Action Actions Art Ass Block Class Com Community Ect Erver Exp Experience Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Features Fun Good Ill King Lin List Mad Make Mall Play Server Small Star Start Suggestions Title

BRP Factions

We are a small community that started from FiveM and have now made a server in factions! We want to be a good server of factions for all to play! We are still working on as many features and possible to make the play experience fun for you and are willing to listen to suggestions!

18pvp 18x Ass Block Build Builder Builders Class Com Ect End Erver Free Friends Fun Hangout Join King Kit Kitpvp Looking Lookingforstaff Lookingstaff Mod Moderator Moderators Pvp Rat Real Ree Riends Server Servers Staff Title


BlaseePvP is a fun KITPVP server where you can hangout with friends and pvp, we are courrently looking for BUILDERS and Moderators so if you are intrested into being a staff member, join the server!


I hope i see you there!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

247uptime Adventure Casinos Claim Community Craft Creative Discord Events Friendly Fun Gamemode Games Homes Kits Landclaim Mature Minecraft Minigames Modded Modpacks Mods Multiplayer Npcs Objectives Online Optional Pets Pvp Quests Roleplay Rpg Server Social Survival Tpa Vanilla Vital Vitalcraft Whistlestop

Gearhex MC (1.12 – 1.15.2)

Gearhex MC Welcome to
Gearhex MC 1.12 – 1.15.2
1.15.2 Support
EggHunt: Find all the hidden eggs around the Hub!

Gearhex MC (formerly Vitalcraft) is a unique, small and friendly 24/7 community Minecraft: Java Edition server network with Survival, Creative and Modded, featuring great plugins and features to make your experience the best it could possibly be! Join us! Connect now:

Looking for a quiet friendly place to play? Gearhex MC is the server to be!
Community, Survival, Economy, Teleportation, Player Homes, Shops, Creative, Modded Minecraft, Adventure Modes, Locking and protection, Random TP, Parkour and many more!

When you first log in to our server, use the NAVIGATOR compass on your hotbar or /nav to choose which gamemode you want to play. Information on how to play will be provided to you around the server or on our website. Be sure to make yourself aware of the /rules before you play! OUR TEAM:
The Admins work hard and do their very best to ensure all players have the greatest user experience ever! We hope that you can find a home here at Gearhex MC.
We are always looking for mature, well mannered and active players to join our staff team. TECHNICAL DETAILS:
Our Minecraft server network consists of 300 slots in total across 5 servers. Powered by a dedicated machine featuring 64 GB RAM, SSD storage and a powerful server-grade processor for the best experience.

For more information, voting, support, and our Donation Store, visit our website at : our Discord and chat with us! Invitelink: or

Thank you for being part of our ever-growing community!

Copyright © Gearhex 2020
‘Minecraft’ is a trademark of Mojang Synergies AB.

Allowed Anarchy Anarchypvp Class Create Discord End Hack Hacks Help Home King Lag New Open Paper Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Rol Server Servers Sethome Small Spawn Spigot Staff Team Title Tpa Vanilla Vote Voting War

AnarchyPvP 1.12.2-1.15 [Anarchy] [Hacks] [Semi-Vanilla] [PvP]

[​AnarchyPvP] (1.12.2-1.15) (Semi-Vanilla)

Server IP:


AnarchyPvP is a fresh semi-vanilla anarchy server running paper spigot 1.12.2 that has minimal plugins that allow you to have a semi-vanilla taste to it, as well as a few extra commands most anarchy servers do not allow like /tpa and /sethome.Players can also vote for a small reward 4 Cooked Chicken and 16 EXP bottles for each site. We may end up tweaking this in the future for top voters to receive a little more for voting.

I have pretty much created a server I would enjoy playing hoping that maybe other players would enjoy playing it aswell. If your looking for a fresh Anarchy server to play and take over well this server may be for you! The server will have a small staff team to help control server issues and handle and issues that arrise. Staff may help with questions about the server, rules, or any issues you may run into. No staff members are allowed to spawn in items, tp players, or intervene with server directly.

Server Rules:
1. No attacking the server. (Lag Machines, Back Dooring, Ddos)
2. No racial slurs, racist structures, or doxxing any personal info.

Anarchy Cities City Claim Claims Creative Discord Earth Eco Economy End Games Hungergames Job Jobs Lands Map Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Need Open Play Player Plots Roleplay Server Shop Shops Sky Skywars Staff Survival Title Town Towny Vault War Wars

RSpillMC: Earth/Survival/Towny/Jobs/McMMO/Creative/Anarchy

Stop and please read cause I know you’ll really enjoy this server!

RSpillMC is an Earth based server with all Major US cities.

With McMMO, SkyWars, Towny, HungerGames and many more the opportunities are endless.

We have a great economy system where player can buy houses or land to either live on or instead sell/rent to other players for a profit return.

If you’re looking for a little extra income just play one of our many mini games for cash prizes.

Each major city has 2 residential areas one full of houses and the other full of plots of land that you can buy.

If you want to play regular survival you can do /survival and join one of our survival worlds where you can claim lands and share claims with your friends. Need more land? You can just buy more! or keep playing to unlock the ability to claim more land.


Join our Discord!
To sum it up:

The Map is of the entire earth.
Every major city will be in place (starting with US)
Each city will contain a different mini gamer
There will be neighborhoods with different houses that you can buy, or buy land
There will be a section just for free survival
You can buy land and rent to others
Shops will be located in cities.

Admin Anything Ass Better Block Class Com Current Ect Erver Event Events Free Ice Ill Kill King Kit Kits List Nowhere One Plugin Practice Pvp Ree Server Skills Talk Ter This Title Whitelist

Nowhere Better

You can practice your PvP skills in this server. There are only free kits and you get to choose if you want to be in a session with someone matching your kit or someone with any other kit.
We also have events every week where you can win kits for PvP.

We are currently working on a plugin for the PvP server.
If there is anything you would like to talk about with the admin, contact him at “[email protected]” to be added to the whitelist.

Abilities Advanced Adventure Bees Build Buzzy Community Create Creativity Custom Customenchants Dedicated Difficulty Discord Enchant Extra Farm Farming Gameplay Harvest Honey Lgbt Lgbtq New Normal Orkenus Parkour Protect Randomtp Rtp Safe Small Smallcommunity Smp Spawn Survival Teleport Tutorial Unique Youtube

Orkenus | Minecraft 1.15.2

Welcome to Orkenus!

We are a growing survival Minecraft server that offers unique gameplay from simple quality-of-life improvements like teleporting leaded animals alongside you, to abilities to level up!
Orkenus is a safe space, so as long as you treat others with respect, you will be presented with such.
Getting started is simple, and enjoying your time on Orkenus is mindless due to the many possibilities to create new friends. Through services like our Discord server, you can build bonds that last.

Our key features are:

  • New enchantments to spice up gameplay!
  • Buy and sell items in the Market to get rich!
  • Claim your builds and expand your area with Lands!
  • More advancements with: BlazeandCave’s Advancement Pack
  • Easy crop-harvesting simple by right-clicking with a hoe!
  • Easily transport your animals by teleporting while they’re on a lead!
  • And many, many more!
  • Join Orkenus today to create new relationships and create works of creativity!

    116server 20w20b Allowed Block Cheat Class Difficulty Discord Grief Griefing Hack Hacked Hard Hot Ill Latest Mod Modified Nether Netherupdate New Nolag Noop Online Open Pvp Server Snapshot Spawn Stealing Survival Tea Title Update Updated Vanilla World

    1.16 Survival 100% Vanilla (20w21a)

    A vanilla survival server running on the new 20w21a snapshot.

    PVP is not allowed at spawn.
    Griefing/stealing is allowed.
    Modified/hacked clients or any other form of cheating is NOT allowed.

    Difficulty is set to hard.
    The world border is set at 30mil
    Online 24/7.

    The server will be regularly updated to the latest snapshot.

    Our discord:

    1152server Bee Block Class Community Creative Custom Discord Eco Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Fun Great Growing Help Ill Minecraft Mod Mods Multiplayer Need Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Professional Protection Pvp Server Staff Survival Title Vanilla


    Professional And Custom Built by ApexHosting // Factions + Custom Mods // 1.15.2

    We’ve had our own custom and professional built Factions server with the help and support of ApexHosting.
    Our goal is to just generally play vanilla, but our custom plugins allow each players creativeness to harness itself.

    We hope to be a growing community with a great player basis.

    Right now we are in need of players and staff. Players that can bring in more players will ideally have higher chances of becomming staff.

    This server has already been worked on and pre paid a year in advance so theres nothing to worry about.

    Discord will be comming soon!!

    Anything Application Ass Ations Auto Ban Banned Blo Block Cat Class Com Ect Erver Hut Ill Land Mine Minehut Ming Rules Rvival Server Smp Soon Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Title Welcome

    24/7 survival (no rules)

    Welcome. You can do anything. YOU WILL NEVER GET BANNED.
    Staff applications coming soon!

    Bigcity Bounthunter Cars City Cops Crime Customplugins Gangs Guns Huge Hungergames Jobs Minigames Murdermystery Npc Plots Police Roleplay Rpg Shop Survival Town

    Unknownville Roleplay

    Welcome to Unknownville!

    $20,000 Referral Bonus in game! As well as first time join bonus!

    New city! So fresh builds!!

    Explore the huge city, buy plots finished or empty build a house, tower, shop or anything you want!
    pick a job, become a cop arrest criminals or be a criminal and rob the bank! or become a simple farmer!
    Drugs, guns, cars and much more!!
    so many plugins! Mini games!

    Lots more added everyday

    100 Amazing Art Ass Aternos Auto Blo Block Call Class Cobalt Com Cool Eat Ect Erver Fanta Fantastic Great Host Join King Long Make Pls Join Plz Join Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Super Syblock Ter This Title


    SpeedPlaza, Plz join. Pvp and a partially working Skyblock!

    Hello [INSERT_NAME_HERE] You should come check out this amazing super cool great fantastic server, Its called SpeedPlaza!!!!!

    Plz Join!Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join!Plz Join!Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join!Plz Join!Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join!Plz Join!Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join! Plz Join!Plz Join!

    I had to make the description at least 100 charecters long 😛

    Also, Plz join?

    Incase u didnt see, Plz join?

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Awesome Backpack Backpacks Class Crates Custom Death Discord Eco Econ Economy Enchants Epic Game Guishop Item Job Jobs Keys Leaderboards Mcmmo Mining Mmo Money Open Perks Pets Pvp Rank Ranks Server Shop Shopgui Store Survival Survive Title Vote Voting


    Welcome to MCKIUKIS

    We are a Survival server , economy based with Ranks, McMMo, Levels, Jobs, GUIShop, Custom Enchants, Challanges, Discord, Pets, BackPack, Crates and more!

    What do we have:
    – Survival: Survive and try to get to the highest rank!

    – Custom Enchants: From PvP Enchants to epic mining enchants!

    – Levels: Ingame levels with awesome perks.

    – Challanges: A wide amount of challanges you can complete.

    – Backpacks: Store your items in a backpack, saved on death.

    – Jobs: Make money with jobs like Mining, Exploring etc..

    – McMMO: Earn exp and get on the leaderboards.

    – Crates: Get vote keys for voting and get lucky from the Lucky keys.

    – ShopGUI: Buy and sell items in a GUI.


    – IP:

    – Discord: Discord Server
    – Store:

    Active Awesome Basic Block Class Community Craft Crates Currency Custom Essentials Features Game Great Mcmmo Mechanics Nolag Ops Plugins Pve Pvp Quest Quests Rank Ranks Rankup Rankups Server Shop Shops Skript Smp Staff Survival Title Votes


    Awesome survival server with in game currency rankups, custom quests, awesome community and great mechanics! We have shops, active staff and awesome features. Come discover the rest yourself!

    1152server 1152survival Active Base Block Bungeecord Class Coop Eco Econ Economy Edm End Friendly Island Join Land Mcmmo Mmo Network Paper Play Player Quest Quests Sellhand Server Shop Sky Skyblock Skyblockserver Skyblocksurvival Survival Title Town Towny

    MystiKraft Network| Towny Survival| Skyblock| 1.15.2|

    Come join the MystiKraft Network!

    Active and friendly playerbase.
    We have:

    mcMMO, Towny Survival with an Economy

    Quests, Island upgrades, co-op

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Abilities Auction Auctions Best Build Builds Community Craft Dedicated End Event Fair Help Job Join Market Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Modified Open Perks Play Player Rights Roleplay Rpg Safe Server Servers Staff Survival Title Town Towny Trade Website

    CedarCraft ** Join Your Community! ** 1.15.2 ** 8 years!

    Welcome to CedarCraft!
    Minecraft IP:

    Welcome to CedarCraft!
    Minecraft IP:

    Running since 2011, CedarCraft has the strongest and friendliest community backed by the most dedicated staff team you’ll find on Minecraft.

    – Take on a job and earn in-game money (Ember) through doing the things you enjoy doing and trade through regular auctions and market stalls.

    – Use your in-game money to climb the CedarCraft hierarchy from peasant to monarch, unlocking many perks along the way!

    – Build by yourself or found a town using Towny and watch it grow into a metropolis!

    – Unlock special abilities to help you in-game with our RPG system, mcMMO

    With thousands of ways to play, why play anywhere else?

    We have multiple ways of keeping your builds safe from others and do our best to prevent players from cheating, making the game as fair as possible.

    We aim to give you the best experience here at CedarCraft, so why not come and try us out? This is not a server you want to miss!

    Game IP:

    Adventure Build Building Challenge Cities Community Create Custom Discord Eco Economy Event Familia Fun Good Hard Home Homes Lore Mod New Normal Online Open Play Player Popular Server Servers Shop Small Story Title Town Trans Unique Website Whitelist Whitelisted

    Pixelmon Obscure Obsidian – LOOKING FOR BUILDERS

    Welcome to the Marden region!

    The Marden region is a popular tourist destination. A lot of people travel to the region, ranging from people who aren’t trainers to people who are powerful trainers from across the globe. Maybe you’re going to be familiar with some of the tourists already?

    You’ve grown up in the small town by the name of Waterlil Lake, which has been thriving due to rich travelers renting vacation homes and yachts to take on the lake. However, due to competition from other cities that are more accessible, the tourism flow into the town has been slowly declining. One of the richer residents had an idea to help with the town’s economy, and that plan involves you starting your Pokémon journey. How will your journey help Waterlil Lake? Are you going to be able to save your small town’s economy?


    Completely new and unique story:

    The server takes place in the Marden region, a new custom region based on tourism, with its own unique story. Explore a brand new place, with a lot of similarities to a new Pokémon game.


    Perhaps, you’ve played through every main game of the series, and at this point, you find the journey too easy? Do not worry! We have someone who’s qualified for the Pokémon World Championships multiple times working on the trainers, making them a good challenge for experienced players! Perhaps that sounds too intimidating to you, and simply want to enjoy the game without having to struggle too much? That is not a problem either, as the trainers’ difficulty can be changed at any time!

    Music system overhaul:

    One of the things that make the Pokémon games so immersive is their use of music. Like other servers have done before, we’ve put music that changes based on which areas you’re in. Each route and town has their own unique theme! However we’re not satisfied with implementing something as good as other servers, so the music system has been pushed even further! Battles are also going to have their own themes, with different themes for trainer and wild battles. You might even see more music transitions that are normally seen in the Pokémon games, but aren’t seen in Pixelmon servers.

    Customization items:

    Have you ever wanted to wear a Ludicolo hat? No? Perhaps you’ve always wanted a Shaymin on your shoulder! Even if you’ve never wanted either, there’s probably something that you’ve always wanted to wear that’s on the server, since with the use of the Armourer’s Workshop mod, we can make just about anything a customizable item! Perhaps there’s something that you really want, but isn’t on the server? Feel free to create it if you’re able to! We’re completely open to taking item submissions from people and giving them access to them!


    The Pokéhelper is one of the useful features that are going to be able to help with your adventure a lot! Since a lot of the features on the server are unique to us, tutorials with how they work are included in it. Other neat functions include information on the different areas, and config options for features unique to the server!

    Player and NPC gyms:

    We believe that player gyms should be given tools to have a good chance to win against most trainers, as being too easy makes it boring for them. However, we also know that you might not be interested in waiting forever for a player leader to be online, or be stuck at Trainer leaders that are too hard in order to progress. To prevent those issues we will have NPC stand-ins available for both difficulties!

    And more!

    We’ve got 2 people experienced with programming working on the server, who are always adding new features to the Marden region’s experience! Perhaps there’s something that you didn’t see on the list that you’d like to have implemented, or maybe something that isn’t in the games yet that might be fun, feel free to suggest it!


    Why can’t I get on the server? It says it’s whitelisted!

    Yes, do not worry. We are currently getting to our closed beta phase, and are now currently looking for beta testers! Feel free to apply for that here:

    Is there any place where I can keep up with updates on the server?

    Yes! We have a discord here: and our website can be found down below. We will be posting weekly progress updates on the server on different things that are being worked on until the server releases.

    Is there any way I can contribute to the server?
    Yes! In several ways! As mentioned in the features section above, we have the Armourer’s Workshop mod on the server, and we’re always more than happy to take submissions from the community to add to the server! On top of that, we’re also looking for people who are able to make skins. We’re interested in having most of our trainer skins being custom, so we’ve got quite a list to tackle, and having people help us with that would be appreciated! If you’re interested, feel free to contact me on discord (JeanMarc#1252) and I’ll be happy to discuss where to go with this!

    If you’re interested in helping with building, you can apply here:

    Class Community Craft Creative Creativeplots Custom Discord End Epic Experience Friendly Game King Kit Kitpvp Kits Map Minecraft Mission Mod Money Network Newserver Noop Open Pay Perks Play Player Players Plot Plots Pvp Rank Ranks Server Survival Title


    GalaxyMSC! – Currently running on [1.8-1.15.2]

    The GalaxyMSC Network is a Eula friendly community with an impressive feature list! We are attempting to grow our playerbase and always listen to player feedback! We have no pay to win All Ranks Have Perms Only such as /nick And other permissions like that as we believe all players should experience the same benefits together, regardless of how Much Money They Have!

    Some GalaxyMSC Features

    constant 20tps
    Survival gamemode (WIP)
    Creative gamemode (Multiple Plots)
    Kitpvp Gamemode Custom Kits/Custom Map
    Custom ranks with epic perks!
    Much much more, too much to List!

    Interested in checking us out? We welcome anybody with open arms to come and try out GalaxyMSC!

    GalaxyMSC IP:
    link: Discord:

    2b2t Anarchy Anarchypvp Anarchysurvival Anything Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Core Craft Ect Erver Hard Hardcore Imple Inecraft Mean Mine Minecraft One Play Rules Rulesfree Server Simp Simple Survival Title Ultra Ultrahardcore Vanilla Welcome


    Welcome to! A simple Minecraft Server with no rules. That means you can’t get punished for anything you do on the server! (Just like 2b2t but without having to wait hours to be able to play.)

    Action Actions Art Ass Auto Bee Beecraft Blo Block Class Craft Ect Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Ill Nam Raft Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Star Start Starting Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Title


    A factions, survival and skyblock server! Still starting up 🙂

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Websites to Make a Minecraft Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!