500 Bon Bot Bots Cod Coding Edit Forge Hosting Invite Mc Server Redit Sign Sites Survival

New host in town

We are a new host for mc servers and alot more we are providing new users 1500 credit after signup and bonus for invite of friends.
We are not the best host yet we are hosting websites, discord bots, coding platforms and more.

Added Anarchy Anti Aternos Cheat Eat Floo Grief Heat Hee If Minecraft Loot Private Wit Without

Anarchy Minecraft Without ANTI-CHEET PRIVATE WITH GRIF Minecraft server

The owner of the server “Anarchy Minecraft Without ANTI-CHEAT PRIVATE WITH GRIF” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Access Artic Creation Creations Hype Hyper Mini Games Origin Rise Steve Steven Surprise Survival Vanilla Whitelist


SkyTestEvent is a minecraft event server of all kinds!
Every week we organize events 100% created and built by us
Currently we have opened our own survival! So if you are interested, do not hesitate to join our discord to be kept informed and to be able to participate in the SkyTestEvent adventure.

You will find on our server:

-Events accessible to all versions
-Events every weekend
– Key rewards for certain events
– New events and original SkyTest creations
-Hyper open community and active members
A staff attentive and ready to help you
And many other surprises

Our Discord To participate in events:

2.11 Anarchy Areas Communities Factions Freedom Huge Jump Pvp Recreate Short Survival Train Ultimate Worlds


Rubic is a PvP survival server with Factions.
That’s it. Really.

We aim to be the opposite of huge servers that are bloated with multiple worlds, mini-games, huge spawn areas, pre-built towns, etc. This is a young server and our ultimate goal is to recreate the experience of good ol’ cozy Minecraft communities where players know each other and there are little to no constraints.
In short, the freedom to craft your own gameplay – this is how we believe the game should be played.

Jump in and we’ll see you there!

1.18.2 Auctionhouse Chatgames Cross-Play Crossplay Economy Fish Fishing Minion Minions Playerwarp Playerwarps Skyblock Tale Tga


Skytale is a new [1.18.2] Skyblock server that aims to provide a brand new and unique skyblock experience. Our plugins are mostly custom and specific for skyblock; they therefore create a new and enjoyable experience in skyblock.


Balanced Economy
Bedrock Crossplay
Custom Enchants
Custom Fishing

Amazing Beefz Chill Epic Fun Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Nutsized Onep Pro Semivanilla Slx Smp Survival Sus Toasticle Vanilla

TrophySMP [Hermitcraft-like] [Whitelisted] [SMP]

Are you on the hunt for a BRAND NEW SMP Well, you’ve found the right place. Whether you’re more technical, into redstone, or love creating majestic builds, TrophySMP is the place for you. We have a few datapacks to spice up the vanilla experience, but other than that, our server is 100% vanilla. We always have room for new players and our welcoming community makes everyone feel at home. We are heavily inspired by hermitcraft and their community as a whole. We have proximity chat and an installation guide for it. This gives us a much larger sense of community. Of course, proximity chat is optional and isn’t forced. We are whitelisted and we have a way to apply. We strive to be the best SMP one could ask for. With our expanding staff and playerbase, we’re always looking for new friends.

Server Version: Paperspigot 1.18.1

Join discord to apply!

Allowed Bots Cked Client Duping Hacked Hob Homo Hub Lab Lag Machine Machine Machines Needed Territory


ToffeeHub is a hub with two servers available.
An anarchy server and an SMP.
You can go back to the hub with /hub if needed.
↓ Rules are Below ↓

SMP Rules:

1. Do not attempt to join with a hacked client.
2. X-raying, attempting to crash the server, and duping is not accepted.
3. Griefing another user’s territory is not allowed.
4. Spamming or using spambots to raid the server isn’t permitted.
5. Trying to be racist/homophobic will result in a ban.
Anarchy Rules:

Only two rules.
Don’t build lag machines.
Don’t try crash the server.

Aternos Auto Bloc Block Dio Ect Idiot Lec Nam Name Put Read Survival Title Type



Backpack Backpacks Change Couple Cross-Play Drop Factions Hulk Little Raiding Reviv Revive Shulk Shulker Survival

The Assail

Welcome to the assail. a factions server with a couple changes such as: New enchants, droppable spawner, shulker backpacks. just little things to shake up the server. Also has bedrock support. (join the discord)

080 Brasil Brazil Economy Fly Gar Joga Mission Missions Pets Pve Sea Searches Skyblock Vip

Fly Brasil

Volare Brazil 1.17.1 | SkyBlock | RPG | Missions | PETs | Free VIP | 24/7 | Searches | new server

1.8.9 189server Cas Kitpv Kitpvp Little Lud Minigame Minigame Server Multiplayer Pot Practice Project Pvp Ten

Ardent Network (1.8.9)

Ardent NetworkThis is a pvp-styled minigame server with a lot of potential!
This server includes (so far), Kitpvp, and PvP practice
I hope you enjoy this server 🙂 it is a little project of mine.
Your Little Server Owners,
Ardent and Lucas

A-z Daily Economy Koth Koths Mines Prestige Prestiges Prision Prison Pvp Rank Rankup Rankups Tom



Ambient Baubles Betweenlands Bibliocraft Bloodmoon Crayfish Doctor Fluffy Harvestcraft Horrorcraft Movie Mrcrayfish Nur Survival Ttt

Lxckyy Horror Craft SMP

NEED HELP? Join the discord and i can answer any questions. The Dimwits (


  • Age of Weapons (by XxRexRaptorxX)
  • Ambient Sounds 3 (by CreativeMD)
  • [​ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands (by MrCompost)
  • Animals (by shelves365)
  • AppleCore (by squeek502)
  • AppleSkin (by squeek502)
  • AutoRegLib (by Vazkii)
  • Baubles (by Aznor13)
  • Better Burning (by DarkhaxDev)
  • Better Invisibility (by Purplicious_Cow_)
  • Better Questing (by Funwayguy)
  • Better Questing – Quest Book (by Drethic)
  • Better Questing – Standard Expansion (by Funwayguy)
  • Better Survival mod (by block_vader)
  • Better Animals Plus (by cybercat5555)
  • BetterFps (by Guichaguri)
  • Bewitchment (Legacy) (by sunconure11)
  • BiblioCraft (by Nuchaz)
  • Biomes O’ Plenty (by Dispute)
  • Bloodmoon (by Lumien231)
  • Clumps (by Jaredlll08)
  • CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
  • CoroUtil (by Corosus)
  • Crafting Tweaks (by BlayTheNinth)
  • CraftPresence (by CDAGaming_)
  • CreativeCore (by CreativeMD)
  • CreepyPastaCraft Reborn (by Baushawat)
  • Custom Mob Spawner (by DrZharky)
  • Deadly Monsters (by Forge_User_42326594)
  • Default World Generator (port) (by ezterry)
  • DimensionalDoors (by DimensionalDevelopment)
  • Dynamic Surroundings (by OreCruncher)
  • EnhancedVisuals (by CreativeMD)
  • Epic Siege Mod (by Funwayguy)
  • Eyes in the Darkness (by gigaherz)
  • FancyMenu (by Cookie)
  • FastFurnace (by Shadows_of_Fire)
  • FastWorkbench (by Shadows_of_Fire)
  • First Aid (by itt)
  • Fish’s Undead Rising (by fish0016054)
  • Foam?Fix (by assiekierka)
  • Hardcore Darkness (by Lumien231)
  • Horror Movie Monsters (by ApemanMC)
  • Hi (by TehNut)
  • Illuminations ? (by doctor4t)
  • Inventory Tweaks [​1.12 only] (by JimeoWan)
  • Iron Backpacks (by gr8pefish)
  • Iron Chests (by ProgWML6)
  • IvToolkit (by Ivorforce)
  • Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz)
  • concrete (by Cookie)
  • LLibrary (by _ForgeUser11902522)
  • Magma Monsters (by Kashdeya)
  • Mantle (by mDiyo)
  • MixinBootstrap (by LX_Gaming)
  • Mo ‘Bends (by iwoplaza)
  • Morpheus (by Quetzi)
  • Mouse Tweaks (by YALTER)
  • Mowzie’s Mobs (by Bobmow)
  • MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod (by MrCrayfish)
  • Ore Excavation (by Funwayguy)
  • OreLib (by OreCruncher)
  • Pam’s HarvestCraft (by pamharvestcraft)
  • Patchouli (by Vazkii)
  • Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire)
  • Quark (by Vazkii)
  • Realistic Torches (by Chaosyr)
  • ReAuth (by TechnicianLP)
  • Recurrent Complex (by Ivorforce)
  • Gauges and Switches (by wilechaote)
  • Roguelike Dungeons (by Greymerk)
  • Sanity (by tiffit_)
  • Scape and Run: Parasites (by Dhanantry)
  • SCP: Lockdown Heavy Containment Zone Expansion (by scootyboooooty)
  • SCP: Lockdown (by commander_wasp)
  • SCP Lockdown Extras (by fluffydoggoofficial)
  • Serene Seasons (by TheAdubbz)
  • Shadowfacts’ Forgelin (by ShadowfactsDev)
  • Sound Filters (by Tmtravlr)
  • The Beneath (by Shinoow)
  • The Midnight (by cipher_zero_x)
  • TiffitLib (by tiffit_)
  • Tinkers’ Addons (by oitsjustjose)
  • Tinkers’ Complement (by KnightMiner)
  • Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo)
  • Tissou’s Zombie Pack (by Tissou)
  • Torch Slabs Mod (by EndlesNights)
  • Traveler’s Backpack (by Tiviacz1337)
  • Doctor Who – Weeping Angels (Forge) (by Suff99)
  • Zombie Awareness (by Corosus)
  • SecurityCraft (by Geforce123)
  • Open Modular Turrents(by keridos)
  • OMlib (by keridos)

  • Categories
    080 Brasil Brasileiro Brazil Brazilian Missions Newserver Pets Promotion Research Rpg Searches Skyblock Survival Vips

    Volare Brazil 1.17.1 | SkyBlock | RPG | Missions | PETs | Free VIP

    Flying Brasil – 1.17.1

    Skyblock | RPG | Missions | PETs | Dungeons | VIPs | Researches

    Server is in beta, recently opened.

    We are giving away promotional VIPs, enjoy!


    200 Account Add Added Cent Class Des Enter Host Hosting Ost Rip Survival Multiplayer You Your

    Hosting Minecraft server

    The owner of Hosting has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Ancient Explora Exploration Exploring Hidden Living Mysterious Naruto Npcs Powers Scrolls Shinobi Survival Territory Villages

    Silenced Shinobi

    You will start off as an exploration team going through the world, however some tension within the group causes people to separate and create their own factions. These factions won’t affect the story but will be run by the players. Similar to villages, you aren’t forced into doing specific things or living in one area. This being said you can take over destroyed villages or make your own and fight other factions for territory. With there being factions you can make your own missions that can be exploring different lands and exploring to uncover what happened to the naruto world. You may be wondering how the mod fits with this theme. The tension created within the team is about hidden powers that were rediscovered and those of greed wanted to obtain them all.

    Exploration is key to how you rediscover these ancient powers. You can find scrolls, npcs, and parts of a mysterious tree to learn these powers.You will have weapons to start off your journey, however if you want more powers you may have to check a few bushes to make sure you aren’t missing some key items.

    Ask Chill Co-op Custom Hill Jobs New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Protect Protection Survival Tak Target Towny Wiki – Towny Survival

    Welcome to! We’re a small new minecraft server community trying to create a nice chill experience. We run towny for land protection and co-operation. Want to help this server become something great? We constantly take and ask for player input to make this the best experience we can!

    Feel free to check out our wiki at or our web map at

    1182server 247server Buildbattle Canada Community Communitydriven Creative Discord Dream Dreamsmp Empiresmp Europe Friends Fun Grian Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Hypixel Lgbt Lgbtfriendly Lgbtq Minecraft Minigames Mumbojumbo New Newmap Newserver Nolag Parkour Redstone Scicraft Semivanilla Smp Survival Techno Technoblade Usa Vanilla Voicechat Worldedit

    Block Bodega | A quaint, HermitCraft inspired, SMP where you can make new friends and build cool things!

    Block Bodega is first and foremost a community. Large, collaborative projects are the backbone of the server. Our Discord is active, diverse, and fun. If you’re looking for a server where you can make new friends, chat with others, and work together on cool projects, this is it. If you’re looking for a server where you can sit back, chill, and play Minecraft, that’s fine too! If you’re looking for a server where you can go off, do your own thing, and forgo human interaction, keep looking.
    Key Features
    Community Projects:
    No matter who you are or what you enjoy doing, there’ll always be a project you can work on. Currently, we’re working on building our Nether Hub; remodeling the End island; building various community farms; creating a proper town at the server spawn with a museum, court, etc.

    Active Discord:
    Our Discord is active almost 24/7. Joining the voice call is, of course, not required but it is highly encouraged and adds a ton to the server experience. We’re a friendly bunch and always open to meeting new people.

    Diverse Community:
    We’ve got players from the United States, Europe, Central America, etc. Everyone is treated equally (for better or worse) and nobody will care what you identify as or who you are attracted to.

    Free Speech:
    You will not be punished for having an opinion or making a joke. Criticizing staff, criticizing the server, voicing your opinions, etc., is allowed and encouraged. We don’t take things personally, provided you’re not actively causing problems.

    Vanilla Experience:
    The server runs with minimal plugins. We use CoreProtect to mitigate griefing and theft, and a few plugins to manage lag (nothing that will break your farms) and facilitate server management. There are no teleports, no land claims, no economy plugins, nothing that will subtract from vanilla gameplay. We do have the Realistic Seasons plugin to add some variety, but this can be disabled easily by the player.

    Almost all major decisions pertaining to the server are left to a vote. Map resets, staff appointments, rule changes, etc., are all left to a vote. Feedback is always welcome and sincere feedback is taken seriously.

    Creative Server:
    Prototype builds and have fun with full access to game-mode commands, WorldEdit commands, VoxelSniper commands, and more on our creative server! Build Battles and other competitions are hosted regularly on the creative server.

    Competent Staff:
    All staff members are over 18, experienced, and generally friendly. Moderators and administrators do not power trip and will promptly removed from the staff team if they do. If you have any problems, we will solve them quickly and completely.

    No P2W:
    There are no donation roles, buyable cosmetics, or anything like that. You will never be solicited for money and categorically do not accept donations of any kind. The point of the server is to have fun and make friends, not to be profitable.

    Server Rules:
    Griefing and theft are forbidden. CoreProtect is used to enforce this.
    Hacks, x-ray, and glitches are forbidden. TNT, carpet, & rail duping are permitted.
    Spam and excessive self-promotion are forbidden. This includes mic-spam.
    Discord TOS violations will result in a ban from our Discord.
    Sexually-explicit content is forbidden.
    Employ basic social etiquette in the VC.

    Bedrock And Java Bedrockjavacrossplay Custom Armor Custom Weapon Custom Weapons Customitems Custommobs Furniture Javabedrockcrossplay Javaedition Mcmmo Reimagined Roleplay Survival Towny


    BetterSMP is Minecraft Survival Reimagined! We have:
    – Bedrock and Java Crossplay
    – Custom Items
    – Custom Weapons
    – Custom Armor
    – Custom Mobs and Bosses
    – Custom Furniture
    And more!

    Coming Soon! Currently in Development! Please check back again later!

    Active Blo Bloc Block Greek Ist Land Lands Lmao Lock Ree Sky Skyblock Stan Tla


    Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock Greek SkyBlock

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Server Gratis Minecraft Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!