Welcome to UnknownSMPcraftRP Server..
In our server, you play has an Explorer that wants to create colonies, or you join a made one and explore the world and expand their land. The modpack has a lot of explorations and a lot of new Blocks and Creatures.
I choose this mod because you can make your castle with the mod: Minecolonies.
You have safe claims to protect your values; you have soldiers and much more.
There is a lot of new Gears and armour!
With the Dungeon mods, you always will have Gear! or you will lose them all…
I choose a roleplay Modpack because it’s more immersive on my part.
This server will be open for everyone; this is a semi-private server; you can invite your friends to play with you and enjoying this immersive roleplay server.
This server has a role play roles
There will be:
King/Queen – The King has the highest feudal rank, beneath him are the various lords and knights, with peasants, also known as smallfolk, at the bottom. The king claims ownership of the land has the final political authority and holds the ultimate power in all matters. Although in practice the king is constrained by political realities, and while no individual command is likely to be countermanded, he could still lose his position to intrigue if he were to offend the wrong people.

Lord Paramount/Wardens – The second highest rank in the system, they have numerous lords under them to administer the land and the people in proxy of the Lord. Considered a Vice-King, the Lord Paramounds are given a Kingdom Level land value to administer and keep the peace with large amounts of freedom. In giving them these responsibilities, the Lord Paramounts are expected to prepare and supply the army of their region when called upon.
High Lord – Under the command of Lord Paramounts, a High Lord are given a Duchy level land value to administrate and command in the name of their Liege. Given a realities amount of freedom, they are bound by the laws and request of their direct Liege.
Landed Knights/Land Owners – Given lands by a Lord or High Lord in return for giving arms to them when called upon. Until that time comes, they were to govern the smaller regions given to them by their Lord.
Baron – Given a fiefdom of large farming land within a county, they are in charge of making sure the land is producing the needed materials requested by the Lord and enough to make a profit for themselves.
The owner of the colony will be the king/queen and if there are more players playing within that colony, The owner (the king/queen) will choose their ranks.
They will need to contact the admins from the discord server or the owner to change there roles.