Age Build Building Class Craft Custom End Erver Experience Free Freedom Gang Join King Level Ming Mini Mining New Noop Open Play Plot Prison Quest Quests Rps Server Sign Star Start Store Style Time War Warp Warps


Ravage-Craft is an upcoming prison server, which is taking your prison experience to a new level.

Spend your time in prison by:

– Mining in one of the 26 custom designed warps

– Completing quests

– Start up your own gang

– Building your own plot

Start your journey to freedom now by joining:


Ace Active Amigos Ars Ass Class Com Craft Creative Discord Eco Economy Eggwars End Erver Exp Kit Kitpvp Kywars Network Port Pvp Ran Rvival Server Servidor Sky Skywar Skywars Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ten Two Version Vip War Wars


*Server con skywars, eggwars, survival, kitpvp….. network
mi discord Cire18#5652 por cualquier duda. *


Te lo vas a passar muy bien en este servidor y puedes hacer muchos amigos para jugar con ellos en este gran servidor.
Dale una oportunidad pq no xd!!!! 🙂

Ass Ban Class Craft Erver Follow Inecraft Lit Lite Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft Noop Open Raft Server Style Survival Multiplayer Ten

Bananservern – Sverige

En liten server med trevligt folk.
Gärna nordiska spelare.

Kom in och spela med oss.


Active Bee Block Class Coded Core Coreprotect Custom Economy Event Experience Features Free Game Gameplay Grief Hub Ill Item Items Land Legit Mine Optional Play Prevention Pro Protect Protection Real Realm Server Spawn Staff Survival Vanilla Virtual


We strive to keep core gameplay as close to vanilla as possible, while adding on additional (and fully optional) meta-gameplay.

We offer a legit gameplay experience, where no items or blocks have ever been spawned in by a staff member. You won’t find a pre-built hub on MineRealm!

All additional gameplay features on the server are custom-coded, as well as our well known grief prevention system, CoreProtect. We also offer a custom land protection system, which allows the server to remain virtually grief-free.

Ass Class Com Enjin Follow Game Ming Mod Mode Network Noop Open Play Rvival Soon Storm Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tps Two Work

Storm Network

Storm network as loads of game modes.
Survival, More coming soon.


Active Based Build Builds Cat Challenging Class Combat Economy Europe Experience Fac Faction Factions Features Help Hub Ill Kill Kitpvp Lit Loot Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs New Pet Plugin Plugins Pvp Reset Server Shop Skills Survival Town Towny

Creaky Combat HUB

HUB for Survival Towny server that recently reset with many plugins to enhance the experience.
USA AND Europe locations!

* MCMMO to train different skills and unlock new features
* Towny to group together and help protect your builds
* A dynamic shop that adjusts prices based on supply and demand
* A pet system where you can train any mob you want
* Elite Mobs adds a progression system that sees you fighting
challenging mobs to obtain increasingly powerful loot
* And plenty more

Best Block Class Create Dio Free Fun Gui Ice Ill Item Items King Kingdom Kingdoms Land Mad Make Mine New Nice Noop Open Play Player Players Pro Protect Resource Resources Simp Trade Upgrade Upgrades



It allows a player to create his own Kingdom, protect land with the kingdom, and invade others land for resources (and for fun). Players can also trade in items for resourcepoints, to buy upgrades, turrets and boosts from their Kingdoms nexus block. What you want traded, and the amount traded is fully configurable and very flexible.

Includes a (painstakingly made) idiot-proof guide for new players to learn how to use Kingdoms. Simply direct new players to do /k info, and all the info will be presented nicely to them. If you think its not idiot-proof enough, feel free to suggest more ideas, or simply mention it, and Ill try my best to make it more idiot-proof


Active Apex Ark Ass Blo Block Class Com Creative Eat Ect Emo Erver Game Gamemode Gamemodes Has Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Mini Games Mod Multi Park Parkour Pvp Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival This Welcome


Welcome to MagmaMC! This server has multiple gamemodes! Including:

– Creative
– Skyblock
– Parkour
– Kitpvp

Connect from any gamemode from 1.8-1.15!

Ass Buy Class Craft Erver Follow Inecraft Mine Minecraf Minecraft Network Noop Open Premium Prison Raft Server Sit Site Spanish Style Two Website Work

Arefy Network – Prison Server

Minecraft Spanish Prison Server Premium
Server IP:


Active Battle Bee Build Buildbattle Class Cool Creative Development End Event Events Free Friends Game Games Good Has Kit Kitpvp Lag Mini Games Minigame Minigames Murder Murdermystery Play Pvp Server Sky Skywars Stable Survival Vanilla War Wars


YukanMC is a pvp-minigames server
It offers cool mini-games that you can play with your friends,
It’s also very stable and doesn’t lag at all,
The pvp system has been noted “very good” by every tester during the development.
Actually, there’s a Skywars, KitPvP, BuildBattle, and MurderMystery.
Plus, when there’s lot of people, we like to do events to make people win free stuff

Active Ass Class Die Drop Economy Enchant Extreme Factions Gui Kitpvp Mega Paw Pvp Spawn Survival Xtreme


Mega drop i gildie to coś dzięki czemu będziesz mógł wykazać sie budowaniem

– Enchant GUI
– Sklep GUI
– Gildie 15 osobowe na 160 poziom
– Duży Spawn – Mega drop

Arena Ats Block Blockhunt Class Community Crack Cracked Craft Ddos Dutch End Fun Hideandseek Inecraft King Kingdom Kor Lag Mine Minecraft Non Noop Online Open Pig Plot Plotme Pro Pvp Quest Quests Server Spigot Staff Survival Top

DutchKingCraft Cracked

Hallo allemaal, laten we het kort houden.

In 2011 startte ik een minecraft-server, die veel is gegroeid. Wij zijn 100% non-profit, alleen voor de fun.

Al onze stafleden zijn minstens 15 jaar of ouder, de meesten van ons zijn volwassenen – geen abusive staff kiddos te vinden hier. Onlangs zijn er veel spelers vertrokken vanwege het sluiten van onze goed lopende kingdom-server. We moesten daar mee stoppen omdat we te weinig staff hadden om kingdom actief te onderhouden. Voordien hadden we gemiddeld 100 – 160 spelers tegelijk online.
Sindsdien is de server drastisch ingekrompen, met een maximum van 60 slots. We focussen ons nu op Survival en Plotme. We hebben meer dan 100 plug-ins op slechts één Spigot-server, er is altijd wel iets te doen hier 😀

De server draait op 1.12.2 Spigot, we hebben een 1.9 wereld en een 1.12 wereld. 1.13.2 is speelbaar, maar wordt niet volledig ondersteund.

We hebben ook HideAndSeek / blockhunt 🙂
Ook een paar quests, in de toekomst komen er meer bij.

Het is een GEEN PVP-server. We hebben 1 enkele PVP arena, thats it.

Dus, als je op zoek bent naar een goede en stabiele, lagg-vrije server met aardige mensen, ervaren staffleden en een kleine maar gezellige community – twijfel dan zeker niet om een ​​kijkje te nemen: D


Action Active Ass Class Com Complex Enjoy Erver Fac Faction Factions Follow Imple Long Mechanics Pixel Play Server Sim Simp Simple Survival Time You


NoPixel is a simple faction server where theres no complex mechanics that you have to follow along. Just hop in and enjoy your time in our server.

Action Ars Block Class Community Craft Eggwars End Fac Faction Factions Friendly Gta Ice Icepvp Inecraft King Kingdom Kywars Mine Minecraft Network Noop Open Play Practice Pvp Raid Raiding Riendly Rvival Sky Skyblock Skywars Style Survival War Wars World

MCW Network [1.7 – 1.12]

1.7-1.12 | 24/7 | OP-Factions | Survival | PracticePvP | GTA | Kingdom | SkyBlock | EggWars | Annihilation | Skywars | PvP/Raiding | Friendly Community |


Block Build Builds Cafe Class Craft Creative Dedi Edit Free Government Head House Inecraft Isa Kor Large Latest Map Mine Minecraft Non Noop Open Persona Personal Pro Public Rol Server Time Tree Trees Version World Worldedit

Creative Build Server [KOREA]

Korea representative minecraft creative build server.
Anyone can freely build when connected, and anyone can use WorldEdit.

★ Server information
Server domain:
Server version: 1.12.2 ~ latest version accessible

★ Commands ☞check all commands: /audfuddj
· Go to the public world: /dlehd ▶ Click on grass, trees, etc. on the right
· Creating a personal world first time only: /rodlsdnjfemtodtjd
· Go to Personal World: /dlehd ▶ Click Steve Head
· Setting up your personal world: /rodlsdnjfem
· Using block log search: /fhrmwhtk
· Report block terrorism: /tlsrh

The largest architectural server in Korea, the world map data is in terabytes.
In the case of a block terror in the public world, the public world is disabled and the block data is rolled back.
The Blue House map, officially produced by the Korean government, can also be viewed on the server.


Active Ass Class Craft Economy Erver Extra Ill Inecraft Ita Mine Minecraft Owny Pve Pvp Raft Roleplay Server Stuff Survival Titan Titanmc Town Towny Twist Vanilla Vote


KeshCraft is a Towny server with a twist. We have to offer tons of extra stuff that isn’t in your ordinary vanilla minecraft. Vote for us now!

Anti Bar Carrot Chill Class Community Craft Discord Eco Econ Economy End Grief Help Ill Inecraft Join Lag Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Network New Noop Online Open Rewards Rps Server Servers Shop Shops Survival Vote War Warp Warps Website

CarrotNetwork Survival

Welkom bij CarrotNetwork.

CarrotNetwork is een Minecraft-community waarin spelers je hartelijk welkom heten. Wij zijn een hechte community waarin we elkaar helpen met bouwprojecten, onze creativiteit tot leven laten komen en het samen gezellig maken. Je kan met behulp van handel en bouwen schitteren op survival.
Verder hebben wij ook een Discord server waar iedereen met elkaar in contact blijft. Een échte community dus.

Kom jij ook deelnemen op onze gezellige leuk aangeklede server? Wij zijn vanaf versie 1.15 joinbaar.

Survival IP:

Bekijk ook onze website. [url][/url]
Daar vind je meer informatie over onze servers en kun je onze forum doorbladeren.

Wij zijn 24/7 online en zijn van de No-Lagg.

Wat wij hebben en wat wij bieden:
Survival server:
– McMMo
– Economy
– Shops
– Warps
– Anti Grief
– Vote Rewards
– de nieuwste blokken
– Verschillende bewoonbare steden en dorpen, gemaakt door spelers.


Cat City Class Classic Coded Combat Craft Crate Crates Custom Discord Discordsrv Drop Emo End Game Great Ill Inecraft King Lit Mine Minecraft Mod Noop Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Release Unique Weapons


Velocity alpha release. You will be dropped into an actually great looking city with crates scattered around. Search the crates for weapons and supplies and combat other players using the unique /loadout system.

Velocity is a first person shooter PvP gamemode for Minecraft, with all the gun classics, quality gun models, and even custom coded plugins.

I regret to inform you that we do not have a meme channel, but we do have an endless amount of memes as well as a custom bot programmed by AkasakaKona, as well as DiscordSRVs Minecraft-Discord channel.


Admin Build Building Chat Developed Forge Fun Game Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Help Item Items King Lit Map Mod Online Open Play Player Players Playing Protection Pvp Rank Ranks Rol Rules Server Sign Staff Survival Town Vanilla World


Welcome to AugmentedMC. To get you started let me tell you about the server. We are a vanilla survival server with a twist that focuses on nothing more than playing the game that was developed for us.

There are some features that have been added to help us along the way.

We have an online map that you can use by typing the domain into your browser or just click the link in chat.

We also utilize a system of Waypoints, which help users travel from town to town. You must first travel to a town and unlock that waypoint by right clicking the waypoints monument signs to teleport there. If you have a town and want a waypoint, ask an admin or mod to see if you qualify for one.

Since griefing is a serious issue we are concerned about we do have a rollback and grief protection system that can be utilized if you are griefed. Just ask a mod or admin for assistance.

To get to a random place in the world you can type /wild to be teleported to a area to start your life.

We also have PVP enabled in the world, but you have the ability to toggle that with /pvp toggle | on | off.

Dont forget to read the rules, read the /help list, and have fun.


[1] No Griefing

[2] No Spamming

[3] No Advertising

[4] No Trolling/Flaming

[5] No Asking for OP, Ranks, or Items

[6] Respect all Players and Staff

[7] No Offensive Remarks

[8] No Hacking/Modding

[9] No Glitching

[10] No Building Near Others


Ages Build Chat Class Community Craft Crates Custom Discord Eco Enchantments End Enjin Family Floating Friendly Friends Game Games Help Home Houses Land Mine Minecraft Mod New Open Play Player Players React Rewards Server Sky Skyblock Small War Welcoming


Server IP: []

Discord: []

SilvaSkyMC is a family friendly Minecraft server. Its home to helpful, kind and welcoming players of all ages.

The gamemode is based on Skyblock. Some of you may know it as SkyIsland too. To put it simply you start off with a small floating island in the sky and you can expand and build upon it however you want. Along the way you can make friends, build a home, and maybe even become the richest player on the server.

Family friendly is key. Were creating a community of friendly players and you could be part it too.

Were a brand new server so expect new features to be implemented regularly.

Server Features:
:boom: 1.13 – 1.14.3 Skyblock Server
:boom: 1000 x 1000 island size
:boom: Family Friendly
:boom: End Island
:boom: Custom Enchantments
:boom: Crates
:boom: Chat Reaction Games
:boom: Greenhouses
:boom: Welcome Rewards
:boom: Plus More.

Hope to see you around.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Combo Pvp Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!