Block Build Chat Class Cool Creative Dance Discord Eco End Fun Game Gui Hangout Hate Help Host Ill Join Make Minigames Need Noop Open Play Player Players Pro Quality Reset Server Staff Survival Time Title

i need your help, ill make whatever type of server/game you want

I’ve paid for a host

I’ll make whatever server players want

I need staff and recommendations

If you’re cool and seem to know what you’re doing I’ll op you and you can help me set it up

I need players as well to help me decide what to make the server

It’s not my first time but I still need lots of help (i know pex and how to set up most things I just need general guidance)

Please join to either help out or play while I set this up

You can also just do regular survival while I do this or you can stay to chat with me

I won’t reset your stuff so you can do whatever you want

you can join to hangout if you want

also I’ll give you creative to build if you want
discord if u want to join

my discord username: yuhkms#0753

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Ass Auction Base Based Better Class Donate End Erver Forge Full Fullpvp Kit Kits Mcserver Mob Mobs Mon Money Need One Pvp Rvival Server Shop Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Ter This Vote Way


Full PvP is based fully on PvP. There are no mobs or any survival involved. To get better kits you need to donate this way you can get better kits.

Don’t forget to Vote for us, this way you get money that you can spend at the shop or in an auction :D!

Active Ass Awesome Class Erver Eso Has Lmao Plugin Plugins Pvp Rvival Server Slots Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Taff


THOUS SURVIVAL is a PVP server. Its is 24/7 and has 30 slots with awesome staff and plugins.

Ass Bucket Class Com Craft Cut Cute Host Hot Lin Link Lmao Media New Raft Style Survival Multiplayer Use


“” (Link:


Action Active Arena Balance Balanced Bar Base Based Broke Class Custom Eco Econ Econom Economy Enviro Environment Fac Faction Factions Ice Join Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobarena Obsidian Play Player Players Pvp Raid Raiding Shop Soup Survival Tnt

Prime Raid

Prime Raid PVP strives to offer players an entirely faction and PVP based environment.

Plug-Ins Include:
ObsidianBreak (Obsidian Bases can be broken with TNT)

Custom Shop prices to offer players a balanced economy!

Join the raid today!


Bruh Bruhcraft Crates Creative Custom Customenchantments Customenchants Customterrain Customterrains Kitpvp Mcmmo Survival Terraingeneration Votecrates Voterewards

The Bruh Club

============= Join The Bruh Club! =============

The Bruh Club offers a great friendly community, we offer various servers on our network.

VERSION INFO: 1.8 – 1.15.2


— Survival —
>> Custom Terrain
>> McMMO
>> Custom Enchants
>> Auction House
>> Jobs
>> Crates
>> 20k x 20k

— Creative —

— KitPvP —

Active Class Craft Fac Faction Factions Free Game Games Gaming Hub Hunger Games Join Kit Kitpvp Lag Mine Minecraft Need Network New Play Player Players Professional Pvp Raid Raids Server Sky Skyblock Smp Super Survival Survival Multiplayer Tech Top War Website

New MC Server

LockedCraft is a professionally ran Minecraft server network. We provide a lag free, top of the line gaming experience to Minecraft players. Join us today and visit our website at

Hub Server IP: MC-SMP.COM

We offer many different types of gameplay to fit the needs of practically any Minecraft player.

> Survival
> Factions PvP
> Skyblock
> Hunger Games
> KitPvP
> Skyblock Warriors
> Super Craft Bros

We are always expanding.

Awesome Build Building Claim Class Craft Creative CTF Easy End Fac Faction Factions Friendly Friends Games Grief Home Huge Hunger Games Mature Mine Minecraft Open Parkour Play Player Plot Plots Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Simple Spawn Staff Survival World

Guild Of Minecrafters

Guild of Minecrafters

Creative , survival, hunger games, parkour, factions, we have it all.

With 8 worlds, Our server has tons of awesome plugins,yet is so easy to use.

We made our server so everything is simple, and every player feel like a VIP.

You will spawn in the portal zone, where every dream is made possible.

want to make an epic base and PvP with friends, just wandr around and the world is yours.

want to build in a HUGE creative plots, and then claim another one and just keep on building forever?

Our worlds are 100% protected against grief. Our staff is friendly and most of all, mature and respectful.

We are opened to anyone, but do not allow rudery and bullying. Everyone can feel at home in the

Guild of minecrafters.

IP :


Ace Allowed Auction Ban Beta Cheat Class Community Donor Enjin Event Experience Fac Faction Factions Game Gaming Good Ill Join Land Mpet Noop Open Pet Play Plugin Plugins Pro Raid Rules Server Shop Shops Stable Staff

League Of Factions

Ever wanted to play a stable factions server?

Well then League of Factions is the place to be at. We are proud to say we have a limited buy, and sell shop. Donors are allowed to start a auction, but anyone is allowed to bid. We are open to any suggestions provided by the community. We do encourage our members to raid each other. We are also planing on starting the “league” or a competion between factions and the faction that does win will get in-game bonuses.

We have a good amount of plugins to prevent cheaters, and to give extra spice to the gaming experience. We are still in beta phase so any bugs you find please do report to a staff member.

As of now there are no rules, but please do not cheat. We have tools that enables us to find cheaters, and you will be banned if we feel we have enough evidence to back it up.

To join please use the ip: Factions.Land


Action Active Age Ark Class Craft Create Dark Dragon Dragons Drop End Erver Fac Faction Factions Fly Has Head Heads Hero Herobrine Ill King Lit Money Ops Play Player Players Server Shop Shops Survival Multiplayer This


We are a Factions server that I am sure you are thinking is the average Factions server right? You know, heads drop, there is money, shops, bla bla bla, right? NOPE! You can fly on dragons! Also… Legend has it that when this server was created a glitch happened where the evil of Herobrine slipped in. Now, Herobrine will attack players and mess with them… You will awake to white eyes in the dark….

Amazing Ass Beast Build Builds Class Dutch East Eat Eng Erver Feed Follow Great Has King Lag List Looking Mod Modpack New Newworld Noop Open Pack Server Serverlist Style Survival Multiplayer Tps World

Nerf The Dutch

Nerf The Dutch is a new server on Feed the Beast with the amazing looking ModPack NewWorld.

The server has a great server engine with no lagg.


Active Allowed Arena Build Class Community Craft Creative Donation Donor End Fresh Fun Great Help Ill Kill Large Magic Mob Mobs Mod Nation Nice Open Perks Pet Premium Pvp Server Servers Simple Skills Spleef Survival Multiplayer Wilderness World


Bravo Craft is a nice way to get out of all the chaos of all other servers, and just have fun. If you are tired of people messing with you, Prove your dominance with the PvP that you can have in the wilderness. If you just feel like freshening up your skills, your are welcome to a large variety of activities that will help you do so. For example, there is spleef that will help you with your coordination, and reflexes; there is also a Mob arena that will teach you how to fend yourself off from mobs.
If you feel that you want more, you are welcome to a large variety of perks that you can unlock by a simple donation that not only helps you, but it helps the community thrive and the server run. You can choose from three donation choices
VIP ($5)
VIP+ ($10)
Premium ($20)
All these have great perks, and if you upgrade all the way up to premium, you will be allowed access to Magic Carpet, Mob diguise, and a Private world that you and other donors above VIP will be able to build on with Creative mode! We are pround to announce the opening of the server, and hope you all enjoy.

Active Arena Build Capture Claim Creative CTF Custom End Faction Factions Flag Free Fun Kitpvp Land Mini Games Mod Need Plots Protection Pvp Raiding Server Servers Shop Sky Skywars Spawn Store Survival Survive Unique War Wars Website Who Wns


Experience great PvP and fun gamemodes on our servers with insta-joins. We also custom code many of our gamemodes, so you get a unique experience. How about you try us out!

Once you join SkyWars you will be placed in an arena, and a game counter will countdown, once the game begins you will be dropped on your island, and once you are dropped you are free to do what ever you want, but your goal is to eliminate your foes with your limited items. Make sure to check out our websites.
SkyWars is your chance at survival on an island against other people… Who will survive? You or them?

Once you join, you are assigned a team, and your goal is to capture the flag while also trying to bring down your enemies defences. First team to a score of 100, wins the game. Every capture and kill awards points for personal weapon and armor upgrades, from a shop… Type /upgrade to view and purchase upgrades.

When you join, you will be in our spawn, and you will need to navigate out, and build your empire. Make sure to build you empire with protection, as wars can happen at any time and any day. So be prepared, for wars. Beware, there is no chest protection, but there are enderchests which can be used to store valuables.

Once you join, you will be in our spawn, and inorder to claim a plot of land you can type /p auto or you can enter an empty plot and type /p claim. To view who owns a plot, step into the plot and type /p info. All plots are 64 X 64 to build whatever your heart desires.


Action Block Class Com Community Creative Ect Fac Faction Factions Features Forums Game Games Hunger Hungergames Mall Mini Mini Games Noop Open Play Player Players Plot Plots Plotworld Pro Project Rvival Sky Skyblock Small Style Survival Two Who World


?? Project-17 ??
Forums –
Who are we?
– We are a small community, built around the players.
– Creative-Plots
– Factions
– SkyBlock
– Mini-Games
– PlotWorld
– Survival
– Hungergames


Active Block Class Com Craft Date Eco Econ Econom Economy Enviro Environment Erver Fun Grid Make Mini Games Network Ops Play Player Players Pve Raiding Server Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Skygrid Staff Style Sura Traditional Update Updated

OzoneCraft Network

SkyBlock || SkyGrid

Traditional style skyblock and skygrid!! Updated with MC 1.10 well trained staff maintains a pleasurable environment. Thriving economy with player run shops!! We make every effort to make the server fun for all players.

Ace Class Crack Cracked Fac Faction Factions Forge Fun Game Games Has Ill Join Kit Kitpvp Mad Mean Mine Minigame Minigames New Nice Noop Open Owner Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Premium Pvp Safe Server Staff Survival


MineBlox is a server made for players to have fun whether they are premium or cracked users. The server has survival w/ factions, kitpvp, and as well as a few minigames too. There are tons and tons of plugins to make the server a fun and safe place to play in. The server owner is your truly, Shahblox. With other staff like, dwg600, 121c1naro1, Legoboy31, Mossy_Oak1, and more. Theyre such nice people. Though the server is new, it is still fun to play in, and means the server can get better and better. So dont forget to join and check the server out. 😀


Active Age Ass Basic Blo Block Class Com Courage Craft Enjoy Erver Game Gameplay High Ill Kill Make Oce Ocean One Open Play Pvp Raid Raiding Rules Server Sky Skyblock Staff Style Survival Multiplayer Time Train World

Ozonecraft Ocean PvP

Skyblock style gameplay with a twist. Raid and kill your neighbors on the high seas. We make sure you enjoy your time on our server by having well trained staff and basic rules but encourage open world pvp and raiding! Come play with us!!!

Ass Class Craft End Erver Gen Ijd Lmao Mob Mobs Pve Raft Server Style Survival Multiplayer

Spruce Wood Craft PVE

Een leuke en klassieke PVE server. ontmoet hier uw nieuwe vrienden en ga samen de strijd aan tegen mobs.
Dit is een vrij nieuwe server.


Action Actions Active Ass Class Com Craft Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Help Inecraft List Mine Minecraft Play Player Players Port Pvp Raft Raiding Run Server Ten Vote Voting Vulcan

Vulcan PvP

We are a Factions PvP server

We run Minecraft 1.6.2

We feel its important to listen to what the players have to say!

You can type /f help and /vote for Factions and voting.

See you on Vulcan PvP fellow player!

Active Anarchy Arena Arenas Class Community Craft Custom End Fac Faction Factions Grief Griefing Hub Join King Kingdom Kingdoms Network Networks Npc Play Plugin Portal Portals Pvp Quest Quests Raid Raiding Rpg Server Servers Survival Survival Multiplayer Texture War Who

Ender Networks

Welcome to Ender Networks!
Owners : AfroChikken , Black_Frid4y

Ender Networks is an action packed server, running 4 different servers inside it. The servers are Mystic Kingdoms, Obsidian Realms, Criminal Craft and a War Server. These servers have there own categories ranging from Pvp/Survival, RPG, Anarchy (Griefing and Raiding) and War. The war server has a custom built plugin, made by AfroChikken and texture pack made by Black_Frid4y.

When you join the server, you will join into a hub server, then, you will see portals, leading to these 4 different servers. Choose which server you would like to play, then simply walk through the portal!

Obsidian Realms : PVP/Surival Server, with Factions, PVP Arenas and an Amusement Park!

Mystic Kingdoms : RPG Server, with NPC’s who interact with you and many quests to complete!

Criminal Craft : Anarchy Server, with griefing and raiding.

War Server : War Server, with a custom built plugin and texture pack.

So come and join our community!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Multiplayer Servers Cracked. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!