First Dawn Project

About us
Hello! We hope you liked our trailer! Some of you may have seen some of our builds on PMC, some of you kind and amazing players may have also gave them a diamond, or even a favourite; and to you we say, you are awesome! Your diamonds has inspired us to keep going this far. The recommended resource pack for this server is Conquest_ as some builds heavily utilise the connective textures and biome specific texture changes, without it you would be losing out the most immersive and enjoyable experience. Our server safely supports Minecraft versions from 1.13 up to 1.15.2. For all rules, information and to meet our team, please join the discord.
We’ve been working collectively on a RolePlay Project for over a year now. With lots of huge builds to use for roleplaying in or even living in, from cities to a monastery. We now feel like we need to build our community and open to the public for people to enjoy the map and experience, however please remember we are still new, and we have many things we want to improve, change or redesign going forward. There may be bugs we have missed, but please just tell us so we can prevent it from ruining the experience.
Our Aim has been to create a roleplay server with an immersive and enjoyable experience, and as a result we have invested slightly too heavily in RPG features, such as races, challenging custom monsters and bosses, as well as discover-able regions, none of which is a bad thing, however it is a roleplay server.
You will roleplay the point of view of a peasant escaping to the land as a second hope at life. Your backstory is your own, a former king, merchant, soldier or even humble farmer, now reduced to the life of peasantry. This will come with the hardships of surviving in a overwhelmingly challenging country, laced with magical creatures, hostile animals and beautifully dangerous terrain.
Does this sound promising to you? Join our Discord at

The technology setting is late medieval with a fantasy mix, although we took liberties of allowing cannons on ships as it just made them look more menacing. This means that overall we do not allow for gunpowder in our roleplay, however there are other options such as magic, (Currently we use the RuneCraft plugin to allow for craftable magic). We have tried our best to reflect this era in our builds, we would respectfully request that you do the same.
The worlds is a heavily magically tuned world, therefore allows for fantasy playable races. Each comes with its own buffs and debuffs to your in-game roleplaying experience. For example the Dwarves, are known as mighty drinkers, therefore after a hard days labour in the mines, what better way to celebrate their hard-work than with a barrel of ale. To represent this they offer a range of effects to allow for a heavily inebriated night time experience. (Luckily though they don’t have hangovers!).
The list of current playable races and brief descriptions are as follows:
– Humans – Once the alpha-predator of the world, till they realised how large the world really is. This is your standard human, potential to learn magic, although very unlikely to possess it. They breed like rabbits, and can be found just about anywhere that is hospitable. Known for their vast cities, settlements and towering structures.
– Elves – Fast, nimble and taller than your average Human. Roughly up to 2m in height. Often known for intellect, however they have an annoying habit of being overly condescending. They are creatures at nature and can often be found in civilisations in the forest.
Elves, much like Humans, are entirely different depending on the region they inhabit. For instance some would happily live in grand structures with nature, whereas others would settle for lesser more au naturale conditions.
– Dwarves – Fierce, small, angry creatures, with muscles the size of trees, and stomachs comparable to the size of the barrels of meed they consume. Despite their size they are a exceedingly proud, warrior race. Some say its because of their height, that they are so envious of others, it fills them with spite. These creatures are mountainous dwellers.
Simple, sturdy, but renowned for their expertise with metallurgy. They are the most industrious of creatures, known for stripping mountains barren for resources, and creating impenetrable fortresses. Dwarves thoroughly enjoy a party and drink, therefore are commonly found in taverns at night generally being merry.
– Blight – These are creatures twisted by corruption and dark magic itself. They live and breathe chaos, often found around areas of mass chaos or tragedy. Although not the bringers of destruction themselves, they are drawn to these places like moths to light. As if it’s the oxygen that fills their lungs.
Blights alignment is always a mix between chaotic neutral and chaotic evil. This race is less of an individual species and closer to corrupted beings and creatures, from goblins to wolves that are tainted to the core.
– Undead – These creatures range from all races individually to combine into one as a whole. Traditionally referred to and acknowledged as Human or Elven Skeletons. Notable members of this race are the Dark Overlord, who transcended into the afterlife after becoming a Elder Lich; although this is not possible for normal Undead (or players).
They are known for being resilient creatures who usually serve those of great power or stumble with no real goal, due to their lack of passion and emotion. Although conscious, the very same magic that courses through their bodies to grant them life, restrain them from pleasure, joy, sadness or any other emotions. These are usually True Neutral to Neutral Evil, lashing out at those living in an attempt to feel something again.
We’re proud to finally be sharing the lore that we will be using for the server. This will be regularly updated in one of our Discord channels, with more updates to the storyline as the server progresses and events transpire. We are actively working on our own Wiki too, which is where we write in-depth lore about all our cities, towns, races and even characters. Although currently the wiki is a little bit behind as we are a very small team who have been focusing our efforts elsewhere.
“The sixth century has dawned upon Varkhest. The Emperor of Indarus, the empire that rules over the known world, has made preparations to expand the horizon of his lands. Conquest and exploration, diplomacy and war, and good and evil will take root in the outskirts and beyond, either creating chaos or bringing a golden age. Perhaps this will be a futile attempt, as the Dark Overlord, who has threatened the Indaran Empire, has also been creating evil schemes to either prevent the Indaran Empire’s expansion… or to destroy the empire as a whole.
You are but a normal person. One of the Peasantry. Perhaps just for now. You, among others, will create your own adventure, free from the bounds of the Indaran Empire’s homeland. You will take the laws into your own hands, but must stay civil nevertheless. And perhaps, you may create your own town. Your own city. Your own empire.
But you could end the threat, or bolster its resolves. You could make way for the colonists, or bar them from their newfound lands. You could be a hero of Indarus, or a villain who will serve the Dark Overlord. What will you be? What will you carve your legacy as in Varkhest?
Alidom, the region in Varkhest where you’ll be calling your new home for a while, however, this was not your choice. Your homeland has been usurped by sinister force, the best warriors of your kingdom were only merely able to hold off the invaders so that artisans and nobles such as yourself could escape. You’ve abandoned everything you hold dear, so that you may live to see another day. Putting forth the same amount of back-breaking labour that you endured to get to your previous quality of life seems futile, and an unrealistic possibility, given your current situation.”

Getting Whitelisted
Currently for a very short duration, the server remains unwhitelisted to build up a community and allow players to explore; this will soon change. Want to be permanently whitelisted? Here’s how:
In the comments below please leave a comment with this information.
– Your MC Username
– Your RolePlay Character Name
– Your Characters Race (You will be asked to select a race upon first login)
Although it is not mandatory, we heavily advise players to invest some time in character backstory and creation. Such as finding images to reflect your characters appearance, and details about them. There will be guidelines in our discord and a channel for you to post this in. With your permission, we would also be willing to help you improve your character or expand their backstory and create them their very own character biography page on our wiki.
Also on a final note please join our discord. We’re trying our hardest to create a loving and friendly community of people that we can enjoy our time and have fun with. Plus since we don’t have a website, its the platform of choice we use instead of a forums. Due to this we respectfully have to state we will not be allowing anyone under the age of 14 to join our community, as this violates discords Terms of Service; and since it is our backbone, we have to respect the platforms TOS.