Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ban Build Community Crates Creative Custom Donation Eco Economy Enchants End Enjin Event Fun Grief Hard Leveling Mcmmo Mmo Mob Nations Open Perks Pets Play Prevention Ranks Server Shop Shops Skills Small Spawner Spawners Survival Survivalworld Survive Unique Vote

Survival World

Welcome to Survival World. We are a small community with players that join from all over the world. There are no donator ranks/perks, as the server does not except monetary donations.

– World difficulty is set to HARD (not to be confused with hard-core).
– Protect your land using Grief Prevention.
– Have fun leveling up unique skills and abilities with MCMMO.
– Players have double the default amount of health.
– Armor stands are fully customizable with a gui on right click.
– Ever wish you could teleport around like an Enderman? Well, now you can with an Ender Armor set, just one of the unique armor sets.
– Spawners can be harvested with a silk touch pick.
– Emotes.
– Economy (mob killing) and server shop.
– Mythic Drops
– Creative World.
– Player shops
– Vote Crates
– Custom Enchants
Make friends or enemies, build, survive, and have fun.
Be considerate with caps locks, harassment, and spamming. Excessive use of swear words and insults may result in punishment and ban.


Active Ander Ass Bal Ball Class Com Craft Date Erver Hide Hide and Seek Hun Hunt Nen One Pain Paint Paintball Pie Pro Prophunt Pvp Raft Seek Server Survival Multiplayer Ten Ter Zombie


ist ein PvP Server, in dem ihr in Fraktionen gegeneinander, oder miteinander Spielen könnt!

Jedoch könnt ihr auch Spiele spielen wie zum Beispiel Paintball, Trouble in LC, Zombie Apokalypse und Prophunt. (Hide and Seek)

Daten zum Server unter !

Active Ass Class Com Craft Erver Game Host Ill Inecraft Join King Lit Lite Looking Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Ming Mod Mods Normal Ops People Play Plugin Plugins Red Server Soon Speak Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Welcome

ReeferCraft (EU) 24/7

Sick and Rired of all the wacky Minecraft Mods and Plugins? Just wanna play on a normal Minecraft game?
You are very welcome to join us.
Elites of InvDev

TeamSpeak3 coming soon.

Will White-List First 10 people. (8 out of 10)
Looking for Ops. (0 out 3)

You are very welcome to join our humble server.
Working 24/7 hosted via

600 Ass Class Craft Date Dates Death Deathmatch Eat End Erver Game Gen Geo Join Kor Match Mine Mini Nen Open Play Pvp Raft Server Style Tes Tok Update Updates


Kom gezellig spelen op TokehCraft. De server is sinds 27 augustus openbaar geopend.

Op TokehCraft kun je een unieke PvP mini-game spelen: Deathmatch. Binnenkort volgen er updates.

Nieuwsgierig naar de unieke mini-game? Join dan nu 🙂


Active Ass Awesome Bat Battle Blo Block Class Craft Custom Day Erver Eso Game Games King Mcp Plugin Raft Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Spleef Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer This Tom Tower Towers


This server is awesome! from Skyblock to survival games to spleef, we have it all! every day at around 5PM EST we have a game of Battle Towers and we are even making a custom plugin for it!

Active Ask Class Com Donator Erver Fast Fun Game Games Has High Join Medieval Mini Minigame Minigames Need People Play Player Players Pro Rank Ranks Real Server Style Survival Multiplayer This Town Towny Trust Website World

Forever Eternity

Come and join! We need you! The more players we have, the faster we grow. So come on and at least view the server. Its really fun. We are a medieval styled server, with medieval styled ranks. You may purchase donator ranks on our website, or rank up by gaining trust from one of the higher ranks. We do not allow for people to ask for ranks, for this is annoying and really bothersome. Like mentioned before, we run Towny and are in progress of getting a minigames world. So come and join us! We have a lot to offer.

9.2 Ass Class Craft Erver Follow Noop One Open Ops Raft Rich Server Shop Shops Sit Site Style Umc


Kom gezellig naar onze server. Shops, en nog veel meer ) LET NIET OP HET BERICHT PHSYING VAN DE SITE. HET KOMT DOOR HET DONEER SYSTEEM.


Active Best Class Craft Creative Donate Donation Experience Fac Faction Factions Game Games Great Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Mini Games Nation Perks Prison Pvp Rank Ranks Server Servers Sky Skyblock Spleef Store Survival Survival Games War Wars World Youtube Zombies

WoodyCraft is the premiere Minecraft experience. Also the server! We offer several servers including…

– Factions Servers
World’s Greatest Prison Server
– Skyblock Servers
Survival Servers
– Creative Server
– KitPVP Server
– Survival Games Servers
– Blocks vs Zombies Server
– Sky Wars Servers
– Pizza Spleef+
– Speed Run

Donate at Our donation ranks give you perks across ALL of our servers! We offer so many games and so many more are coming that WoodyCraft is one of the best deals in all of MineCraft.

Ace Active America American Ass Ban Bukkit Class Dio End Ios Isa Kit Lag No PvP One Plane Planet Plot Plotworld Pro Proteccion Pvp Ram Rps Rvival Shop Spawn Survival Survival Multiplayer Tienda Two Version Vis War Warp Warps World

Hispano Americanos

Version 1.52 Bukkit. se avisara cuando se hace el cambio para la nueva version.

Incluye plotworld 100% Survival, Shop, Spawn, Warps
zero Lag.
Usuario de de todos los rincones del planeta de habla Hispana.

Insultos a los demas seras baneado de inmediato. No PVP es aceptado.
todos los productos necesarios estan en la tienda /warop shop. Proteccion de casa y territorio por medio de un cubo de Diamantes.

Te esperamos.

Aden Age Ass Ban Class Eng Erver Gen Ijd Ita Ken Land Lmao Nen Server Sol Style Survival Multiplayer Tat Zoe


Ken jij Walibi Holland? En kon je geen genoeg krijgen van het rijden in achtbanen? Maak op deze server jou vervolg in walibi. Alle achtbanen en paden exact nagemaakt. Kom snel een bezoek brengen. SOLLICITATIES VOOR MEDEWERKER ZIJN NOG MOGELIJK.


8.2 Active Ass Class Com Craft Crafter Eat Erver Full Give Good Great Grief Griefing Help Hey Ice Lone Mega Nice One Owner Pva Pvp Raft Raid Raiding Server Staff Stuff Survival Multiplayer Taff Ter This Youtube


This is a very good server in my opinion! This server is a Pvp/Raiding and Griefing! Nice staff there very help full and if your good enough they might even give u stuff too!
owners channel=
Co_Owners channel=

Active Arena Best Block Build Building Buildings Bukkit Class Craft Creative Custom Game Games Home Ill Inecraft Kill Kit Mad Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mob Mobs Money Parkour Play Plugin Plugins Raid Raiding Server Sky Skyblock Spleef Survival Multiplayer

Dat Craft

Dat Craft ~ Minecraft Server!

This is a Minecraft Bukkit Server that will blow your mind. You can do Spleef, Minigames, Creative, Parkour, Mob Arena, Kill mobs for money, and even Skyblock. With it’s custom made Skyblock schematics it’s a must play server! Dat Craft has over 40+ plugins all configured to ‘almost’ perfection. You can do anything from raiding someones home to creating the best buildings in Minecraft. So if you’re bored enough, come play Dat Craft @!

Action Awesome Build Builds Buycraft Class Com Craft End Erver Fac Faction Factions Friends Game Games Hunger Hunger Games Inecraft Mca Mine Minecraft Miners Mini Minigame Minigames Network New Noop Open Owner Prison Ring Server Style This Welcome

Estersia Network

Welcome to Estersia Network…

In this server you can find Factions, Prison, Hunger Games, Minigames..

The server owners Trickel1 and Minersoup101 brings you an awesome new server with many builds.

Be sure to check it out and tell about it to your minecraft friends.


170 Action Actions Active Amazing Arena Ass Class Com Day Fac Faction Factions Join Land Mine Minez Mob Mob Arena Survival Multiplayer Today


join minezland today! it’s so amazing, with factions, mob arena and more! so come on over! today! right now!

Active Admin Ass Class Com Craft Dcraft Donate End Enjin Erver Forum Home Join Legend Lin Link Lit Little Need New Open Play Please Pretty Raft Ree Server Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff This Welcome


Hello! This server is open 24/7.
We also have a netside there you can reed little about us.
And we need staff, cuz it’s a pretty new server. You wanna admin? Then press this link:
You can also donate. That you find at the netside! Please join! All are welcome! See ya!

Active Ass Awesome Big Class Cloud Com Community Day Donate Eco Economy End Enjoy Erver Free Friendly Great Help Ill Join Lag Land Mini Games Need Plugin Plugins Riendly Rvival Server Smooth Spawn Survival Tale This Who


Survival server with many awesome plugins a great spawn and a friendly community.
We hope that many who join our server will enjoy the true talent within the server as it grows to become smoother and lag free. We need your help to allow this server to grow and get bigger! Donate Today! So we can help the server!!

Active Admin Ask Ass Beta Class Com Elo Erver Has Help Ill Kill Killing Kit Kitpvp Kits Life Lord Ming Need Old One Owner Pvp Quest Real Server Soon Staff Suggestions Survival Multiplayer Trail Trailer Website Welcome

RealPVP I KitPvP

Hello, and welcome to RealPvP server. your goal is killing how many pepols you can. when you killing pepols you getting an golden apple to refil your life.

Staff list:
yotamN2 – Owner
NevoLord1 – Admin
ielov6 – Admin
alonshay – Helper & Poster

* I’d want to say that alonshay, is not the owner, just the poster

* If you need any help or want to ask questin, ask one of the staff.

* Right now the server on beta so be sure to check if the server ip has changed or the port changed.

* We do really appreciate kits suggestions.

* Server Trailer & website coming soon…

Active Ages Arena Arenas Clan Clans Class Combat Essentials Fac Faction Factions Great Guild Guilds Hack Hacks Join King Leveling Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobarena Monsters Online Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Rewards Rpg Server Survival Multiplayer War Who


BlazePVP is looking for members of all ages who are active, looking for a great experience of a cared for server to join, and one that is online 24/7!

Main Plugins:
Factions (Clans/Guilds)
MCMMO (RPG Skill Leveling)
NoCheatPlus (Blocks Hacks)
CombatLog (No logging while fighting.)
Essentials (Main commands.)
HealthBar (See players and monsters health.)
MobArena (Fight monsters in specific arenas and get rewards.)

Server Specs:
– 32 GBs OF RAM!
– Quad Xeon E3-1245v2 Processor
– Raid 1 SSDs

Active Blood Build Chest Chestshop Choptree Clan Clans Class Empire Head Heads Horde Land Lands Lockette Mod Monsters Offline Play Player Playerheads Players Plugin Plugins Pro Protection Pvp Rey Shop Simple Stones Survival Multiplayer Survive Thirst Tree War World

The Greylands

Survive, Thrive, Dominate
Survive in an unforgiving world of vicious monsters and bloodthirsty players.
Thrive, build your empire, horde your riches.
Dominate your peers.

Offline Mode so that everyone may play.
Plugins: Simple Clans, PvPReward, Playerheads, ProtectionStones, Choptree2, Chestshop, Lockette, Reporter

Active Ban Bank Class Com Communities Conomy Craft Currency Die Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect End Exp Experience Fun Good Ill Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Old One Play Plugin Plugins Pro Road Rvival Survival Survival Multiplayer Unique Vanilla Virtual


Here at Amigocraft, we offer a genuine vanilla survival experience, plus a few goodies. We boast a broad selection of plugins, including one of our very own, GoldBank, which provides users with a unique economy separated from those with virtual currency. Join today, and become part of one of the friendliest and most fun communities in Minecraft.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and mc Server List Cracked. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!