Active Arena Build Class Craft Create Creative CTF Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Games Hub Kit Map Mine Minecraft Mini Games Money New Parkour Play Player Players Playing Plot Plots Pvp Race Server Shop Sign Sky Skyblock Spleef Survival Top War

Minecraft Finite

Minecraft finite is designed to be a server hub with diffrent options to choose from:

– PVP Style with Factions Survival , – NO POWERLOSS – You keep your base, however chests are accessable by all players.
– PVP Arena – Contains: PRO-Style-PVP, CTF, Skyblockwarz , 3 Kit Arena’s, Spleef Arena, Parkour Race PVP, PitFrenzy PVP
– Fun Games – Toxic Survival map, Dsweny Parkour, Parkour
– Creative Plots

You make money playing and winning games, playtime over all , or selling stuff to the shop in factions.

It sems to be my hobby to build and create new mini-games so this list is always increasing, stop back every now and then to see what is new!!

City Class Community Craft Eco End Explore Flag Fresh Friends FTB Good Great Grief Griefing Help Huge Join King Lag Lit Lore Money New Nice Old Open Play Player Players Server Servers Small Spawn Staff Team Town Towny Who World

Feed The Beast Monster

The PeachCraft Community is proud to present its flagship server FTB Monster.

Its are largest server with a huge player capacity but as its brand new the world is fresh and ready to explore. As always you get the same great benefits of a simply managed server with little server spam, smaller staffing teams and the goal of making sure you enjoy yourself rather than making money.

This server is personally managed by me and I’m looking for players who want to join us in having a laugh with and become good friends. The server has a nice little spawn with towny and lockette installed to help protect you from griefing.

See you soon.
p.s Older players are also welcome, I myself am 21 :)”


Active Ass Class Com Community End Familia Forum Forums Friend Fun King Latest Lin Mall Mini Games Mmu Nation New News Ommunity Parkour Roleplay Small Survival Tes Test


Our community may be small, but we certainly aren’t lacking in friendliness, activity, or fun. Check out our forums to see latest news or get familiar with our members.

Active Adventure Arena Best Chat Community Craft CTF Custom Easy Eco Econ Economy End Friendly Fun Games Kit Lag Mature Mine Minecraft Mob Mobarena Need Online Play Player Plugin Plugins Professional Server Small Staff Survival Multiplayer Unique Update World


MonsterGaming formed it’s foundations from the ashes of it’s former Minecraft community known as Firecraft, brought to you by the original founding member, mrmag518. We have grown into a very sociable and constant growing community comprised of a well rounded player base, consisting of players literally from all around the world. With over 21,000 registered players, we continue to grow by several hundred players, each and every day! We have two years experience in server development and we are and always will be pleased to provide for the community. MonsterGaming features constant and consistent updates, a very professional service and staff team, completely custom plugins to best fit the server, and plenty of other aspects that make us irreplaceable and unique from other severs. We promise to offer you an entertaining, addictive, and long-lasting adventure!

Notable features:
– Friendly & social community, no hatred!
– Smooth chat with mature and friendly staff.
– 24/7 online schedule with 24/7 support.
– No lag, no fps decreasers & online stabilitity.
– Many mini-games to make you have some extra fun when needed! (Tag, CTF, MobArena etc)
– Multiple easy methods to protect your belongings.
– Stable economy. Economy is a big part of the server.
– Small starting kit containg a couple wooden tools and small portion of food to get you started!
– Custom coded plugins which are made to fit the server perfectly.

Join now,

Chest Class Craft Creative End Enjoy Friendly Game Games Home Homes Inecraft Invite Join Lockette Mine Minecraft Online Pig Play Playing Plugin Plugins Pro Protect Protection Pvp Riendly Server Spigot Stones Survival Tail Time Uptime Version


24/7 – 99% uptime

We are a friendly minecraft server that invites you to join us and enjoy playing survival, creative and OP PvP. 24/7 99% Uptime Running Spigot Version 1.9

We have various plugins installed on the server you can protect your homes with protection stones and lock your chests with lockette.

Server Details:

Server IP :

Online 24/7 99% Uptime Running Spigot Version 1.9


Active Ass Class Craft Erver Ill Kill Killa Lmao Pro Problems Raft Roble Server Survival Multiplayer


We are having problems with server but we will fix them.

Active Admin Arena Ban Build Claim Class Create Creative Dedicated End Fac Faction Factions Free Friendly Friends Help Ill Lag Land Map Mob Mobarena Mod Plot Raid Rules Server Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Survive Team Top War Website World

Powerful Lag Free Server!
64GB of RAM and 200MB/s Connection
Powered by SSD Drives

Survival worlds – Will you be able to survive and climb your way to the top?
Creative world – Feeling creative? Claim a plot and build to your hearts content!

Mobarena – We have a world dedicated to Mobarena. We have 7 carefully constructed and configured maps so you can immerse yourself in the experience.

Factions – Our server allows you to create factions with your friends, claim land and war with other factions!

Friendly staff – Our staff are all about care and consideration. Do not be afraid to contact any one in the Admin, Mod, or Helper team.

Server Rules:
All rules are located at

Action Active Cat Class Com Community Craft Creative Dedi Dedicated Eco Econ Econom Economie End Erver Fac Faction Factions Ill Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Lit Mine Minecraft Network Pvp Ring Rvival Server Servers Staff Survival Tea Team Website


TaylorCraft is a network of dedicated Minecraft servers; creative, survival, factions and kitPvP. With a fantastic staff team which will aid your travels throughout the servers and assist with any issues you witness occurring. Each of our servers have endless possibilities for things that can be done and have strong, thriving economies and a strong community.





Main IP

Active Alpha Ass Class Com Cops Craft Erver Game Games Hide Hide and Seek Ideo Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Mini Games Ops Play Player Players Robbers Run Seek Server Survival Multiplayer This Tnt Tntrun Video Youtube Youtuber Youtubers

Cops And Robbers Minecraft Server

This is a mini games server as seen on many youtubers minecraft videos. This server allows all players to play Cops And Robbers, TNTRun, Hide and seek and much more.

Ass Class Com Community Content Craft Eco Econ Enjin Erver Follow Ill Inecraft List Mine Minecraft Ming Mmu New Noop Ommunity Open Raft Ran Server Sit Site Stuff Style Suggestions Survival Multiplayer Ten Vote Website


EconialCraft is a new Minecraft server that will be ran by the community.
You will be able to vote for up coming content and other stuff.
You will be listened if you have suggestions on what to add to the server or the website.


200 Active Asia Ass Class Com Esp Man Mana Mine Nen New Neworld One Servidor Slots Sol Solo Sub Survival Multiplayer Tes World


Este servidor tiene demasiados componentes para nombrarlo, lamentablemente solo tiene 20 slots pero en 2 semanas subirán a unos 200.


Battle Build Building Buildings Chest Class Community Essentials Event Fac Faction Factions Free Grief Griefprevention Head Heads House Ill Item Items Market Need Nice Play Player Players Prevention Pro Protection Pvp Rank Region Safe Server Small Sword World

[1.8.1] BuildPvP | Free items.

BuildPvP is a smaller server with an excellent community.
We give all of our players the items they need to build their architectural masterpieces and foreboding forts,
along with the world class, intuitive region protection to keep them safe, thanks to GriefPrevention.
If youre more of the gladiator type, the free battle armor and swords will be sure to keep you
busy collecting the heads of your defeated opponents.

You can even rank up to unlock a market with almost every item in it, all for free. All you have to do is build
a nice beginner house and protect it.

We have all of this for even the noobiest of players:
Unlimited free items
GriefPrevention (protects buildings and chests)
So come check us out.


Active Build Chestshop City Create Creative Dynmap Eco Economy End Fly Fun Hub Hunger Games Lwc Map Market Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs Nether Network New Play Player Plots Plugin Plugins Rol Server Shop Skyblock Survival Survive Town Towns Votifier Website


Get easy access to all of our server though the main hub portals. Go from Survival to skyblock in a matter of seconds so you can maximize your production and fun through the Minecraft Universe.
Towns – Come join and establish your own town today! Certification includes region protection and a Governor Rank including adding 2 Mayors to be your assistant of you town in creating plots and setting up signs using Simple Region Market.
Economy – Various things you’re able to do with money in-game, setting up a Chest Shop in the Market Town, Killing Mobs and owning a town and collecting money from players who buy plots.
mcMMO – Join in on the fun with a widely ranged MCMMO setup across multiple worlds. Rank up your mining, tree chopping, and fishing all without even lifting a finger.
Additional Worlds – You have access to Mineworld, Nether and The End. All these worlds re-gen the 1st of the Month for new ores/materials to be obtained.
List of some of our plugins: Craftconomy, Votifier, mcMMO, LWC, MondoChest, ecoCreature, Dynmap, CraftBook, ChestShop, SimpleRegionMarket
Survive on your own private island solo or with friends in the all new Skyblock World! You spawn on an island in the sky with limited (but enough) resources and must expand your island to become an empire. Enjoy hours of play time as you become lost in the ever lasting skyworld.
Create your own 128×128 creative plot to build your dreams! Get full access to your plot, it’s biomes, and all items without limitations! Fly to your friends plots and help them build anything from a city to a roller coaster.
With tons of Minecraft Mini-Games coming to the server soon, you won’t want to miss out on the action. Earn money in Hunger Games, Hide & Seek, and many more!
For information of our server you can check out website at

Active Ban Best Class Cool Craft Donation Donations Donator Eco Econ Economy End Fac Faction Factions Features Hard Hardcore Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Mob Multiplayer Nation Nations New Pay Paypal Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Safe Server Survival Multiplayer

Aggressive Minecraft

Aggressive Minecraft is a new PvP/Faction server established in 2013.We have a lot of plugins a features such as

**Donations with paypal/mobile phones/paysafecard**
**Factions PvP**
**Really Hardcore Economy**
**No overpowered donators**
**Obsidian Destroyer,every base is raidable**
**Enderchests are disabled.**
**Donators don’t get banks**

And a lot of more cool stuff!Join us today and feel the power of the best multiplayer server!

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ats Build Class Community Craft Create Eco Econ Economy Enjin Fac Faction Fight Fun Help Ill Inecraft Join Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Need New Noop Open Play Plugin Plugins Pro Raid Rank Server Staff Tea Team Vanilla




Create a faction – raid others – Become OP with mcMMO

Join the newest server in minecraft – BEARD CRAFT…
Have fun, build, and fight….

We are a new server in need of staff. Help us get started on BEARD CRAFT…
Currently we are just a vanilla/economy hybrid with plans of growth in the near future.
We are currently implementing plugins to the server and will be improving at a steady rate.

More coming soon.

Staff requisites:

Trust (thats it)



Active Admin Admins Age Art Ass Aus Build Class Cool Craft Die Erver Fac Fall Free Freebuild Home Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mod Mods Nen Paradise Pro Ree Run Server Shop Stadt Survival Multiplayer Ter Theme War Zen

Craft For Paradise

Hallo Minecraft Freunde =)

Craft For Paradise ist ein Neuer Minecraft Server der auf euch wartet !
Auf dem Server erwarten euch nette Admins, ein Shop System, große Projekte und ein cooles Stadtsystem
in dem jeder sein eigenes Grundstück hat! Wenn ihr genug Geld (Dollar) gesammelt habt könnt ihr euch einfach ein größeres Grundstück kaufen
und ein cooles neues Haus bauen! Wir haben einige Stadtviertel mit verschiedenen Grundstückgrößen eingerichtet, also könnt ihr
euch immer weiter hocharbeiten!Wenn wir uns von euren Baukünsten überzeugt haben könnt ihr an großen Bauprojekten teilnehmen und so Geld verdienen!
Es gibt auch eine seperate Freebuild Welt !
Momentan gibt es eine Stadt… die Hauptstadt! Im Laufe der Zeit werden wir noch Themenstädte aufbauen in denen ihr ebenfalls Leben könnt!

Also geht einfach auf , lest die Regeln und legt los!

Ps: Wir suchen noch Mods und Admins die uns unterstützen !

Server IP:

Action Age Ark Awesome Ban Banner Class Color Content Craft Erver Experience Fac Faction Factions Fast Game Ill Inecraft Join Jump Kit Kitpvp Mage Mine Minecraft Network Noop Open Park Parkour Play Pvp Rvival Server Staff Style Survival This



ImpunityNetwork is a 24/7 Minecraft Network.
We will give you the ultimate game experience on our fast minecraft network.
What can we offer you :
– Factions PVP
– Colormatch
– KitPVP
– Jump Parkours

If this is the perfect server for you. you can join our server on the following ip :

We hope to see you in our Awesome minecraft Network.

ImpunityNetwork Staff


Active Ass Cat Class Conomy Craft Day Dedi Dedicated Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Erver Fast Ill Job Jobs Join King Lag Looking Mcserver Mon Money Neo One Ops Pro Server Shop Shops Survival Multiplayer Today

Brocraft Economy

Still looking for that perfect economy server? Look no further! We are a dedicated server with fast Xneon processors with no lag! we have jobs, money, shops, and so much more! Join today!

Active Adventure Claim Class Craft Create Drug End Event Fac Faction Factions Free Friends Fun Great Head Help Land Mine Minecraft Money New Play Player Prison Raid Rank Rankup Resources Server Servers Shop Staff Survival Multiplayer Team War Warp Wilderness


PrisonRaider is one of many Minecraft prison themed servers. What makes our server stand out from the rest is our great team of staff and how helpful they are. Fun things such as drugs help makes your server experience more enjoyable as it adds an odd style to the way you play Minecraft.

The aim of PrisonRaider is to break free from prison. To do this you must gather resources and sell them to the shop to gain money. After you have reached a certain amount of money you are able to use the /rankup command and progress to the next level. Once you’ve reached the rank [Raider] you will be able to do /warp Raider, allowing you to access the wilderness.

Once you’re in the wilderness, your adventure really starts. From here you can do anything you like! What makes it even better is that you have the Faction commands available to use once you’re [Raider] allowing you to create factions with your friends and claim land – preventing you from being raided in the future.

You can of course come back into the prison at any time you wish, so if you are a new player – aim to be the first one out – to get a head start!

Thanks guys and I hope you enjoy the server!

Action Ars Ass Cked Class Com Crack Cracked Craft Donation Enjin Erver Fac Faction Hub Ked Kywars Lin Mod Nation Noop Offline Open Oppriso Opprison Port Prison Server Sky Skywar Skywars Style Support This Void Voting War Wars


This is a OP Prison server. It is offline-mode or Cracked server. Support our server by voting or donation to open more server such as Hub,Faction,Skywars and much much more.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Top Faction Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!