Active Admin Ban Bans Best Chat Community Craft Custom Dedicated Edit End Exploration Free Friendly Grief Hard Kit Kits Legit Lore Map Mine Minecraft Mod Moderator Permanent Play Player Quest Resources Server Smp Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Teamspeak War Who World

Experience the Best!

Friendly community features a highly social community, which is active 24 hours a day. We feature a server-joined IRC channel where players can connect and chat with those in-game. Many of our regular players connect to IRC just to have conversations with those in-game. We also host our own private TeamSpeak 3 server for those who wish to communicate with VoIP. To find out more about our IRC Channel or our TeamSpeak server, please visit our wiki.
Long-standing Alpha world has a long-standing map, initially generated during the Minecraft Alpha era. Over 5,000 players have explored our 6KM diameter map over the last year and a half. TrueSMP features tons of epic creations, making your exploration endless!
Zero grief tolerance features a custom coded grief detection and logging system to alert staff of potential griefers, allowing them to act accordingly. All our bans are permanent with a slim chance for appeal.
True survival
Everything you see in TrueSMP has been built by hand, with legitimatly harvested resources by our hard working players. No map editing is performed and Moderators and Administrators do not give out items, and there are no free kits provided. Our policy on survival makes the structures you will find on our server even more impressive.
Robust staff team
The moderators and administrators at are highly experienced, and dedicated to making your experience on our server the best. Feel free to ask any of us questions, as we are happy to help. We see moderation and administration as an importaint responsibility, not a privilage or reward.

Adventure Amazing Arcade Community Cool Cracked Craft Creative Custom Faction Factions Fun Games Guns Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mob Mod Network New Open Play Player Premium Prison Pvp Server Sky Survival Texture Unique War Wars Weapons

SweProx Network #Cracked/Legal

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Welcome to the SweProx Network, we are a fun Minecraft Network with a new perspective and an amazing experience. We have a great community and love to meet new players. The SweProx Network is a very unique network that you will not find anywhere else. We have many cool features such as a custom texturepack with included sounds, cool weapons and swords for the KitPvP server. A lot more is to discover, let the adventure begin today.
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Cracked users are very welcome as the Premium users.
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► IP: Mc.SweProx.Com ◀

◆ Prison
◆ Factions
◆ Creative – VERY UNIQUE

★ Arcade Games
◆ Surival Games With Guns – VERY UNIQUE
◆ Sky Battles
◆ Hide And Seek – VERY UNIQUE
◆ Draw My Thing
◆ Turf Wars
◆ Mob Racers – VERY UNIQUE
◆ Zombie Survival – VERY UNIQUE

The server has been running for almost a year now.


Action Active Ass Cat Class Craft Custom Dedi Dedicated Economy Entertainment Erver Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Free Game High Lab Lag Lit Non Play Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Quality Ree Ring Run Server Servers Survival Games Top

Anthrocraft Factions

Here at Anthrocraft, our goal is to provide you with free, non-stop entertainment of the highest quality available while insuring uninterrupted game play. We have a variety of custom plugins. Unlike most other servers, anthrocraft runs on it’s very own dedicated server, ensuring a lag free experience.

Action Active Class Eco Econ Econom Economy End Enjin Exciting Fac Faction Factions Growing Join Legacy Legends Mcmmo Mean Mmo Need Network New Please Pvp Raid Raiding Server Speak Tea Team Teams Teamspeak This Website Whitelist

Legacy Legends Factions
[Factions] [MCMMO] [Economy] [PvP] [Raiding]
Welcome to the brand new Legacy Legends Factions Server. This server is meant to be an exciting addition to our steadily growing server network.
Server Information:
TeamSpeak Server available on the Enjin Website
Everything you need to know can be found here:
There is no whitelist, so please join us!!

Active Admin Admins Ass Build Building Class Com Craft Creative Dedi Eat Edit Fast Game Great Ice Owner Plot Raft Rvival Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Taff Ter This World Worldedit


This is plotcraft! You have choices survival or creative! you can use worldedit for faster building on creative! we have great staffs and admins. The owner is Houchjd

Active Adventure Adventures Air Build Cheat Chest City Claim Class Dead Essentials Fair Game Grief Grief Protected Guard Hack Home Land Limits Magic Magicspells Make Mob Nocheat Play Pro Protect Protected Shop Spells Survival Multiplayer Treasure Venture World Worldguard


Land of the living and the dead! We make the adventures, you play in them! You can also build. So come on in, establish yourself, claim some land and stay a while! City, Adventure and Claimed Home limits are grief protected but beyond those limits, it’s all fair game. WorldGuard, Essentials, NoCheatPlus, TreasureChest, MagicSpells, MagicSpellsShop.

Active Awesome Big Class Community Crack Craft Diamond Donator Eco Econ Economy End Extra Fac Faction Fly Friendly Going Great Ill Join King Land Medieval Old Perks Plugin Plugins Rank Ranks Server Staff Survival Multiplayer Top Usa

Join our server! Friendly staff, great range of plugins and a cracking community. Joing in and see if you make it to the top of the economy!
Donators/ supporters get several perks including /fly (only usable in faction land), extra MCD (Medieval-Craft Dollars and lots more.

The server Is in the Alpha stage so there will be a few things going wrong nothing big just a bit Un-organised nothing to worry about!

Donators/Supporters get awesome perks e.g /fly extra MCD (Medieval-Craft Dollars) and much more!

Supporter ranks start at $5.00/month

Iron -$5.00/month Perks=/fly, Extra MCD ($5000/Moth), /Feed
Gold -$10.00/month= /fly Extra MCD ($10000/month), /Feed And More.
Diamond -20.00/month= /fly Extra MCD (20000/month), /Feed and Much More!

Ace Age Ass Ats Build City Class Com Community Day Element Erver Fast Good Grief Ice Lava Lit Make Nice Night Noop Online Open Place Play Polite Quality React Red Server Soon Stable Staff Style Survival Multiplayer Witch

De Dwangbuis

Ben jij het zat dat iedereen je “Grieft” dat de staff altijd zolang duurt tot ze is reageren?
Wij bieden goede kwaliteiten, snelle reacties.
Wacht je kan een eigen stad maken? Ja bij ons is het mogelijk om je eigen stad te maken.

Wij zorgen ervoor dat iedereen in zijn element kan zijn,
Door een gezellige samen zijn te creëren tussen leden en staff.

Geen dag en nacht ge-switchs
Lava kan geplaatst worden door Staff.

We hopen je snel online te zien.
Are you tired of being “Griefed” and of lazy staff?
We offer you good quality work and a fast response.
Wait, you are able to build your own city? Yes, you can.

We make sure everybody fits in the server community and we keep it nice and polite.
Not only by the use of staff, but also by members on the server.

We don’t switch Day-Night cycles, so a stable ritm.
Lava can only be placed by staff members.

We hope to see you online soon.


Active Ass Chest Class Com Craft Craftbook Dcraft Death Deathchest Discord Dynmap Economy Erver Forums FTB Game Gamers Invite Job Jobs Lockette Map Mcmmo Mmo Plugin Plugins Pvp Rvival Server Smp Survival THC Town Towny

DreadGamers – Survival PVP

EST. 2010

Plugins installed on server: Towny, DeathChest, Lockette, Jobs, McMMO, Craftbook and More!

Action Ass Class Com Craft Enjin Erver Fac Faction Follow Game Games Hun Hunger Hunger Games Join Ken Noop Open Pvp Raft Rvival Server Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival


ChickenCraft is een leuke server met pvp, games zoals hunger games, survival, faction en meer join nu ip=


Active Ander Ass Clan Class Craft Crafting Elf Erver Event Events Grief Ill Item Items Kill King Nen Pie Raft Ran Rank Ranking Server Servers Survival Multiplayer Ten Top


Griefen, töten, allgemein alles was Spaß macht!

Durch Unser Kill Ranking kannst du Teil der Top 5 des Servers werden!

Gründe einen Clan und kämpft gemeinsam gegen andere!

Schließe Frieden mit deinen Mitspielern und finde Verbündete!

Nehme an Events teil und bekomme viele Items kostenlos!

Active Application Ass Ations Cat Class Conomy Daily Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Exp Experience Ill Kill Level Levels List Make Pve Pvp Rpg Server Sit Site Skill Skills Sub Sur Survival Multiplayer Ter Vote Website Whitelist


Make sure to enter your name to receive 50 experience.

Server IP:

PVP | PVE | RPG | Whitelist
Economy | Skills | Levels

Submit your applications on our website:

115server Ass Auto Axe Blo Block Class Com Craft Create Eat Ect Erver Inecraft Ita Lit Love Mine Minecraft Nam Raft Rvival Server Social Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival This Titan Title Welcome

Survival 1.15.2

This is survival like you remember. We love create minecraft sociality WELCOME to

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Build Bukkit Car Class Cool Core Craft Creative Eco Econ Econom Economy Fac Faction Factions Features Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Ill Inecraft Kit Mine Minecraft Mini Games Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Server Shop Shops Structures Survival World

Illusion Craft

Illusion Craft is a Minecraft Bukkit server. There are added features including a Member only build creative world, full economy system with shops, factions, PvP system, minecart system that links completed creative world structures (in progress), and an ever expanding selection of cool plugins!

Ass Class Conomy Craft Die Dutch Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Game Games Inecraft Lang Mine Minecraft Minecrafter Mini Minigame Minigames Nen Noop Open Ops Play Player Players Plot Plotworld Rvival Server Shop Shops Style Surviva Survival Two World


Dutchcraft is een gezellige 32 players server. We hebben Survival, minigames en Plotworld.. Ook zijn er Shops waarin je belangrijke dingen kunt halen… Natuurlijk kun je er ook gewoon heen gaan als je geen zin hebt om te craften. DutchCraft heeft ook een Economy. Dat betekent dat je met het verkopen van bijv. Diamanten geld kunt verdienen. Met dat geld kun je weer andere materialen kopen…. Er is dus heel wat te doen.
Dus zoek je een leuke server? Dan is DutchCraft misschien wel wat voor jou.


Action Actions Active Ass Best Blo Block Cked Class Crack Cracked Craft Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Fun Join Ked Long Mini Games Plane Planet Prison Pvp Raft Raiding Server Sky Skyblock Two World


Factions,Prison,Skyblock,FUN!!! Join now best 1.5.2 cracked server on the planet right now!

Along with OP prison server IP:

Abilities Active Admin Admins Community Craft Create Developed Discord Eco Economy End Friendly Fun Grind Hub Kingdom Latest Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo New Open Play Player Plugin Pvp Rpg Server Servers Slimefun Survival Tech Town Towny Website Wilderness


For over the past half-decade, server owner ChickensBurning has been diligently developing a series of balanced, secure, and riveting Minecraft servers. These servers have garnered a strong, tight-knit following over the years that gives a sense of community rarely seen in Minecraft.

Grind and level-up with MCMMOs, an RPG plugin that adds powerful abilities to the game, or maybe expand your tech-tree and create new machines and tools with the Slimefun plugin. Conquer the wilderness and create the settlement of your dreams with the Towny plugin, and invite your friends to expand your nation!

You want a plugin that BlockKingdom does not have? No problem! BlockKingdom’s server files are open to the public for review and recommendations on GitHub off of the server’s official website; Just simply access the files or contact one of our friendly admins on the BlockKingdom official discord.

Enjoy the optimal Minecraft experience, and welcome to BlockKingdom!

Connect Now

Biomes Block Class Classic Craft Date Drop Fun Game Gameplay Good Hermit Hermitcraft Ill Inecraft Island Land Lit Mine Minecraft Ming Nether New Play Player Players Quality Red Release Server Spawn Survival Title Update

OgreX – RELEASE TUESDAY – Survival – New

OgreX is a classic Survival server with some commands

Our goal for the server is to connect with our players and ensure the quality of their gameplay
Players will spawn on a hermitcraft inspired mushroom island surrounded by all the major biomes

The server will drop with the release of the Minecraft Nether Update coming Tuesday June23rd!
Good luck to all and have fun

Active Aquatic Cat Class Companions Custom Date Dedi Dedicated Eco Element End Eternal Friendly High King Kingdom Lit Network Pet Play Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Quest Quests Riendly Rol Role Roleplay Server Skyblock Staff Survival Town Towny Update Werewolf

Kingdom Eternal

Kingdom Eternal 1.13 (UPDATE AQUATIC)

Survival with role play elements

-Rollback Plugins
-Become a Werewolf!
-Pet Companions
-Custom built plugins

-Friendly/Dedicated Staff
-High Quality Server + 24/7

Action Actions Admin Ass Class Com Craft Creative Eat Erver Fac Faction Factions Follow Game Games Ill Mc Server Mcserver Mine Minez Noop Open Pvp Rad Raft Rvival Server Soon Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games


TN-Craft is a Tunesian MC Server. We have Survival, Creative, PvP, Survival Games, Factions and more will come soon.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Servers For Modded Minecraft. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!