Active Admin Ass Class Com Community Eng Erver Fun Game Games Gui Gun Head Join Mall Mini Minigame Minigames Mmu Mod Network Ommunity Owner Penguin Pie Pvp Raiding Server Small Two Work


We Are A Fun Server With More Minigames To Come!!
We Are A Small Community But Come on Join The Fun!!!!

Arena Arenas Ass Ava Class Com Craft Eat Erver Features Join Lab Lag List Pro Professional Pvp Raft Raid Raiding Reward Rewards Server Staff Style Taff War Whitelist


CubixCraft is a no whitelist PVP/RAID server we have professional staff and no lag.

No Lag
PVP Arenas
All 1.8 features are available.

Well? What are you waiting for?
Come and join now.


Active Build Challenge Cities City Class Create Eco Econ Economy Environment Interesting Item Join King Land Lands Lit Lore Mine Minecon Network New Old Play Player Players Protection Pve Pvp Safe Server Servers Shop Shops Standard Survival World

Wasteland Survival

Wasteland Survival

Looking for an interesting twist on your standard survival? Wasteland Survival features ToxicSkies and CityWorld to create an environment of a devestated world with poisonous air. Players are challenged to rebuild society amidst the rubble of a lost civilization.

The landscape is littered with impressively destroyed cities, bunkers, sewers, and even mine-shafts to explore. All of these are filled with renewable chests to provide useful loots to players.

The poisonous air drains the strength of players, their hunger bar, causing one to die of hunger if protection is not acquired. Being inside or wearing a pumpkin helmet will provide safety from the toxicity.

You will find available housing under the protection of the Phoenix Dome, or you may purchase protection blocks to protect your own land out amidst the ruins. Large enough protections are provided in order to allow players to even build their own communities.

Utilizing Hyperconomy and an add-on GUI, all items are able to be easily bought and sold through server shops. Players also have the ability to create their own chest shops for profit.

This server is a part of the Mineconomy network, and thus provides access to other featured servers as well!

Join us as we work to rebuild from the ashes!

Active Amazing Class Economy Experience Extreme Fac Factions Fun Hard Hardcore Head Ill Interesting Kill King Melons Network Networks Play Player Players Premium Pvp Raiding Rank Ranks Relax Server Servers Shop Stable Stealing Trans Unique War


Daedric Network is the ultimate player against player experience, the ultimate big-boy league… A place to make a name for yourself. But dont worry! You dont have to constantly face other players in head on battle.. Instead, you can relax, and grow some melons.. And with the amazing shop prices, youll be rich in no time! And we all just want to be rich, right But if you’re more interested in killing other players, and stealing their stuff… Then we have some amazing ranks, that I can just tell you will absolutely love!

We run our servers on extremely stable hardware.
Intel Core i7 4770
Debian 7.5
10,000 GB Premium Transfer
1 GBPS Uplink
2x 160 GB SSD
Were a unique server that offer very fun interesting servers that will have you occupied for hours.
Were always looking to apply so hurry and apply at

Active Admin Admins Ban Build Building Chat Creative Custom Discord End Free Friendly Friendlycommunity Fun Grief Griefing Join Mod Mods Need Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Protection Pvp Server Smp Staff Survival Title Vanilla War Whitelist Whitelisted World


Join the Discord to be whitelisted:

This is a free-build, SMP server. We’ve got an active Discord and friendly players. PvP can be toggled. We have a custom array of plugins and some feature set ones that you’re comfortable with.

There’s also a creative world if you don’t wish to play Survival.


No racism, sexism, personal harassment, or ANY discrimination.
Don’t be toxic, don’t spam, don’t ignore staff warnings.
If you need a serious problem resolved, talk to mods/admins.

Player feedback to admins is welcome and encouraged
If you didn’t build it or place it, leave it alone
We like a busy chat screen. Tell us about your day.
Be kind, be brave, have fun 🙂

There is no protection, anywhere, we encourage building, we ask you to leave other buildings alone though, griefing isn’t tolerated.

If you wish to move/remove someone’s building, please ask the owner of the property or an admin if it looks abandoned.

Active Based Bee Castle Class Classes Community Cool Edit Family Gadgets Game Hogwarts Home Ill Join King Mad Mini Games Mmo Movie Old Parkour Play Plugin Pro Pve Pvp Rol Role Roleplay School Server Spells Update Updated War

Zatcast Hogwarts RP Server

Welcome to Zatcast Hogwarts Roleplay
We recently updated the old server and we are looking for some active people to join the Community. Our Hogwarts Castle is fully finished, Including interior. All the 4 common rooms have been made based on the movies.
Quidditch plugin in currently in Delevopment! Stay tuned!
During your school years, there will be several Professors that will organise classes.
During classes you will be taught how to cast spells, if not valuable information. You can cast spells with a Wand. In addition, sometimes there is homework.
In classes, you can recieve Credits. With credits, you can get cool gadgets, Family names, and even the next school year!

Active Admin Admins Battle Battles Boss Cat Class Community Creative Drop End Event Events Friendly Game Games Grief Griefing Help House Mall Minigame Minigames Mod Mods New Pro Protect Protected Pvp Server Small Staff Survival Survival Games

Voxel Dream

About the Server-
Voxel Dream is a Survival/Creative/Mini-Games Server/creative/minigames with friendly Mods and Admins, always reaching out to help the community. We have events everyday to drop events to boss battles. This is a PvP server but you can have your house protected by one of the mods so that you won’t have to worry about griefing. This is a small and new server so if you feel that something is missing please let the staff know so that we can implicate what you want onto the server.

Active Amazing Community Craft Create Death Eco Econ Economy End Essentials Event Events Forge Free Freedom Home Kit Lore Minecraft Mod Need Peaceful Play Player Pve Roleplay Server Shop Shops Spawn Staff Survival Town Towns Towny War Website Who Wns

MystycFalls Pixelmon Peaceful

WARNING: You may crash upon first joining, Just restart Minecraft and re-join.

MystycFalls invites you to come and play on our pixelmon server.

You need Forge to run Pixelmon:

Pixelmon mod download:
MystycFalls pixelmon is a peaceful survival server and we added towny so you can go off, explore and create amazing towns.
We allow you to ride pokemon, Keep inventory on death and kept legendary spawning turned on.
Walking into pokemon will no longer auto attack, We kept that turned off to allow more freedom.
Staff will be holding weekly events and will be playing in the community with everyone.
Also we have a player run economy, You can set up multiple chest shops to buy and sell to the community.
We have an amazing starter kit for everyone who joins, Packed with all the essentials you need to get you well on your way.
We appreciate any feedback and suggestions.
Join our website:

Anti Ass Block Build Builds Childfriendly Class Com Community Cool Craft Custom Economy Economyserver Economyshop Economysurvival Ect Enchant Enchants End Enjoy Erver Friendly Fun Great Inecraft Mine Minecraft Money One Pvparena Pvpsurvival Riendly Server Soon Survival Title


FunOut is a childfriendly Minecraft Server.

What you can do in our server? Enjoy the great community, earn Money for cool Stuff! Build gigantic builds! Custom Enchants? Soon!
(It’s Fun and way Out of the ordinary)

Action Actions Active Ars Ass Blo Block Class Custom Eat Fac Faction Factions Great Join Kywars Nen Network One Oppriso Opprison Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Sky Skyblock Skywar Skywars Sur This Time Tom Two War Wars


Join now if this seems great to you!

Active Admin Arena Based Battle Build Claim Class Craft Dwarves Eco Economy Elves Explore Fac Faction Factions Ill Interesting King Kingdom Kingdoms Lag Land Lands Lore New Old Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Server Survival Team Top War Who World


MonarchCraft is a brand new faction based server with multiple interesting plugins! We use a top notch server hosting program which runs with relatively no lag. We have a strict group of admin who will ensure that the server is always up and running for you to enjoy!

We have recently implemented a team based arena to simulate an elves vs dwarves battleground, who will arise victorious?

You have multiple choices to build your army and claim a kingdom for your own, march accross vast lands to destroy weaker kingdoms, or even become a nomad and explore MonarchCraft with nothing holding you back! It’s all up to you. Welcome to MonarchCraft, the world is yours!

Active Best Class Craft Cratekeys Custom Donation Eco Econ Economy Experience Factions Good Great Inecraft Keys Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Nation Open Parkour Perks Play Player Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Rank Rankup Roleplay Server Servers Shop Shops Trade

Prison Time

PrisonTime is one of the best Prison servers since 2013 where we take all suggestions and output it in the best Minecraft Prison Server Experience! We we’re actually one of the first prison servers to ever open, meaning we have the most experience out of all the other prison servers! 🙂


Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Chest Class Competition Competitions Craft End Event Events Friendly Game Help Ill Inecraft Join Kill Land Level Map Mature Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mpet Noop Open Pet Play Pro Protection Simple Skills Special Staff Survival Whitelist World

40six Worlds

♦ Join and Play ♦
No whitelist or registration, just follow the tutorial and play.

♦ Multiple Survival Worlds ♦
Play in any world you like and access the same inventory through out.

♦ mcMMO ♦
Level up skills and enhance your Minecraft gameplay.

♦ Simple Protection ♦
Protect your chests and land, It’s your choice to share or not.

♦ Events ♦
Competitions and special maps will be available.

♦ Friendly and Mature ♦
Our staff are here to help.


Active Ass Ats Auction Class Com Economy Enjoy Erver Factions Hardcore Kit Kitpvp Kits Mean Multi Nam New Paw Plugin Plugins Pvp Rad Rading Server Spawn Staff Stats Taff Time Trading Way


PvPTm is pvp refined with multiple plugins
Just to name a few:
We have a fare Staff
And a new spawn is on the way but in the mean time
enjoy our server.

Active Ass Ava Avatar Class Creative Eat Game Games Hun Hunger Hunger Games Mini Games Pos Rvival Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games World


~Where the most is possible! – Hunger Games – Survival – Creative – Avatar World and more..

Action Actions Ass Awesome Beast Bmc Class Com East Enjin Erver Eso Fac Faction Factions Follow Lab Mall Need Needed Noop Open Server Small Spell Spells Staff Style Taff Tmc


Awesome small server with spells, factions and more. Staff needed.


Active Ass Best Bungee Bungeecord Calm Cat Class Com Dedi Dedicated Eco Economy Edm Erver Exp Experience Factions Give Ill Mine Mines Network Pixelmon Play Player Players Prison Pvp Red Server Ter This Two Ungee Work

ShatteredMines – CriticalMC

This is a server dedicated to our players. We are a bungeecord network striving to give you the best experience you will ever have on a server.

Ass Build Building Class Com Die Element End Eng Engels Erver Game Gaming Host Ill Land Lands Lin Ming Mpet Nederland Nederlands Noop Open Pet Plugin Plugins Rvival Server Servers Stand Style Surviva Survival Unknown Vanilla

[UEGaming] Survival & Building

Wij zijn UEGaming, wat staat voor Unknown Element Gaming. Unknown Element Gaming is een hechte groep vrienden die graag gamen, zowel competitieve als niet-competitieve.

De server draait standaard vanilla, met wat beveilings-plugins.
puur vanilla, geen gedoe.
Ook hosten wij andere servers:

NOTE: we praten alleen engels en nederlands


Active Ark Ass Aus Australia Base Based Blo Block Class Com Creative Emo Erver Game Gamemode Gamemodes Light Ming Mod Network Park Parkour Play Prison Rvival Server Sever Sky Skyblock Soon Surviv Surviva Survival Sydney Two

Lightube MC Network

Lightube MC Network is a server network based in Sydney, Australia. We have several gamemodes including Creative, Survival, Skyblock, Prison, Parkour, and more coming soon!

Ace Ass Ban Better Class Com Community Craft Erver Everything Fac Facebook Ijd Ill Join King Lin Make New News Nline Ommunity Online Open Play Player Players Server Site Style Survival Multiplayer Ter Website Welcome


Welcome to Tattvacraft,

The server is open, you can join the community of TC.
Where still working on the server to make it better and to add everything the players want, got ideas? tell us and we will add it to the server.
Where also working on a website and on a TS3 server.
For more news follow us on Facebook.

Come and join us.

Welkom bij Tattvacraft,

De server is online dus wees niet bang en join de gemeenschap TC.
We zijn nog steeds druk bezig met alles, want ja er kan altijd iets beter. Heb je ideën wees niet benauwd en meld ze bij ons. We willen voor ieder wat leuks toevoegen.
We zijn nog bezig met onze website en met onze TS3 server.
Voor meer nieuws kun je ons altijd opzoeken op Facebook.

Kom snel en join ons.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Creativefun ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!