Added Has Icc Mc Server Myst Mystic Owner Pers Person Persona Personal Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Ter This

MysticCraft hmc server Minecraft

The owner of the server “MysticCraft hmc” has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your personal account.

/d/ Blockhunt Blockparty Flight Fly Hunt Launcher Minecraft Survival Moba Mobarena Pve Pvp Rpg Tla Tlauncher Minecraft server

1. Minecraft / Minecraft / Mancraft
2.ip or
3. Version: 1.14+
4. Donate is bought for game currency (VIP, Supervip, Premium + flight)
5. Lots of plugins that will brighten up your gameplay. Such as Jobs, MycticMobs
6. Minigames: BlockHunt, MobArena, BlockParty
8. Recommended launcher

Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Grief Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Quests Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Resets

DiorLand server Minecraft

A project that is not greedy for donation and does not set huge prices. For new players, there are free donate cases, lacquer blocks where you will also get a cool donate. The server is full of red and white tones, as well as high quality equipment, cool functionality, unusual features.
Our developers of the DiorLand project have tried and made the most comfortable modes for players in order to maximize the atmosphere of the new generation of minecraft. There is nothing superfluous, having entered the server you will be warmly welcomed by our moderators. If you identify a technical problem from our side, you can get a bonus from the main administration. There is nothing superfluous that would interfere with the players being on the server. A server that every player values. Have a nice game!

Awesome Best Creative Creativeplots Dedicatedserver Dedicatedstaff Dynasty Free Freetoplay Freetowin Hub Nasty Network Online Survival



If there’s a phrase to describe DynaCraft, it’s we do not want your money. We want to build a great community of Minecraft players of all ages who enjoy playing games. No crates or keys, just log in, head to what gamemode you want to play, and enjoy!


And we mean that. We host Rust servers as well on DynastyGaming, so we have an upper advantage over everyone with the best server hardware possible backing our Minecraft servers. We have tons of RAM available, and since Rust is more CPU-intensive to run, we have the latest and greatest Intel Xeon processor (E2288G) available! No more laggy playing experiences from stubborn server owners who attempt to squeeze every bit of power possible out of their non-dedicated server.


We’re always looking to add more gamemodes to our ever-growing network! We currently have a few in development, and will add what ever our community asks!


Our staff has experience moderating on Rust and other games. You’ll not only have a great playing experience because of our staff, but may also make a few new friends with our staff team as well!

Agar Allies Cheating Combat Element Elements Gar Grand Hacking Hate Nda Tag Teams Toxic Vanilla

Agartha [1.16.1] [PVP] [Semi-Vanilla]



Version: 1.16.1

Rules: [​No Cheating/Hacking ofc] [​Don’t be too toxic.]

Owner: Howl

Admins: Grandahl, guup, _Haunt_

Agartha is a survival server with a custom teams plugin. The goal of this server is to not be too plugin heavy and mainly focus on it’s core custom plugin. Teams. This plugin allows you to create teams of 6 and have allies as well as rivals. We also have a custom combat tag system that prevents players from leaving the game while in combat. Even if you’re not too into pvp you’re still welcome on this server and are free to do whatever you want.

If you’re looking for a 1.16.1 minecraft server with pvp elements then I can assure you this is your server.

Button Club Cod Donation Fut Future Mini Nation Nothing Plugin Plugins Survival Multiplayer Vote Wip Wipe

DoNothingClub Minecraft server

– Survival

-No donation (may appear in the future)

-Minimum plugins

-Wipe 01.08

2 VoteGet button code

Added Anarchy Fun Has Official Owner Pers Person Persona Personal Pixel Rip Survival Multiplayer Ter This

FunPixel Anarchy Minecraft server

The server owner “FunPixel Anarchy” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your personal account.

127 лвл Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Launcher Pvp Rpg Russian Minecraft

= ForestPeak (1.12 – 1.16.x) Minecraft server

= ForestPeak (1.12 – 1.16.x)

Achievements Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Survival New Weapons No Donations No Dupes No Launcher No Protection No Resets Roleplay Vanilla Like Vehicle Vehicles Whitelist

LASTGOD / 1000+ NEW Achievements! Minecraft server

Our server is vanilla survival with additional RP plugins such as:
Various vehicles, new weapons and economy.
We have 1000+ new achievements!
Excellent TPN, no lags!
Develop, win back rp, etc.

You can enter the server for free, you just need to submit an application to the VK group.

Altar Clans Custom Mob Custom Mobs Economy Gods Mythology Near Power Powers Religion Survival Tall Theme Themed


We are a new server that aspires to be mythology themed! Currently we have Gods Plugin to make your own altar and complete tasks/ build your religion and go to wars with others. We also have clans installed which is a faction alternative plugin that operates very similar to factions and we also have economy! In the near future we are adding powers, and custom mobs to enhance the mythology feel!

Behind The Scenes Economy Entertaining Factions Fun Hungergames Minecraft Minigames Oldschool Oriented Public Server Survival Survivalgames Ttvsmp

The TTVSMP Community Server


Welcome to TTVSMP.

TTVSMP Originally started as a streamer-exclusive Minecraft server that featured 60+ awesome content creators from YouTube, as well as Twitch. It is still going, and on it’s second season. However, the members thought it would be a great idea to open up a good, community-oriented server for anyone and everyone to play on. Hence, the posting of this!

***This server is just about ready to be released and should be open within a few days. Currently, some last minute development work is happening behind the scenes. It is whitelisted for the time being. This post will be updated as soon as it’s open!

This server features several plugins, ranging from entertaining plugins, quality of life plugins, minigames, and so on. There are plenty of things to do on this server. To start off, we have 3 different worlds, all separate from eachother, that you can play on. They are as follows:

The Survival World:

This world is your regular ordinary world with rules like most other vanilla servers. No griefing, no stealing, etc. Staff monitor this world very closely and make sure it is running smooth. You have access to several commands such as /sethome, /spawn, etc. This is just like any other survival server that is based around community! We have shops, an economy system, a hotel with rentable rooms, etc. all at spawn. (Not to mention, the spawn is really beautiful and incredible.) You are unable to claim land in this world for factions, and you can build anywhere you want, so long as it isn’t in spawn (spawn is protected) – we do not have a land-claim plugin in this world, but if anyone griefs your home or steals from you, staff will gladly roll-back your home using our very fancy anti-grief and logging plugin! Never worry about griefers, we’ll find out who they are and make sure they are dealt with properly.

The Factions World:

This world is based around the old-school, and well-known plugin known as Factions. The world spawn is very minimal, and you are left to do whatever you desire. Go out, claim land, and start the best faction you possibly can with all of your friends. Wage war with other factions, and become the most powerful one to dominate the server. Staff monitor this world as well, griefing is allowed (if you manage to do so on someones base) – we only ask that you be respectful to eachother.

The Anarchy World:

This world is based around Anarchy. However, this isn’t your typical Anarchy, like most popular servers. You are allowed to do anything you’d like in this world, kill eachother without mercy, blow up eachothers bases, we only ask that you follow the general server rules, use common sense, and be respectful. This world is monitored by staff, but we offer no support for lost builds, griefing, etc.

Overall, this Minecraft Server is founded on a great community, it was previously a private community server for Twitch Subscribers of the streamers who are on TTVSMP. But after some time, we decided to revamp it, open it to everyone, and make it a public server for everyone. We hope you enjoy!

If you have any questions, or wish to be updated when the server goes live, you can join the Discord here.

It should only be a few days!

This post will be updated as soon as the server goes live!

Arena Arenas Fin Find Free To Play Minecraft Fun Minecraft Launcher Minigame Minigames Need No PvP Plane Planet Survive Vive MiniGames Minecraft server

MiniGames – You don’t need to build on this planet. You don’t need to survive on it. There is only one thing to do – to have fun!

Do you like arenas and minigames? Here you will find a lot of fun!

1000 лвл 127 лвл Dupes Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Launcher Pvp Russian Minecraft

Palace-Craft 1.8-1.10 Minecraft server

Daily distribution of resources at 20:00 Moscow time

On the server Palace-Craft [1.8-1.10] you will not be bored. We have great minigames with prizes such as: Parkour, Spleef, SkyWars, Bedwars, Hunger Games, PVP ARENA, TIR, CASES. SHOP, EFFECTS Administration 18+. Survival + PVP mode. Cheap donate FOREVER, subject to server rules. We are waiting for you on the Palace-Craft server [1.8-1.10]

VK group:

Server channel:

Added Fuel Has Ill Owner Pers Person Persona Personal Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Ter This Vanilla

MineFueld – Vanilla server Minecraft server

The owner of the MineFueld – Vanilla Server has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your personal account.

1.14 Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Grief Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Mon No Dupes No Launcher Ommunity Pvp Russian Minecraft

ʕᵔᴥᵔʔ MoncyCraft »Minecraft Server ʕᵔᴥᵔʔ Minecraft server

Gaming Community MINECRAFT | minecraft server 1.8-1.14 +

1.19 Ander Claims Elden Hardmode Helden Ijd Ken Nen Pvp Rdm Regels Rek Slots Survival

★NL★ ★EleusisCraft★ 1.16.1 ★NL★ 50 Slots 24/7 ★Survival★Hardmode★

Welkom avonturier,

Deze server is een hard mode survival. waar je claim de enige veilige plek is op de server.
Er is PvP toegestaan buiten je claims! dus verdedig je zelf goed tegen andere avonturiers.
Of ga samen werken om sterke te worden.
De server is niet zo uit gebreid als meeste server die al bestaan we hebben het bescheiden en leuk gehouden.
En we hopen dat jij en je vrienden hier een leuke tijd zullen hebben.


1. Wees vriendelijk in chat(niet schelden)
2. bijna alles mag maar met mate 🙂
3. HACKEN is niet toegestaan
4. Kunnen meer regels bij komen hou daar rekening mee 🙂

Command Commands Fly God Hole Interesting Killing License Night Quad Regular Sell Selling Squad Survival Multiplayer

DurkaCraft 1.12.2-1.14.4 Minecraft server

DurkaCraft is a regular server that can be played without a license, on the server there is ONLY fair survival without the commands / gamemode / fly / god / give / day / night and so you can go on for a long time. The server has an economy, it is allowed to gryfer, you can play with friends with whole squads and that’s why it will be more interesting to play on the server. You can get money by killing players / mobs and selling items in the auction / ah
Good luck with your survival!

Antigrief Claim Friendly Hardmode Ign Multi Multiplay Multiplayer Nowhitelist Pvp Rtp Smp Survival Survival Multiplayer Vanilla

Lounge SMP





000 1000 2020 Anarchic April Everything Giga Hey Launch Launched Register Rules Survival Multiplayer Tebex Unch

Anarchium server Minecraft

Anarchium is an anarchic server with no rules on version 1.12.2. The server is aimed at players who want a unique minecraft experience where players can do everything
what they want. The server was launched on April 17, 2020, has a file size of more than 115 gigabytes and for all the time about 1000 players were registered on the server

Abusing Caps Discordserver Greifing Greifprevention Leveling Mcjobs Mcmmotowny No hacking Patch Pve Economy Texture Texturepack Texturepacks Townysurvival

PatchesCraft[Towny] [Mcmmo] [mcjobs] 24/7 dedicated ALL YEAR ROUND


Minecraft Server

PatchesCraft is a fun network server!

We have both server and great players to make your time on the server exciting and unique!


Our servers include:Towny: Towny is a plugin which allows players to group up and create a little community together. It’s accompanied by plugins such as McMMO, a Minecraft Skill Leveling system, Global Market

Here in PatchesCraft we have!

What we have to offer:
Towny, to protect your towns,
McMMO for extra skills,
A nice economy,
& Plentiful more in-game!

~No Griefing
~ Spamming, full caps and abusing other members is not allowed
~ Respect all staff members
~ No hacking/mods giving an advantage
~ No X-Ray Mods or X-Ray Texturepacks

We have wilderness spots where you can go all out pvp!

Greifing is not tolerate at all will lead to ban!

We’re a new started small community server growing quickly so get on while you can!

we have much much more coming! Stay tuned for loads more fun unique content.

This is only small fraction of what you’ll see throughout PatchesCraft

We hope to see you soon.
we’re a quickly growing community!

Greifing isn’t tolerated will lead to ban.
We have Discordserver for anyone to come speak.
We’re a friendly easily fitting in community!

This is only small fraction of what you’ll see throughout PatchesCraft

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Mine Craft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!