- Server Name: TwoBearsOneGame
- Server Location: United States CST
- Discord: https://discord.gg/dBBkSSm
- Access and Whitelist Info: https://forms.office.com/r/AtZcJzJLcC
- Version: 1.20.1
- MoD pack: Better MC [FABRIC] 1.20.1 v23.5
- Modpack Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-mc-fabric-bmc2/files/4945923
Description: Two bears looking for mature 18+ players to join our modded server. I'm a 51 year old male who builds like a 5 year old. Well they probably build better than me now. But I make up for it by hunting and gathering. Husband is a 45 year old creative type who plays way too much Minecraft (if there is such a thing according to him) and has been playing since beta. We are a relaxed play LGBTQ+ friendly server looking to be the next world you choose. Fill out the short form linked above for server address and whitelist access.
Rules: No Grief/Theft!; No advertising;