etc.
-Generally, just be a nice person.

This server is whitelisted. Please go to this Google Form to be accepted. We do this to weed out griefers, hackers, and people that want to ruin others’ days in general.
Thank you, and we hope to see you there!

Active Ass Class Com Creative Currency Economy End Erver Eth Everyone Fun Game Games Has Join Lag Maybe Mini Mini Games Nks One Play Pvp Ran Rank Ranks Rvival Server Slots Stuff Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Tok Town World


The SidezServer has something for everyone! You like creative? We have a creative world! Like to play Mini-Games? We have mini-games! Want to just play some survival? We have that too! Maybe you dont like to PvP and losing your stuff you can just join a no-PvP town! We are up 24/7 so the fun never ends!
30 Slots
No Lag!!

1000 лвл 127 лвл Classic Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Quests Minecraft Survival No Dupes Pve Pvp Russian Minecraft

❤️ GOVERNMENT SERVERS WITH BEES ➜ 1.15.2 ❤️ Minecraft server

Server description Our IP address is
Also, our server has discounts on privileges. Come in and make sure!
Our site with auto-donate:

Wolf Craft is the best server for survival with its personalized stuff on version 1.15.2. On our server there are 1 on 1 duels, fingerboard pistons, unique treasures for game currency!

Our group By subscribing to our group, you will get the opportunity to instantly receive news about updates, and most importantly – to participate in the draws of expensive privileges!

Active Ark Basic Call Chest Chestshop Class Craft Craftbook Dragon Element Enhanced Extra Fantasy Features FTB Fun German Ill Job Jobs Land Lockedchests Medieval Multi Multiverse Normal Plugin Plugins Pvp Rvival Server Shop Survival Town Towny Vanilla

Arkania – Land of Lords

Arkania is a german Medieval PvP-Server with some Fantasy-Elements in it. Its basically an enhanced vanilla survival server with extra features.

Arkania ist ein deutscher mittelalter PvP-Server mit ein paar Fantasy-Elementen. Eigentlich ein normaler Survival Server mit ein paar Extrafunktionen.

Plugins: Towny, Jobs, DragonTravel, PwnPlantGrowth, CraftBook, ChestShop, MultiVerse, LockedChests

Ace Aus Awesome Build Car Class Craft Create Creative Custom Dedi Easy Edit Fast Free Gui Huge Inecraft Lag Mine Minecraft Play Plot Plots Plugin Plugins Red Redstone Rol Rollercoaster Rps Server Servers Sword World Worldedit

SharpSwords TRAINCARTS 1.10

You can build awesome rollercoaster on our creative server. We have traincarts, worldedit, wirelessredstone and its all free to use. We also have huge plots which you can merge.

Ever wanted to have your own Minecraft server, where you can customize almost everything and have access to more than 20 plugins? You are at the right place. Here, you can create your own server for free. Fast servers without any lag and very easy to configure because you can use a GUI to customize your server.


Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Jail Minecraft Quests Minecraft Survival No Dupes Pvp Roleplay Rpg Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

RestartCraft • Game Servers 1.15.2 Minecraft Server

RestartCraft is a unique Minecraft game project, an unforgettable pastime, sophisticated systems and hardcore. Our server is not aimed at making money; for us, players and their emotions are most important.

Our project has developed several modes:

Survival is a survival server that combines guild wars, RolePlay interactions. It often hosts interesting events where each player can take part. Unique and important systems have been installed that bring convenience and interest to the game. Stable economy and balanced donation, which gives decorative opportunities that do not affect the server economy. Convenient warp system with the possibility of earning and categorizing, even an ordinary player can create them. It is possible to create a separate region for guilds, where, depending on the rank, you can change the type of interaction for each participant in this region, there are your own virtual warehouses, you can pump up guild levels that give their advantages. A chat has been established overhead, which will increase the interest of players in communication and role-playing. PVP on the server is an integral part, therefore, a fair battle system without relogs works here.

SkyBlock is a server where players survive on the islands. This is not an ordinary mode, since there is the opportunity to create your own automated farms that harvest crops in the AFC mode, thereby increasing passive income, use advanced funnels with the ability to transfer things at a distance, teleportation, filtering items, car sales, unique beacons that extend the functionality of vanilla beacons. Each player can create warps on the island and earn money by setting the price for teleportation, a system for evaluating and sorting warps by attendance has been developed, so you need to try not to lose in competition. Here you can receive daily cases for each privilege, even for an ordinary player, as well as open cases for currency in order to receive the necessary resources. It is possible to compete in the top between players, ore blocks are valuable in raising the level of the island. The fishing system will supplement the AFC farm with the weight of fish and, accordingly, increase in sales prices. Each player can put things up for sale using a virtual store that can sort things into categories, by the way, warps are also categorized for convenience.

Vanilla is a vanilla server with a minimal number of plugins installed. It displays a chat over your head to maintain RolePlay, and the nickname is invisible so that you can hide from players. The world is in no way limited. There is no administration in this mode, only players set rules.

STALKER is a server made in the likeness of the well-known game STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. Players in this mode can play RolePlay, set their terms and conditions. A large number of weapons of various types, quests for execution, which give the currency. It can be exchanged for new weapons and equipment. It is mainly a mode with an emphasis on PVP and PVE, which is why an honest PVP system without links is installed here. It is possible to join different groups, pump ranks and you can complete the game.

Prison is a fun mode with a focus on RolePlay in prison. The essence of the regime is the extraction of resources, their sale, and subsequently the pumping of tools and armor. An important aspect is PvP, killing bosses and mobs. After all, this can bring you the keys to the cases, the currency. Also on the server there is an opportunity to join 4 different gangs, such as Yakuza, Kosa Nostra, Bratva and Gangsters. There you can participate in wars between gangs, use unique effects, whales, win back rps and just have fun.

Interested in? Then we are waiting for you on our project. Recommended version for the game: 1.15.2
Server IP –
Website –
VK group –
Discord –

Active Arena Auction Auctions Best Class Community Craft Create Creative Discord Eco Econ Economy Event Events Giveaways Help Helpful Inecraft Join King Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mob Open Pvp Quest Server Shop Sky Skyblock Staff Title

[BUDDZ] | Skyblock Server 1.15.2 (1.16 Can Join)!


Skyblock | Economy | MobHunting | McMMO
Shop | Auctions | PvP Arena | Ore Generator
Server IP:

Welcome to [BUDDZ] | Skyblock Server!

We aim to create a community that works together and gives its best to be creative and helpful to one another.
We provide a discord server that brings light to events, giveaways, and drop parties!
We have very active staff but are always looking to expand!
If you have any questions about anything at all, join our discord and visit the support-ticket channel to talk directly to our staff!


Discord: <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" href="

” rel=”ugc nofollow noopener” target=”_blank”>


Active Ass Class Com Craft Creative Dedi Disguise Disguisecraft Edit Factions Free Gui Guis Hub Mini Games Raft Ree Sami Skyblock Survival World Worldedit

Samistines Hub

Free Worldedit and DisguiseCraft

Adventure Adventures Battle Battles Build Building Buildings Clan Class Craft Create Experience Ill Incredible Inecraft Job Join Mine Minecraft New Open Play Player Players Pve Pvp Raid Raids Rpg Secrets Server Trade Venture Weapons World Zombie Zombies

✨ New weapons, zombies, clan bases, raids, m-g. Minecraft server

Welcome. Welcome to the open spaces of Minecraft server called “DestroyCraft”. You have to plunge into an incredible world filled with secrets and adventures. You can build various buildings, mansions, castles, etc. Get minerals, trade them with players. Exchange things and meet new people. IP address:

On the Minecraft DestroyCraft server, you have the opportunity to get a job, gain experience and make a fortune. Take part in battles, increase your authority, create and manage your own clan.

Build Building Class Death Discord End Explore Fair Force Fresh Friends Game Good Great Hack Hacks Hard Hardcore Ill Lore Map Mod Multiplayer Nether New Open Play Player Pvpsurvival Raid Raiding Resources Revive Server Spawn Title Unique Update Vanilla

HardCore Mode Nether Update with friends

Fresh vanilla map on the new Nether update.

Using a VPS with good resources for smooth gameplay and view distance 12
difficulty = hard

Hacks, xray and toxic behavior is discouraged. Otherwise a fair fight, raiding, etc is a great part of multiplayer that keeps you on your toes and forces you to explore far from spawn before building anything that you want to last.

Because we want to be unique, we will have the server on HARDCORE MODE.
Since we want to build a player base, you can appeal your death at our discord and revives given on a case by case basis:
——————————————– ——————————————————————

Ace Active Ages Base Based Class Craft Economy Factions Game Good Help Ill Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Need Online Open Play Player Players Pvp Raid Raiding Region Server Servers Star Support Survival Tail


First things first, open Minecraft and connect to There are two Raid servers to support more players, but they are both essentially the same. One is based in the US and the other is based in the EU. By using the main IP, you will get placed in the server in your region.

Once you’ve joined the game, use the command /help to receive a book that goes into detail about everything you need to know. If you’ve never played before, it’s a good idea to read through the first few pages about starting out on the server.

Note: It says “0/0 players” but the server is online and you can play it!

100 Action Actions Ass Chest Chestshop Chestshops Class Com Craft Crafting Current Eam Enjin Erver Fac Faction Factions Fight Grief Host Hosted Mine New Ops Rad Raid Ram Run Server Shop Shops Style Tea Team Upgrade


ChimpCraft is a new factions server.
We currently have 100 chestshops.
We are currently running on a 3gb ram server.
We are hosted in the UK.


Ars Ass Car Cars Class Com Cool Craft Day Dayz Erver Group Helicopters Inecraft Lag Lucky Many Players Mine Minecraft Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Survival One Play Player Players Pvp Rvival Server Survival Top Weapons Website Zombie Zombies

✅ HELICOPTER WEAPONS ZOMBY CASES✅ 1.8-1.15.2 Minecraft server

Server description LuckyDayz 1.8 – 1.15.2 top minecraft server
– Survival
– many players
– Honest Donat
– No lags
– Cool server

IP –
VK Group:

Active Ass Battle Class Com Core Country Countrys Death Eat Erver Game Games Hard Hardcore Imple Kit Kits Lin Nline Online Open Paw Play Player Players Pvp Server Simp Simple Spawn Stand Survival

Hardcore Games

Hardcore Games is a brutal, all-out battle to the death. Players spawn in the open countryside with no equipment, except for simple kits. Last man standing wins.

Note: It says “0/0 players” but the server is online and you can play on it!

Active Age Car Class Com Ect Emo End Erver Exciting Friends Game Gamemode Has Huge Ill Kill Mini Games Mod One Online Play Player Players Random Ring Server Shop Sky Speak Tag Tea Team Teams Teamspeak


The game consists of Saboteurs, Innocents and Detectives. The aim is for the Saboteurs to kill the Innocents and Detectives without being caught, and for the Innocents and Detectives to kill all the Saboteurs. It’s an exciting gamemode, which is sure to bring out the liar within you – play with friends in TeamSpeak/Skype, and argue that it isn’t you, to then backstab everyone! Karma plays a huge part in Sabotage to ensure players don’t randomly kill others, or just purchase things in the shop without a care..

Note: It says “0/0 players” but the server is online and you can play on it!

Admin Anti Ars Bed Bedwars Best Cheap Cheat Class Craft Donate Fox Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Game Games Grief Protected Has Inecraft Kywars Lag Mine Minecraft Minecraft Donate Minecraft Survival Mini Mini Games Pvp Rvival Server Sky Skywars Survival Version War Wars Website Wip

⚜️ FoxMine ⚜️ Survival, Vulture, Mini Games ⛄ Minecraft server

➜ VKontakte group
➜ Website for the purchase of donut
➜ IP –
➜ Version – 1.8-1.12.2-1.14 +
★ ➜ Best survival server!
★ ➜ Honest PVP with Antirelog
★ ➜ BedWars, SkyWars
★ ➜ Cheap and honest donut!
★ ➜ Rarely wipe and never select a donut!
★ No lags!
★ We do not cheat for donat, we have honestly!
★ Kind and responsive administration!

Active Arena Arenas Ass Auction Auctions Beast Class Com East Economy Factions Mine Minez Mob Mob Arena Nks Pvp Ran Rank Ranks Rvival Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tmc


Survival | PvP | Mob Arenas | Auctions | Ranks

Active Arena Ass Ava Bal Ball Bar Class Eam Erver Eth Event Kitpvp Mall Mini Games Mob Moba Mobarena Nen Nether Pain Paint Paintball Pvp Raid Rvival Server Spleef Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Tea Team Vote

Suomalainen serveri. Serveriltä löytyy seuraavaa sisältöä:

PvP Maailmat (RAID)
Event maailma (Spleef,Mobarena,paintball,)
Resurssi maailma

Voteamalla serveriä saat 3 timanttia!

1000 лвл 127 лвл Cheats Allowed Classic Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Naruto Minecraft Quests Minecraft Survival Need Players No Anti Cheat No Dupes No Launcher Pve Pvp Roleplay Rpg Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐❤️ SURVIVAL / ANARCHY ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐✅ OBJECTS 1.15.2 Minecraft server


⭐ DONAT CASE every day!
⭐ Free HD skins and HD cloaks for all players!
⭐ Cool / kit start and secret / kit top special for you!
⭐ Awesome online and responsive tech support!

❤️ LazorCraft 1.5.2:
⇒ Classic industrial PvP server.
⇒ Not demanding on hardware, it will start even on a weak computer!

❤️ Hitech 1.7.10:
⇒ Everyone’s favorite industrial server with a large number of technical mods!
⇒ Minimum prohibitions!
⇒ Don’t like to mess around? Complicated craft and our own modifications will not let you get bored!

❤️ HitechClassic 1.7.10:
⇒ Classic technical server with many modern goodies.
⇒ IndustrialCraft Classic and the new AppliedEnergistics are installed on the server in which the channels are completely disabled.
⇒ Good old solid matter and transformers will plunge into the old days!

❤️ DraconicTech 1.7.10:
⇒ Mods are installed on the server that add a variety of EU energy sources – from mills to multi-block generators.
⇒ Drilling rigs for those who do not like to dig caves.
⇒ The diversity and beauty of biomes is amazing!

❤️ Magic 1.7.10:
⇒ Do you like magic and all that is still unknown to mankind? This server is for you!
⇒ Learn dangerous alchemy, ancient magic and unexplained phenomena!
⇒ Become the wisest server wizard and gain power over everyone around!

❤️ MagicRPG 1.7.10:
⇒ Magic server with RPG elements.
⇒ Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of miracles and explore magical worlds, immersing yourself in the atmosphere of an exciting and magical RPG action.

❤️ TechnoMagic 1.7.10:
⇒ A server whose modifications will allow players to choose what they want to study first: magic, technology or defamation.
⇒ The quest system in every way promotes development in completely different directions and provides the opportunity to become a warrior, hunter, vampire or technician.

❤️ TechnoMagicRPG 1.7.10:
⇒ The server is ideal for those who crave real adventure.
⇒ You have to find and defeat a wide variety of mobs and bosses.
⇒ The beauty of biomes on RPG servers is amazing! Fight, develop, fight and go on an adventure!

❤️ TechnoRPG 1.7.10:
⇒ A mixture of a variety of industrial mods and RPG elements!
⇒ Fight horrible creatures from the world of DivineRPG!
⇒ The combination of a variety of mods and RPG elements will not let you get bored!

❤️ SkyBlock 1.7.10:
⇒ Build your island in the sky!
⇒ Immerse yourself in the world of magic, intertwined with technology and a unique quest system!
⇒ Learn technology and magic, conquer the heavens!

❤️ Galaxy 1.7.10:
⇒ Industrial server based on GalactiCraft and GalaxySpace.
⇒ Study various technical modifications, combine them and get something new, more perfect!
⇒ Want to succeed in development? Explore planets and fight with bosses!

❤️ GregTech 1.7.10:
⇒ The server can offer you a more sophisticated view of development, where everything revolves around the GregTech mod.
⇒ Connected together all modes closely interact with each other.
⇒ Looking for a PvE server with sophisticated craft? Welcome to our cozy land!

❤️ PrisonRPG 1.7.10:
⇒ Immerse yourself in the prison world and its romance!
⇒ Develop, improve your camera, trade with other players, get resources at any cost.
⇒ Become the chief in prison!

❤️ HiTech 1.12.2:
⇒ Modern industrial server with a large number of mods for version 1.12.2.
⇒ Improved modifications on the new version, with unique features.
⇒ A sophisticated crafting system involving a large number of modifications will not let you get bored!

❤️ Magic 1.12.2:
⇒ Immerse yourself in the world of magic and fantasy on a modern magic server.
⇒ Learn magic spells and cast lightning cascades on opponents.
⇒ Do you like magic and all secret knowledge? Our server is waiting for you!

❤️ NevermiеRPG 1.12.2:
⇒ Immerse yourself in the world of quests, dungeons, and bosses!
⇒ A lot of weapons, vehicles, jewelry and armor!

116server Block Class Craft Eco Econ Edit Fresh Game Ill Inecraft Java Join Mine Minecon Minecraft Mob Mobs Multi Nether Netherupdate New Noop Open Pig Piglin Play Player Release Server Smp Spawn Survival Title Update Vanilla Vanillasurvival

[NEW] 1.16 Nether >> Requiem Survival

> Requiem Survival” title=”[NEW] 1.16 Nether >> Requiem Survival”>

Join a fresh and upcoming survival server running 1.16 Vanilla!

“1.16, the first release of the Nether Update, is a major update to Java Edition announced at MINECON Live 2019[1] released on June 23, 2020.[2] This update overhauls the Nether by adding four new biomes, four new mobs (the piglin, hoglin, zoglin, and strider), and a multitude of new blocks, including many variants of blackstone as well as the respawn anchor used to set the player’s spawnpoint in the Nether. It also adds a new netherite tier of equipment, obtained through ancient debris found rarely throughout the Nether.”


Java Edition 1.16Minecraft Wiki

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Servers to Join in Minecraft. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!