


Server Location: Sydney, Australia

Discord invite link:

Apply here:


The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is a whitelisted application-based server, if you would like to join you will need to use the link above. This is put in place so that players feel safe that their builds will remain intact and that we don’t have anyone who won’t fit in to the culture on the server. That being said we are always looking for new members and you are welcome to apply at any time!

The gameplay is mostly vanilla with some extra quality of life features like teleports, features that promote player trading and methods to protect from griefing.

If you are wanting to have a ‘pure vanilla’ experience, this server probably won’t be for you as it has some teleport commands and an economy backed by diamonds, but if you’re interested in that, then this server might be a good choice for you (and your friends!).

The server is hosted in Sydney, Australia, meaning if you are in Australia or New Zealand you’ll have a low latency to the server. If you are from somewhere else in the world you are also welcome to join us, just keep in mind that your latency might be a bit higher than the rest of the people on the server and players might not be active while you are on because of timezone differences.


  • The server is running the latest version so you can enjoy all the new features of the most recent update of Minecraft.

  • Many other survival servers modify various game mechanics, one of the main aims of this server is to not change too much of the Vanilla mechanics such as how entities act, villagers, terrain generation etc.

  • A decently sized shopping area that is filled with player created shops that promotes a feeling of community and helps players easily trade between each other. Players use diamonds as currency within these shops to trade for other items/blocks.

  • Getting out of spawn and into new lands is easy with the use of a random teleport command which can be accessed by right-clicking the NPC at spawn or by typing /rtp. There are also various other teleports that are made available on the server so that you can quickly get back to your base or check up on what your mates are doing.

  • The server has a land-claiming system that uses a golden shovel. Over time you’ll gain claim blocks that can be used in whichever server you play in, and when you’re ready you can claim your chests and builds to keep them safe from other players. This is purely an optional safeguard, many players don’t claim their land as the community doesn’t appreciate griefing so players who participate in that are very quickly filtered out of the server.

  • The survival server consists of multiple worlds which have plenty of new 1.21 chunks in them. If you like long-term survival worlds, the AussieSMP is for you! There are no plans to do a full reset of the main worlds ever.

  • The server is part of a growing network, so not only are there multiple survival worlds, there is a creative server where players can build without limits or just test their redstone contraptions.

  • Various external community resources such as, Automated Spectator Livestreams on the weekends, a Discord where players can find out future plans for the server or chat with other players, A wiki that has information and guides on how to use features specific to AussieSMP.


If you’d like to apply to the server you need to understand these rules. Not following them may result in a swift removal from our community.

  1. Don’t be a dick

  2. Absolutely no griefing

  3. No spamming

  4. Be respectful

  5. Don’t swear excessively

  6. No hacking or exploits (this includes xray!)

  7. No ban evasion

  8. Don’t be the reason rules need to be expanded or added

  9. Please use common sense!

At the end of the day if you just wanna play some Minecraft with some friends or even by yourself, this server will be a great choice for you.



We are a small discord community that running several game servers, and recently we opened a TFG modpack server, so we search for active players!

TerraFirma Greg is a Forge modpack that makes the gameplay of Minecraft realistic and challenging, because it contains two of the hard and coolest mods for Minecraft, these are TerraFirmaCraft and GregTech.
You can read more about modpack here.

It works 24/7, only mods, server have mod for region protection (1 player can private 50 chunks).



Flare SMP

Join a relaxed, long term community!

About Us:
The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by me, Antimony_Sb. My good friend, who fills the role of creative director, and I aim to provide our players with a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature and "serious" environment. The server is my hobby and is a long-term project, without a planned end; ideally, we'll only stop when Minecraft ceases to exist.

What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla?
Some of the divergences from classic Vanilla gameplay include:
* Dynmap (Our maps in your browser: See who's online and what's being built!)
* Bolt (Protect your chests, furnaces, and many other blocks and entities from unauthorized access with a finely adjustable permission system)
* mcMMO (17 new skills to level up, with many passive and active abilities and bonuses as you progress through the levels)
* GSit (Sit almost anywhere, on players, stairs, and more)
* FlareDeathMessages (Our custom plugin for cooler death messages)
* Pets (Let small helpers accompany you; most pets are purely cosmetic)
* Cosmetics (Put on a hat or backpack, get wings or a cosmetic armor piece to express yourself)
* Decorations (Many mob heads, custom player heads, soon new and exclusive paintings, and tons of plushies (almost) all Vanilla mobs and some of our custom mobs for decorating and carrying around)
* Many minor additions that are more of an augmentation than a change…

We are an international community, and the primary language is English (the entire server leadership, as well as some other players, are from Germany). Some of our features are still in development, as we do almost everything ourselves in our spare time while striving for high quality.
Soon our summer event starts, with some great content and rewards!

Feel free to drop by and check us out! 🙂
The discord link is added to my profile

PS: In addition to the advertised SMP, we are developing a second server. This one, currently named "Flare Adventures," will offer a classic MMORPG player experience inspired by WoW, Elden Ring, and other major influences. This project is still in its infancy, but feel free to visit us to stay up to date!





A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀

Now's the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed!

Simply join the Discord and we'll be happy to whitelist you 😉



Hello everyone! My name is Yani, i'm 19 years old (close to 20's) and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our little minecraft community! This is an SMP type server, with mods that will improve vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance getting the new world ready and making sure everything is running in optimal parameters before the start! We are using various datapacks but also server optimization mods for better gameplay. All this information about what is changed on the server you can find on our discord server!

On the server you can do absolutely anything you want, from playing with other players, to making a base together or various clans. Everything is allowed on the server, except the use of hacks or any advantages over other players! (x-ray, autoclicker, seedleaks, and so on).

I invite everyone on our discord server to make a ticket that will allow you to access the server. To join the discord server, you must send a friend request to the nickname "yani01" on discord! I hope to gather as many people as possible and have fun together!



🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm's new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟

We’ve just launched our latest season, "The Corrupted Chunks," and we’re looking for new friends to join the adventure! Here’s what’s new:

🗺️ Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. The land is locked behind chunks that you unlock with blocks or items. While the spawn area is safe, beyond that, you’ll face tougher monsters, complex structures, and lots of new mobs and items.

⚔️ Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks: The world is full of corruption and mystery. The spawn area has average challenges, but the further you venture, the more dangerous it gets. Blood Moons will ramp up the nighttime danger with enemy swarms!

💰 Economy & Trading: Master Realm has a robust economy with coins and an auction house where you can trade and buy exclusive kits and custom items.

🔧 Slimefun Enhancements: Enjoy new machines and gadgets that make crafting even more exciting.

🗡️ 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: For those who crave a challenge, we’ve added tons of new dungeons and bosses to conquer.

We’re a new server and would love to see some fresh faces around! If you’re up for discovering new content and making some new friends, come check us out! 🚀

Feel free to ask any questions or drop by to say hi! 😄

Join us and start your adventure in Master Realm today!


Boring SMP

A new survival multiplayer server with tweaks to spice up the vanilla game.

We have plenty of features, mainly:

  • Land claiming to keep your house safe
  • Shops powered by a diamond economy
  • Regular events for the community
  • Warp stones so you can always teleport back home
  • Bucketable entities to save you pain
  • Many crafting tweaks to make it enjoyable

So come join us at (Discord).


The Lab

General Info

  • Version: We try to keep the server up to the latest version at all times, Currently 1.21 Sometimes the mods just take their time to update.
  • Fabric: This server is running Fabric, aside from some minor additions for stability/moderation/balance the core game is vanilla.
  • Faster Rails: Minecarts have been buffed to deal with the elytra transport monopoly
  • Villager Trade Re balance: We have implemented the experimental biome based villager changes as, lets be honest they where way too overpowered
  • Server: Located in Germany. Our core playerbase is European, but people on the other side of the globe had no connection issues so far
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Spawn: Our seed has a gorgeous hilly planes spawn, with rivers and a cherry grove. We encourage You to stay at spawn a little longer to see what the neighbors are up to.
  • Shops: We have a discord system to easily find what you are looking for and enough space to build your shop wherever you want.
  • Spawn Theme: To improve cohesion spawn gets a different theme each season, don't worry, this is just a recommendation. You can still build whatever you want.
  • Events: We have plenty of fun events, some made by staff and others by the players. You can even start your own events!
  • Rude and inflammatory behavior or cheating will not be tolerated in this community. This is a safe and fair space and our staff team will make sure to keep it this way. LGBTQ+ friendly

We are growing, supportive and mature community with members all around the globe. We have some amazing builders, technical players and all around great people. We like to goof off all the time but we are more than capable of some serious minecrafting. Last season we had an absolute blast and most of the folks joined us once again this time around. Some new faces are always welcome however. We officially launched on the 15th of august.

To get whitelisted join our Discord here:

Can't wait to meet you ingame!


✨Cobbleton Forever✨

Launched on 06/14/2024!

A classic-style Minecraft server with a modern touch.

ℹ️ Quick Info

We have a graylist, so feel free to join now and check us out.

When you are ready to gain full access, apply using the link below.

🔗 Links

📖 About Us

Cobbleton is a community-oriented server where cooperation and collaboration are strongly encouraged. We aim for a positive and friendly atmosphere where players can enjoy building close to others without the need to worry about destruction. Our goal is to deliver the Minecraft experience you know, but also to supplement it with extra elements that we hope will make the multiplayer experience more enjoyable for everyone who wants to play. Some of these extra additions include:

  • Pouches and backpacks
  • Portal Scrolls: Craftable, limited-use items that allow teleportation to the world spawn point, the player's bed, lodestones, and previous locations. An inventory replacement for /home, /spawnand /back commands.
  • Tons of quality of life changes like paths applying speed, crops giving XP, stonecutter recipes being expanded to include wood and other blocks, and many more.
  • Proximity voice chat with the client-side Simple Voice Chat mod
  • Fortnite style pinging with the client-side Ping Wheel mod
  • Quality over quantity mindset. No P2W mechanics.
  • A client-side modpack to enhance your gameplay experience!

✨ Join Today

If you like what you're hearing, join us at to start your Cobbleton journey!


🌾 The Field 🌾

The Field

The Field is a Minecraft Modded server Community. We focus heavily on the Demands of our Members.

Join Here • The Field

Our Idea: 💡

We are staying on track with the classic vanilla theme, but with some improvements and upgrades including rare to get Magical Elements and Sorcery. Think of it as a Life Roleplay. Open your own Food or flower Stand, Decorate your house with Interior mods, Explore the wonders of the World, Create your own Village, Expand your Industry, Run for Mayor or be a Normal Citizen. It is up to you to make your Story and contribute to the Server's Lore.

Features and Reasons to join: ✅

  • We listen to our Community – Just give us a Suggestion and we will instantly review.
  • Dedicate some
  • OR Dedicate some
  • Unique Community and SMP style
  • Create your own Modern/Medieval/Fantasy Home alongside other Players
  • Easy to learn mechanics (Along side some secrets not even the best know about yet)
  • Mods like more biomes, more enchantments, more decoration blocks, more weapons (Including Special Swords), etc.
  • Variety of Content like Quests, Bounty hunts, Boss fights, Library of books to learn about Magic (Extremely rarely you will find Players already knowing these things. It's up to you to teach them or keep it to yourself… for whatever suspicious reason
  • Many Structures and redesigned Villages
  • Frequent and Active Community events

What ya waiting for?


With UneasyVan


Version: 1.20.6

Welcome to UneasyVanilla, the vanilla Minecraft server you're looking for. A server where you can unleash your creativity in a tight knit, relaxed community. Our server offers a blend of anarchy and survival gameplay while still having some rules.

Here at UneasyVanilla we put an emphasis on authenticity. Staying true to Minecrafts original vision. You'll find a 4+ year old world where your and other players' imaginations have no limits. Your first time spawning, you'll be stuck in a maze of lavacasts, as spawn has been griefed completely. Once you escape it, you'll be able to build bases and explore!

While we embrace a sense of lawlessness, we believe in maintaining an environment for everyone. Our rules are straightforward, ensuring that all players can enjoy their time without compromising the integrity of our server (performance). Our dedicated staff actively work to ensure fairness, swiftly banning cheaters and keeping operations running.

Join our community today. Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Whether you're seeking alliances, testing your skills or taking on massive building projects, UneasyVanilla is the place for you! Also join our community on Discord!

You can find us at

Additionally feel free to explore our website at or the server wiki to discover more about our server.

Experience the opportunities awaiting you on our vanilla Minecraft server available at
Join us now, you won't regret it!



Hi, we're a whitelisted SMP on JAVA 1.21 focused on just plain ol' survival minecraft. To be specific, we have:

  • No teleportation or warps

  • No land claiming system – we operate on a trust system

  • A vanilla experience – no McMMO, SlimeFun, Jobs, etc.

  • Custom world generator, TerraformGenerator

  • Diamond-based economy and shopping district

  • A world with longevity in mind; we don't plan on resetting!

  • Events!

Our philosophy is simple: keep the core experience vanilla, and keep our server centered around the community.

We launched about 4 months ago, and we're currently looking for active members to join us. Whether you're a builder, a technical player, an explorer, or a mix of every Minecraft playstyle in existence, you're very much welcome here!

Interested? You can apply through our Discord:

Read more:

Mini Games Parkour Plugins Pvp Skyblock Survival



1. 24/7 === 1851 – slot !! 1.8 to the last +

2. PvP : Enabled

3. No lags. Lots of hidden mini-games, cheap donations

4. Useful plugins. There are clans, weapons, Spleef, Parkour, MobArena, Skyblock, Weddings

5. Fair Admins.

6. We are waiting for you on our server! Good luck 🙂



Welcome to Akoot & Co, your ultimate destination for a classic Minecraft experience!

Our crossplay server is a chill, semi-vanilla Minecraft community with a fresh world and quality-of-life enhancements carefully crafted to offer the finest Minecraft experience possible.

In our open beta phase, we invite you to join us as one of the pioneering members of our growing community. Imagine a server where mystery and lore intertwine, where nations and player bases flourish, where an organized crime syndicate of rats terrorizes the citizens of Maltsburg for their cheese, and where exciting events enrich your gameplay. We believe in preserving the core Minecraft gameplay while enhancing your adventure with thoughtful features, such as:


Delight yourself with unlimited homes, a grief-free environment (thanks to our rollback system), and a seamlessly integrated Discord chat system. Explore our world map online and experience the game like never before. Best of all, this exceptional experience comes to you entirely free of charge! This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become part of a community that values creativity, the power of friendship, object shows, and the joy of Minecraft! Join us now, and let's embark on this unforgettable journey together!

No application required! Just launch the game and play!


Bedrock IP:

Version: 1.21.1


Master Realm is now live!


ArdynFall SMP

🌍 ArdynFall SMP – Your New Minecraft Home Awaits! 🌍

Looking for a community-driven, semi-vanilla 1.21 Minecraft experience? Welcome to ArdynFall SMP, where the vanilla essence of Minecraft is preserved and enhanced with minor tweaks to improve your gameplay! No over-the-top mods, no pay-to-win features—just pure, fair gameplay in a community that’s inclusive and welcoming to all.

🛠 Why Join ArdynFall SMP?

• Brand New World: We’ve moved to a new server and are less than a week old! Now’s your chance to start fresh and build alongside us.
• Established & Close-Knit Community: Some of our players have been adventuring together for 2+ years!
• No Planned Server Resets: Build your legacy—your creations are here to stay!
• 100% Uptime & Regular Backups: Our server runs around the clock with frequent backups to ensure your progress is safe.
• Dedicated Staff Team: A friendly, experienced staff is always available to assist with any issues or concerns.
• Player-Run Economy: Help develop our diamond-based shopping district and grow the server economy!
• Exciting Events: We’ve got plenty of engaging events planned for the future. But in the meantime, don’t miss out on our Ender Dragon fight happening at the end of the week!

Quality of Life Plugins & Proximity Chat:
Our server uses a select few plugins that are designed to enhance the vanilla experience without changing the core gameplay. Plus, we support the Proximity Chat Mod, allowing players the option to communicate in-game based on how close they are to each other. Perfect for more immersive gameplay!

Here’s a list of all the plugins we use:

  • afk display
  • anti enderman grief
  • anti gas grief
  • armor statues
  • double shulker shells
  • fast leaf decay
  • more mob heads
  • multiplayer sleep
  • nether portal coords
  • player head drops
  • silence mobs
  • unlock all recipes
  • wandering trades

Interested? Join our discord and apply now!

⛏️Discord: ⛏️

See you in-game, adventurer!


Vanilla Playground

A Classic Anarchy With No Plugins, No Rules, No Resets.


Version: 1.21.1

Discord to find a team:

Are you tired of the mundane and regulated Minecraft experience? Do you crave the thrill of untamed adventures and unexplored territories? Look no further, for Vanilla Playground Server (VPG) is here to bring back the essence of true Minecraft exhilaration. Embark on a journey like never before, where creativity knows no bounds, and every decision is entirely yours to make.

Classical survival on modern version that been up for 3 years, grief, build, explore with friends, do ANYTHING!




Launched 07/06/24

IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com

Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for some new players to embark on some epic journeys with us. A little bit of creativity, a little bit of exploration. Mayhaps a little bit of chaos. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, an avid explorer, just like to hang out – or lurk, our server has a place for a little bit of everything.

Visit  Discord:

A full list of plug-ins and features can be found on our Discord, but here’s a taste:

  • ·    McMMO
  • ·        Economy
  • ·        Jobs
  • ·        Warps for various community things, ie Shop, End and more to come!
  • ·        Veinminer
  • ·        /sethome
  • ·        /rtp
  • ·        Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime – Master rank gets an extra home!

The Important Stuff:

  • ·        No Griefing or Stealing
  • ·        PvP must always be consensual
  • ·        NO x-ray, hacked clients or item duping
  • ·        Zero tolerance for hate speech


  • · "xMoniarty#7292" on discord if you have any questions


Alathra: New Frontiers

Alathra: New Frontiers

A Worldbuilding, Geopolitical, Light Roleplay Server. NOW WITH ALL NEW FISHING!




Alathra is one of the top searched and played world building server in the world! Maybe you are looking to join one of the grand towns and nations across Alathra. Maybe you want to start your own in undeveloped land. Perhaps your goal is to master trade and become a wealthy merchant. What about starting your own player-run guild, or starting a new religion? Maybe you just want to be a hermit and live alone on a mountain.

All of this is possible on Alathra because here players tell the story. Alathra is full of characters, nations, cultures, and organizations. Many battles and wars have been fought. There are heroes, there are villains, and plenty that fall somewhere in between. Will you make your mark on the history of Alathra? Start your journey today!

Key Features:

Custom Fishing

Our latest uodate, Alathra: Better With Bait! With mini games now making fishing more interesting, every cast is different, plus brand new baits and a large variety of new fish for you to catch.


Create towns and cities with your friends or join an existing one. With Towny you can claim areas to build safely and store your items. Start a large nation with sprawling cities or create a small farming village. The sky is the limit!

Lore, RP & Worldbuilding

One of the key gameplay aspects of Alathra is its lore, roleplay (RP) and geopolitics. The community is constantly creating captivating lore and RP including player-run organizations, events, and religions, as well as conflicts and wars. In Alathra you can create your own unique story, which is bound to intertwine with the stories of others.

Custom World

The map of Alathra is completely custom, designed from scratch using a combination of tools to encourage exploration trade and geopolitics. The world consists of continents separated by oceans and is divided into four temperature zones. Along with enhancements to vanilla biomes, the map also includes many new biomes such as red sand deserts, tropical beaches, calcite mountains, giant spruce forests, mangrove islands, prairies, steppes and more! There are also landmarks that can be found throughout the map including volcanoes, salt flats and underground rivers.

Custom Plugins

Alathra has its own dedicated team of developers who are consistently develop new plugins and features that give Alathra a unique feel that we guarantee you won't find on other servers. Some examples include lockpicking, a custom war system, character cards, medieval weapons, a fast travel port system, regional resources and so much more!


Movecraft is a plugin that allows you to create moveable ships, from small fishing boats to large Man o' Wars! Fill your ships with chests for trade or line them with cannons for war. The version of Movecraft Alathra uses is also specifically written and configured to allow for naval combat.


The Brewery plugin allows you to create many different interesting brews as well as the many custom brews that have been made by players. Become your town's barkeeper! Experiment to see how many of hundreds of custom brews you can discover.

Custom Mobs and Animals

We have quite a few custom passive and aggressive mobs, including sharks, giant squid, deer, elephants, moles and boars.

Custom Nether Mobs and Biomes

Recently reset our custom nether features uniquely created biomes and custom nether mobs including the Gargoyle, Nether Leech, Hell Hounds and Imps.



ISO SMP is brand new smp launched on the [2024-09-10] we are looking to grow a community of active players !

• 18+ community

• Chest locking pluggin whit signs

• invisble item frames by shift-right clicking

• Player and mob heads

• Deathchest

• Vein-miner

• /tpa

• /home

• Shops whit custom economy

• anti-xray

• Server on 24/7

•No creeper bloc damage

•No enderman picking up blocs

join us on discord :

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft 2 Player. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!