Welcome to Medieval Unlimited’s Server Page!
Here you will find everything you need to know about the server. This server has gone through A LOT in the past year of it being up. If anyone knows how to prevent chunk errors can you tell me please. The server is set in 1216 C.E, England. Its taken place a year after King John tried to take back England with an army of Danish mercenaries, he got close, he struggled mostly with capturing Rochester Castle. luckily the French came and sent King John and his army on the run, with a new French King.. After that happened it kinda gets off of history into its own Fantasy world, that’s where Terrowin and all the other stuff fits into the server. This server is very strict in wars with what happens and what items u can use, only if its a “Official” city though. The server has a massive custom map made by me. The map is 82,591,744 blocks squared. The mining on that map is expecially hard. The chance of finding diamonds 1/100. So if you see a Normal player walking around with diamond, Call an Admin to come question him. The server has greatly detailed mountains and Trees. (Tree credit to Lentebriesje, For his amazing Tree Repository).. The map has towering mountains to deep and muddy swamps. It also has a Tropic area and a Mesa area. I’v been working on adding some African type areas, and Savannah’s.. Enough about the map, Lets talk more about the diverse Cities.
So far there is one city, Terrowin. This is the main and largest city in the whole map. (Unless some one makes a bigger one XD). Terrowin is controlled by the Knight’s Templar. They are the most Noble members of the city. The city has a unique ranking system aside from the Servers ranking system, it has two ranking systems all under one ranking system and they all intertwine in ways.
They reason the server has cities, wars and Roleplay aside from the Survival PVP aspect is because its so you can get more involved in whats going on.