Backpacks Chestshop Claim Claiming Claims Economy Mcmmo Parkour Playershops Playerwarp Playerwarps Pve Pvp Rpg Shop Smp Stream Streamers Survival Twitch Youtube

NotNot Twitch SMP [1.17] ❤️ [ – Survival- ] ❤️ | Claim Land 🛕 | McMMO 🛡️ | Twitch Integration 🎒 | Amazing Community ❤️

NotNot is a modern 1.17 SMP with Twitch integration.
On NotNot you will have a lag-free, fair square Survival Experience. Our cutting edge plug-ins make X-Raying impossible.

Here you can claim Lands, create entire cities and have optional wars with other Lands.
Trade with other players, increase your abilities and play with your favorite Streamers!

Aternos Data Datapack Fire Firends Infinity Marvel Norules Ooga Pac Pack Stone Stones Survival Vanilla


this is a very cool minecraft server with the infinity gauntlet datapack! here you can play with your firends(if you have any ofc) and use all six infinity stones which is really cool.

/t/ 1.17.1 Box Drop Epic Little Origin Origins Origins Mod Roll Survival Tall Target Troll Trolling

Rat Smp (Origins Anarchy Server)

Rat Smp is an epic server with ANARCHY! It does need mods
Server is 1.17.1

mods –
Have fun and do a little trolling

The origins mod is used on this server and this point im just stalling

Do a little trolling

Bedrock Build Classic Creative Discord Economy Events Everyone Explore Fun Game Goodserver Java Jobs Lowping Mcmmo Play Plots Pocketedition Server Survival Towny Vanilla Worldedit

1.17.1 Aurora Craft – Towny, Survival & Creative

1.17.1 Aurora Craft - Towny, Survival & Creative Minecraft Server
Aurora Craft Information
Hello I’m Jasper and I am formally inviting you to one of the best Minecraft servers on the RISE! *you are essential to the rise*

Aurora Craft is Java and Bedrock compatible!

Towny/SMP/Creative IP: running 1.17.1

Bedrock IP: PORT: 19132

Aurora Craft Features only read if you so choose, otherwise just join the server and figure it out


  • Tons of unique plugins to keep you entertained for hours.
  • Build a Town with friends and grow it to a Nation.
  • RPG Level System to gain skills as you play the game.
  • Brew custom drinks for yourself and share them with folks.
  • Get a job to earn money and buy items in game.
  • Survival:

  • Ultra simplistic SMP for you to join.
  • Use the simple claim system to keep your build protected.
  • Earn custom /tags as you play the game to display.
  • Vote each day to earn a vote key to get more crates.
  • Setup your own player shop near the Spawn to sell goods.
  • Creative

  • Unlimited world edit for you to construct all your amazing builds.
  • Quest system to challenge your build ideals.
  • Multiple world types to explore from Small to Large.
  • Unique features as you level up to help build.
  • At the highest rank, get access to your own personal world.
  • Modded:

  • We run several modded servers to enjoy!
  • Attack of the B-Team 1.6.4
  • Feed the Beast Ultimate Reloaded (beta coming soon)
  • Pixelmon Reforged (beta)
  • If you’ve gotten this far into our blurb, you might as well click the button below and join. You won’t be disappointed… hangout for a while. You’ll fall in love with Aurora!

    Join our discord!

    Crafter Crafters Crafting Crates Donate Economy Envoy Event Faction Faction Pvp Factions Fun Grief Lag Mcmmo Minecraft Modified Pvp Ram Server Staff Survival World

    Crafting Crafter [Factions] [1.8 – 1.17.1]

    Crafting Crafter – 1.8 – 1.17.1 clients can join – Running Factions Minecraft version 1.17.1 with 1.8 style PvP!

    Quick Info: 24/7, Uptime: 99.87%, 99.9% Lag free, DDoS protected, Great experienced staff!

    Crafting Crafter is a newly renovated and released Factions server! Come join our amazing community today and compete to be the best Faction!

    Here’s a list of some of the great features we have:

  • Crates
  • Supply Drops
  • Vote rewards
  • McMMO
  • Economy/Shop
  • 10k x 10k world border
  • TNT Bank
  • Auctions
  • /randomtp
  • Obsidian destroyer
  • Custom donor perks.
  • +much much more!

  • Categories
    1.17.1 Claim Drug Drugs Earth Globe Heads Levels Mcmmo Menu Navi Survival Vehicle Vehicles World Map

    NationMC Earth [SMP][PVE]{Towny}{McMMO}{Earth Map}{Vehicles}{Armory}{1.17.1}{1.12.2}

    NationMC is a custom Earth World designed to create towns
    within nations around the globe! Invite your friends to
    collaborate in a real world location navigating on the map!

    Server IP:

    » /Menu (all custom features)
    » Custom Enchants
    » Guns
    » Drugs
    » Vehicles
    » Nations
    » Live World Map
    » Non-P2W Levels
    » Shop
    » Spawners
    » Random Teleport
    » Player Warps
    » Custom Heads
    » McMMO
    » Actions
    » Land Claiming
    » Friendly staff
    » Hosted on the US East Coast

    Server IP:



    Aternos Auto Bloc Ect Join Lec Nam Name Plz Join Put Pvp Read Server Ip Sus Title


    plz join my server ip; ip; ip;suscraft26ms.aternos.meip;
    ip; ip; ip; ip; ip;
    ip; ip; ip; ip;

    900 Aternos Auto Kitpv Kitpvp Lec Nam Name Plz Join Pmc Pvp Pvp Server Server Ip Sus Title

    join kitpvp server

    join PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6 PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6PMC0b70b1964f90038fdb42a071b7994ca6

    plz join my server

    1.9 Emb Event Events Help Hermit Hermitcraft Member Paw Pve Economy Small Spawn Tea Team Title


    A hermitcraft survival server with a small active player base! We do events and are looking for new members to join the build team that helps build spawn and other things.

    2020 Adultstaff Friendlyserver Friendlystaff Friendlysurvival Grief Prevention Griefprevention History Protection Simple Small Smallcommunity Survival Survivalserver Vintage

    J-C-H – Small Friendly Community Survival

    This is a small server run by the same group of friends since 2014. The map has been reset a few times in its history (always with the consent of its members). The current map is from February 2020. New 1.17 map!

    If you are looking for a vintage survival server running on basic plugins and grief prevention, this is the place for you!

    Bored Clearlag Creative Discordsrv Intresting Mythicmobs Network Plugins Semivannila Shopgui Signshop Skript Smp Storyline Survival

    Paradox Network | NEW SERVER!

    Paradox Network
    The server that stands out from the rest.

    Welcome to Paradox Network! Here you can play games across 3 servers. These 3 servers are servers filled with 2 diffrent Multiverse Worlds each except for Minigames. Server 1 contains War World a factions like server and Paradox SMP an SMP for you to play. In the hub you can just click on the nether star called server selecter and you will be in one of the servers!

    Helpful Links:
    Staff Apps
    Plugins List (S1):
    AntiCheatReloaded, ArmorStandEditor, BetterTeams, BungeeGuard, ChatManager, ClearLag, CMI, CMILib, CommandPanels, CrazyEnchantments, DiscordSRV, EconomyShopGUI, FastChunkPregenerator, GriefPrevention, ImageOnMap, ItemEdit, LightAPI, LoneLibs, LuckPerms, Missing_Colors*, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Inventories, Multiverse-NetherPortals, MythicMobs, PlaceholderAPI, ProtocolLib, RankGrantPlus, ServersNPC, ServerTutorialPlus*, Shopkeepers, SignShop, Skript, TerraformGenerator, UltimateTNT, Vault, ViaVersion, WorldEdit, WorldGuard
    Plugins List (S2):
    BungeeGuard, ChatManager, CMI, CMILib, CommandPanels, CrazyEnchantments, DiscordSRV, FastAsyncWorldEdit (WorldEdit), LuckPerms, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Inventories, PlaceholderAPI, RealMines, ServersNPC, SuperiorSkyblock2, Vault, ViaVersion, WorldGuard
    Plugins List (S3):
    BungeeGuard, ChatManager, ClearLag, CMI, CMILib, CommandPanels, CrazyEnchantments, DiscordSRV, FastAsyncWorldEdit (WorldEdit), floodgate, Geyser-Spigot, GoldenCrates, LightAPI, LoneLibs, LuckPerms, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Inventories, NexEngine, PlaceholderAPI, ProtocolLib, Randomizer, RankGrantPlus, ServersNPC, ServerTutorialPlus*, Shopkeepers, Skript, Skywars, Spleef*, TNTRun_reloaded, TrollBoss, UltimateTNT, Vault, ViaVersion, VoidGen, WorldGuard


    Paradox Network | NEW SERVER! Minecraft ServerParadox Network | NEW SERVER! Minecraft Server

    Bit Buy Data Extra Fol Job Little Mcmmo Money Normal Roleplaysurvival Survival Survivalcraft Target Towny


    OZSurvivalCraft is a brand new Survival MCMMO server which welcomes all players from Rpg to even just normal survival players
    the server currently contains a lot of fun plugins to make ur game that little bit better
    with jobs you can get to earn extra money to ranks which you can buy through in game money

    Discord Server –
    We are currently have a plugin running so you can play on our server on any version as well

    Currently Looking for staff please join our discord to apply 🙂

    Community Companions Creative Creativewithnoplots Creativeworld Economy Economysurvival Partner Partners Smp Survival Survivalmultiplayer Trust Whitelist Wizards

    Numin’s Middle School

    Numin’s SMP Server

    This server was created with the intention of creating a community. It’s built on trust, friendship and creativity. Looking for a chill server to just play some Minecraft and maybe have fun with some friends? This is the place for you! We plan to host custom plugins, coded by myself, as well as other fun features in the future.


    Shops: At spawn, players can build their own shops and sell whatever they like! Could be items, could be services, could be anything!

    Wands: Yep that’s right! Wands! As in wizards! I’m actively developing a plugin that allows players to craft wands with regular Minecraft potion making in mind. The wands will, for the most part, mimic potions in their effects. But they’re cooler!

    Familliars: The newest addition to the server! In partnership with the wands, you can craft a spell to summon a Familiar (which is a magical companion). This feature is also in development. In the future, these companions will be able to aid you on your adventures and maybe even fight for you. Still in the early phases with this idea.

    Creative: We do offer a creative world! Not your typical creative world though… This creative world features naturally generated terrain! Players have free reign to build where they want and whatever they want! Our goal is to fill the world up to the world border with amazing structures. Once filled up, we will either expand the border or we will save the world and start a new one!

    Dynamic Map
    See what we are up to by using our dynamic map! It allows you to see our generated world as well as player builds!
    Link: Numin’s SMP Server Dynamic Map

    Join our website in order to connect to the community and make generous donations!
    Home – Numin’s SMP (

    Whitelist Infromation
    A personal goal of mine, is to have as few restrictions as possible. I want players to experience free will and be able to join and have fun. In order to accomplish that and provide a safe and fun environment for players to feel comfortable in, players who wish to join will need to fill out an application to be added to our whitelist and become a member of our community.

    Membership Application
    You can answer these questions below in the comments or you can send them to my discord: Numin#8042

    For faster response, please add me on Discord

    1. What is your Minecraft username? It’s important to be exact if you are going to be approved for membership and have your name added to the whitelist.
    2. Why do you want to join our server?
    3. What is your favorite aspect of Minecraft SMP? (Ex: Surviving, building, exploring, ranking up, interacting with players, managing a store, etc)

    I will respond to applicants ASAP! Feel free to send me any questions you may have.

    119 2021 Bedrock Bedrock Edition Chill Griefprevention Java Java And Bedrock Ortal Portal Portals Relaxing Rserver Smp Survival

    Mine-Imator Server [Java + Bedrock]

    Server logo
    Java + Bedrock Edition

    The Mine-Imator Minecraft Server is a Survival(SMP) server, designed to be chill, relaxing and open-minded.
    Both Java and Bedrock players can join!

    ❄ – Basic Economy
    ❄ – GriefPrevention Plugins
    ❄ – Portals
    ❄ – Warps
    ❄ – Setting home
    ❄ – And More!

    To join place in your server list!

    Alternate IP:

    Bedrock Players
    To join via bedrock add this to your server list:
    Port: 26636

    1.10 Allowed Attack Eng Griefing Irc Mission Night Porte Revenge Seek Survival Teleport Trap Traps

    Night SMP

    Night SMP is a vanilla SMP you can only be teleported by the owner if requested and granted to teleport! Griefing is okay under some circumstances. That can be if granted permission by the player or seeking revenge from a attack! Traps + pvp are allowed.

    Anticheat Antixray Attack Couple Decent Essential Essentials Exploit Mcmmo Rise Roll Speed Survival Toxic Xray

    Just A Minecraft Server

    Just another survival server…
  • McMMO is a huge part of the gameplay
  • There are basic essentials commands.
  • Decent anticheat and antixray. Any exploiting is a bannable offense.
  • No specific land claiming plugin but anywhere there is grief it can be rolled back with a couple commands 🙂
  • 1.8 style pvp (No attack speed cooldown)
  • Possibly looking for someone to help moderate the server if any toxicity arises.

    Hope you come check it out! Looking to build a friendly community!

    Server IP:

    Betaserver Chestshop Economy Essentialsx Griefprevention Kits Minigames Parkour Pve Rewards Smp Survival Tips Towny Vanilla

    MySMP | Open Beta

    We aim at making MySMP the SMP server for you and your friends to join, adapt, and change all at your own fingertips. With Towny, Player-based economy, Minigames like parkour, RPG Skilltrees, and much more; the world is just in your fingertips!

    Economy Hub Kitpvp Kits Leaderboard Leaderboards Lobby Mine Mining Network Prison Prisons Pvp Risk Sprisky

    SpriskyMC Network [MinePvP] [Hub]


    SpriskyMC is a new minecraft network! It has a hub and our unique gamemode called MinePvP. It is similar to prisons and kitpvp. MinePvP is about doing quests to unlock the next mines and selling your resources that you got in the mines. You can buy things from the shop, auction your items, and test your luck in crates. You can jump down to fight after storing some of the items you don’t want to lose. You can climb the money and kills leaderboards.

    Amazing Auto Base Based Information Minecraft Experience Nam Name Sit Site Spigot Survival Survival Minecraft Title Website

    Welcome to
    A Sri Lankan based minecraft server to provide you with the most amazing survival minecraft experience!
    Check out website for more information.

    250 550 Anti Box Builds Element Exception Faction Pvp Modee Please Pvp Server Pvpfactions Tea Team Title


    It is a moderate faction pvp server and exceptional builds here you come you will have free boxes our server is new soon the elemantium team

    please contact me on discord clouvetot # 9076

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Host Modded Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!