Action Actions Ass Bat Battle Battles Class Craft Dutch Eam Erver Esp Fac Faction Factions House Play Pvp Raft See Server Special Style Tea Team


Ben jij van van fan Factions,Team Play of Pvp battles dan is de server precies wat voor Jouw.

DutchHouseCraft is een only Factions server hierdoor zijn we gespecialiseerd in de Factions.


Active Art Ass Blo Block Class Creative Eat Ect Erver Game Games Insta List Mini Minigame Minigames Plot Plotme Public Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Two Voxel Whitelist Work World Worlds

Block by Block TV

BlockbyBlock server is all about creative artwork! Public PlotMe, and voxel server! Also have Survival, SkyBlock, and minigames worlds.

You must whitelist your in-game name before you can connect. Whitelist instantly @

Active Best Class Community Craft Discord Eco Econ End Event Events Extreme Fac Flag Free Freedom Friends Game Inecraft Join King Lag Mine Minecraft Mod Open Popular Quest Reddit Server Servers Staff Sub Survival Team Title Update Vanilla War

FreedomCraft Survival

Welcome to FreedomCraft, FreedomCrafter!
IP: (Launching July 4th!)

Version: 1.16+ Launch: July 4th, 2020

What is FreedomCraft Survival?
FreedomCraft Survival is an upcoming Minecraft server launching on July 4th. Our theme circles around early America and Freedom, however, we extend the warmest of welcome to our friends outside of the United States. We will launch with a single gamemode, our flagship vanilla-like survival experience. Updates and events on our survival server will occur often, monthly in-fact. The best part about these updates is that our community is involved in what comes next.

In addition to our flagship survival gamemode, a second gamemode is already in the works. Our second, upcoming gamemode is based around a popular and growing ARG. Additionally, we are the only Minecraft server licensed to operate this gamemode. Currently, this is referred to as Project Nirvana, if you are interested in working with us on this project, join our community!

When is the Launch?
Our launch will occur on July 4th, 2020. A specific time has yet to be determined, however, as soon as this information is present it will be announced on the Official FreedomCraft Survival Subreddit and Discord. If you are interested in following our progress and becoming a member of our community, join our Discord and Subreddit. We welcome all!

Have any questions? Come ask our staff team, we are extremely active on our Discord server (linked above).

See you on soon, Citizen!
FreedomCraft Survival Staff Team

Active Bee Best Class Community Craft Creative Economy Elves Emo English Experience Factions Free Game Growing Inecraft King Lag Mine Minecraft Mod Multi Network Play Player Players Pvp Server Servers Speak Survival Tea Team Teamspeak Who

DRC Network

-=-=-Who are we?=-=-

DutchRastaCraft, also known as DRC or DRC Network. We are a minecraft server with multiple gamemodes. We have been running this server since September 13th, 2012.

-=-=What do we offer you?=-=-

We offer you multiple gamemodes. That’s why we call ourselves a network. We have multiple servers connected to give you the best experience possible. We are known to be a lagg-free server.

=-=-Our community=-=-

We are mostly known for our community. We have a very active Dutch forum and also a growing English forum. We also have an active Teamspeak 3 server where you can talk to other players!
Our community is something we’ve been working on for a long time. We love our players AND we listen to our players. You decide what you want to see next on DRC!

Action Actions Ass Blo Block Class Creative Day Eat Event Events Fac Faction Factions Game Gaming Haven Ice Join Ming Multi Network Noop Open Pvp Rvival Sky Skyblock Skypvp Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Today Two

ECLAT.LV Multi-Gaming

★ Eclat Network ★

★ Choose your gametype and join today. ★

★ We offer you 5 gametypes, for your own choice.

Join Eclat Network today, and find what you’ve havent seen before.


Active Ban Build Class Cool Creative Economy Edit End Enjoy Experience Features Free Freebuild Has Hate Hub Ill Join Legendary Mcmmo New Play Plot Plots Plugin Plugins Pve Semi Semi Vanilla Server Shop Smp Spawn Survival Vanilla Website World Worldedit

LegendaryBane SMP

LegendaryBane is a server with a new spawn, new shop, new hub, and a cool creative freebuild server. Come join us and play on a sweet server that has loads of plugins that add tons of cool features to a semi vanilla experience!

Our Creative Freebuild world is built with a plots system. We also have WorldEdit available. Come build whatever you like and enjoy knowing that your creations will always be available to show off!

LegendaryBane is a server built for you. Join our website at

Age Ars Ass Class Com Crate Crates Die Dom Empire Enjin Erver Extra Ijd Ill Ken Kill King Kingdom Noop Npc Npcs Open Paw Play Plugin Plugins Ran Rank Rat Ring Server Spawn Style Ten Ter


Wat hebben wij jou te bieden:


Server met een mooie uitgebreide spawn waar je lekker overal kunt kijken en op kunt klimmen.
Er lopen NPCs rond voor wat extra leven in de stad.
In deze server hebben we aantal wat plugins zitten om onze spelers een leuke ervaring te geven.

Aanvallen mag je niet zomaar. Daarvoor hebben we aanvals dagen.
Als je iemand aanvalt terwijl het geen aanvals dag is zal je als eerst een waarschuwing krijgen, gebeurd dit nogmaals. Dan zal jou KD worden verwijdert.

Empire Wand
Deze wand kun je krijgen op 3 manieren
1. Door iemand te killen met een EW
2. Door een rank te kopen die een EW heeft.
3. Door een EW lost te kopen in de winkel.
4. Door geluk te hebben met een crate.


Action Actions Active Ass Class Creative Creeper Danish Diamond Eat Economy Eng Engels English English Server Erp Erver Fac Faction Factions Fun God Good Hey Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Mon Ops Prison Pvp Ree Server This

Diamond Creeper

Hey, det her er Diamond Creeper.
En dansk/Engelsk server hvor vi altid har det godt!
Vi tilbyder: Factions, Creative, KitPVP og Prison
Vi håber vi ser dig inde på Diamond Creeper

OPS!! Du kan også bruge ipen

Hello, this is Diamond creeper.
A Danish/English server where we where got it good and fun!
We offer: Factions, Creative, KitPVP and Prison!
We hope we see you on Diamond Creeper

OPS!! You also can use the ip

Ace Action Ars Ass Class Com Core Craft Eco Econ Erver Free Game Games Great Hard Hardcore Join Kit Kywars Noop Open Place Please Pvp Rvival Server Sky Skywar Skywars Style Survival Survival Games Vote War Wars


Great server with a variety of attractions
Second place in the server
kit pvp
survival games
And more
Free server
Join now
Please vote for the server


8.2 Action Actions Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ass Class Com End Enjin Enjoy Enjoyable Erver Fac Faction Factions Follow Friend Friends Fun Make Mcm Mcmmo Mmo New Noop Open Pvp Raid Raiding Riends Server Style Time


Fun server to make new friends while having an enjoyable time.
– Factions
– PvP
– Raiding
– and much more.


Active Arena Ats Boss Bosses Class Classes Dedicated Edit Emo End Fun Game Good Guns Item Items Kitpvp Mini Games Mob Mobarena Mobs Mod Network Old Perks Play Player Players Popular Pve Pvp Raiding Server Special Spells Team Tokens Tower

Sector Alpha Arena Network

Sector Alpha’s Mobarena is a server dedicated to the popular gamemode Mobarena. Players on this server fight endless waves of mobs and bosses to earn credits and tokens which they can later use to buy more Mobarena classes, special arrows, and other fun perks.

The other gamemode is Chamber of Heroes, where up to 10 players fight a round with a choice of over 36 Heroes. There are also over 200 spells for some of the 36 classes, there are also guns for a few of the classes. Players win rounds by destroying the other team’s cores and towers, players also can get gold to upgrade his or her own stats, or buy items. Chamber of Heroes is mostly about teamwork, and a good team is what makes this game so good.

Best Buycraft Class Craft Crate Crates Eco Econ Econom Economy Enjoy Experience Features Fun Ill Kill King Kit Kits Lag Mage New Noop Online Open Owner Play Player Players Pvp Rewards Ring Server Staff Style Talk War


Were a brand new Kit PVP server offering players the best Kit PVP experience out there.
Some of the more notable Features:
No lag
OP Kits
Kill rewards
Were currently looking for new staff, so come online and talk to the owners. Have fun and enjoy.


Active Base Based Class Com Community Craft Creative Custom Economy Emo Erver Exciting Factions Features Fun Game Gamemode Gamemodes Great Inecraft Make Mine Minecraft Mod Network New Old Plugin Plugins Prison Pro Pvp Server Servers Unique Welcome

Old Brutal Network

Brutal Network

Welcome to Brutal Network, were a fun Minecraft server network! We have custom plugins, a great community and exciting new gamemodes that are unique to us. We are always improving our network, adding more features and servers based around your feedback! You are what makes us what we are today. Thank you!

Active Class Community Craft Crate Crates Event Experience Features Fun Good Hard Has Ill Inecraft Jail Job King Mad Mine Minecraft Money New Pay Play Player Players Plot Plots Prison Rank Ranks Release Staff Theme Unknown World

Vanaadin Prison | 576 Ranks

Vanaadin Prison has much to offer, 576 Ranks, Heaps of money making methods.. You wont be getting bored anytime soon.

Here at Vanaadin Prison we also listen to our players whilst also TRYING to get a prison atmosphere, That may be hard to do with the prison area themes not matching PRISON GENRE but just think of the AA part as.

— Youre a prisoner being sentenced for an unknown reason, Your job is to mine and sell the minerals to the prison and eventually all the money made has had a % taken out for your BAIL requirement, You will eventually pay it off and get released back into the world. —


576 Ranks 15+ Money Making Methods 24/7 Plots Crates Months of countless fun Good Player Community Active Staff Listening Staff Members —

We aim to please our members with a MINECRAFT jail experience whilst keeping the fun. If you feel youre losing interest in Vanaadin Prison, Contact the staff members why you are, And suggest adding new things. Im sure they will contact me about it and it might be added.


Active Ass Class Creative Eat End Erver Friend Friendly Play Plugin Plugins Riendly Rvival Server Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Taff Way


We are a Survival server with ways to obtain creative. We have lot’s of plugins and plenty to do. Friendly staff and more!

Ars Ass Buy Class Com Craft Erver Gui Inecraft Kywars Mine Minecraft Miner Mini Minijuegos Mod Modalidades Noop Open Pol Premium Pvp Ran Rvival Server Servidor Sky Skywar Skywars Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tes War Wars

Mineropolis 2.0

Minecraft server no premium con las siguientes modalidades:

Server de minecraft no premium survival
server de minecraft no premium SkyWars
server de minecraft no premium pvp
Y más
Descubre cada uno de los minijuegos entrando a nuestro servidor


Active Adventure Auction Class Community Craft Eco Economy Event Events Experience Fair Family Free Freedom Game Games Ill Kill Map Mcmmo Mmo Mpet New Old Play Player Players Plugin Pve Pvp Server Spawn Staff Survival Trade Update Updated War


Now updated to 1.8!

NessCraft is a PvE survival server running a brand new 1.8 map with a heavy emphasis on community; we offer everything a player could wish for in a survival server with nothing mandatory. If you want to PvP, there are zones allocated for you to do so, if you like the comfort of PvE, you have every opportunity to do so as well.

We highly encourage community events, holding regular competitions and games, and supporting a fair player trade system through our Auction House at spawn.

To add more adventure to your survival experience we utilise McMMO, a plugin that allows you to gain skill increases in various aspects of survival, and become more efficient and rewarding in doing them, be it PvP or PvE oriented.

If you want a family atmosphere, close interaction between staff and players and full freedom to play as you like, then NessCraft is the place for you!

Action Best Cat Class Community Craft Create Creative End Experience Fac Faction Friends Game Games Gaming Has Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Ming Need Noop Open Play Plugin Plugins Pro Server Style This Top World Worlds

Tevo Server

A all category server. This has all the top selected mine games, plugins, creative worlds and faction worlds for all your Minecraft needs.

Join tevogaming as he plays and runs the server, in aid to give you and your friends the best experience that you can have on the server. Together with calpro123 and Thrusmyster, they create a community like no-other.


Active Build Building Class Craft Eco Econ Economy End Friendly Games Grief Job King Kingdom Money New Play Player Players Playing Plot Plugin Plugins Protection Pvp Rank Region Regions Rules Server Sign Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Town Towns Update Wns

Majesty Craft

MajestyCraft is a Economy Survival Server with PvP Enabled. We have very friendly staff and keep you up to date. About once a month, we update our server with new plugins, new rules, and new games!

There are two methods to playing in MajestyCraft:

 Go out into the wild and scavenge for yourself, classic survival/PvP

 Start by Buying or Renting a House or Plot in a Town. From there, earn a Job and earn money to become rich. You can then earn the rank [Citizen], [Merchant], [Veteran], and lastly [Legend]. Finally start building your own kingdom and the house of your dreams!

We Offer PvP in the Wild. Advanced Grief Protection Regions, and Lots of Towns!

The Staff at MajestyCraft would like to thank you for your support. Just playing on the server benefits us in every way! We hope you all enjoy the atmosphere and design of MajestyCraft.
We hope you all enjoy the new players, new staff, and our new goal!

- MajestyCraft Staff

Action Ass Ations Best Big Build Class Com Craft Creation Dcraft Ect Enjin Erver Fac Faction Factions Farm Forums Free Fun Item Items Join Mad Noop Open Play Player Players Ring Server Style Talk This Version

FarmCraft Factions | 24/7

You are free to build your creations on this server , be the best player , earn most items , talk many other players , have lots of fun. Server was made on 01.01.2015 and planning to grow big and bring lots of fun to our players. You must use 1.7.10 client version to be able to connect to our server. Join our forums.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Minecraft Server Sites. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!