Action Anything Art Block Class Com Community Custom Custombosses Customenchants Customplugins Duel Duels Economy Ect End Envoy Envoys Erver Fac Faction Factions Features Fly Fun Join Lit New Newserver Play Plugin Plugins Rank Reset Server Staff Title

Razer Legions


We are a 1.15 Factions server with state-of-the-art features, plugins, staff, and community! We have anything you could ever want in a factions server, from a custom-built rank up system to gen buckets, to duels, to FactionsFly, to Envoys, the possibilities for fun are endless! Join today!


Ass Best Block Class Com Custom Customenchants Date Economy Ect Edit End Erver Infernal Map Mine Minecraft Miner Opkits Opprison Pay Paypal Play Playtime Prestige Prison Pvp Red Release Rewards Season Server Store Time Title Top War

InfernalMC OP Prison (Paypal Rewards)

InfernalMC OP Prison
Current Map – 7.0
Release date of map – May 30th, 2020

PAYPAL REWARDS: Given at end of each season

1 – 150 USD Paypal and 150 Store credit
2 – 125 USD PayPal and125 Store credit
3 – 100 USD PayPal and 100 Store credit

1 – 125 USD PayPal and 125 Store credit
2 – 100 USD PayPal and 100 Store credit
3 – 75 USD PayPal and 75 Store credit

1 – $25 USD PayPal + $100 Store credit
2 – $75 Store credit
3 – $50 Store credit

Auction Brewery Chat Claim Claiming Community Custom Eco Econ Economy Force Great Grief Griefing Head Heads Join King Mob New Play Player Pve Pve Economy Pvp Pvping Raid Raiding Rank Ranking Ranks Rankup Server Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival Title

Brewery MC

-=[ BREWERY MC ]=-
Brewery MC is a survival economy server centered around creating and selling alcohol, also known as brews. In addition, Brewery MC features player auctioning and custom mob spawners as other means of making money.

If you’re looking for more excitement, Brewery MC has the full array of player bounty features such as setting, claiming, and tracking bounties. This allows you to make direct money by PvPing other players with bounties on their heads.

Money you earn on the server can be used to buy items or rankup. Ranking up unlocks new features and
prefix in the chat.

On Brewery MC, we love to see teamwork, which is why we also include gangs. Gangs allow you to
team up with other players and become an unstoppable force on the server! However, you must be
careful as there are no rules against raiding, griefing, and scamming!

So what are you waiting for, join Brewery MC now and have a great time trying the exciting features and chatting with the community!

Aang Avatar Bending Creative Dungeons Eula Fun Games Hunger Hungergames Kitpvp Korra Legendofaang Legendofkorra Mcmmo Mobarena Mobarenas Pve Pvp Runecraft Survival Survivalgames Towns Towny Worldedit

Bending Masters |Custom World Element Bending | 1.13.2

Bending Masters

In this server you can control the elements, Fire, Earth, Water or Air…The Spritis of Darkness, Light or those that balance it Neutral!

Server Ip: Port: 25578
(Minecraft Version 1.13.2)

*Features all with Bending*
– Mob Arenas –
– Fast Paced Arena PvP and PvP Rewards –
– Towny Focused Survival
– Runecraft (Create your own world)-

– Big Dungeons –
– Bounties –
– Quests –
– World Edit –
– EULA Compliant –

All possible choices in the server:
Fire : The strongest element, ready to incinerate anything in its path.
Earth : The sturdiest element, ready to face anything head-on.
Water : The element of change, use your enemies strength against them.
Air : The fastest element, swift as the wind and light as a feather, the untouchable.
Spirit : This prankster is always on the move, slowly chipping you away.
Dark Spirit : The brutal force of a Dark Spirit is on par with fires destruction capabilities.
Light Spirit : The support helps his allies survive whatever comes at them.
Chi Blocker : The always moving strategist with the power to take your powers away in a single punch.

Just like in the “The Legend of Korra” or “The Legend of Aang TV Show” the server focuses on how precise and fast you can use your bending abilities.

In survival abilities like, SeismicSense allow you to see trough walls, be it to locate dangerous mobs or diamond ore, others like WakeFishing allows you to take fish out of water and HeatControl to cook food or cool down fire and lava, all these will help you in survival. But the most fun part about bending is that it boundaries are only limited by your imagination.
There is alot to learn in-game and a small tutorial is available at spawn, so join in and start bending today.
In addition, becoming a master grants you all the sub elements for the main element.

Discord :
Website :

-Simple Ingame Rules-
Griefing and raiding is allowed in unclaimed terrain.
Be respectful with players and staff.
No mods or hacks that would give an unfair advantage.
Swearing is allowed if its not excessive or disrespectful.
Please do not complain in PvP.
Upper Staff will judge specific cases.

Additional rules details by typing /rules in-game.

Action Actions Ass Auction Auctions Auto Bid Bidding Blo Block Class Com Ect Enchant Erver Fac Faction Factions Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Shop Ter This Title Votes Votifier Voting Warp Welcome

Unsalted Butter

Welcome to Unsalted Butter! This is a server with many well-known plugins such as Auction, mcMMO, and Factions.

115server 115survival Airplanes Arena Boss Bosses Cars Classes Guilds Guildwars Jobs Landclaim Landclaiming Mage Pve Pvp Ranks Rpg Smp Survival Vanilla Vehicles Wars



★ Soar SMP

The RPG SMP Server!!!

Server IP:


Soar SMP Features:

Welcome to Soar SMP, “The RPG SMP Server”.

Soar SMP is a 1.15 survival server with many gameplay options to make it a more enjoyable experience. This server was built based on the idea to keep the survival aspect untouched and add plugins to enhance the experience. Soar SMP comes with Classes, Guilds, Jobs, 9+ Quests, In-Game Ranks, Economy, Land Claim, Bosses, Crates, Warzone, Bounties, and much more!

Join up to 3 jobs and earn points and money. Use job points to buy custom items in shop. Complete quests to earn ranks that unlocks more rewarding features, like more land claiming, more set homes, etc. Gear up to defeat bosses, mine ores, and defeat other players for rewards in the Warzone. Join now and see where you belong in this freeing world.

In order to apply for staff, you must be have 6 hours of online time on the server.



Ars Ass Auto Ban Bed Bedwar Bedwars Blo Block Class Ect Erver Fun Hypixel Join Knockback Kywars Lag Lagpixel Ma8 Minecrafft Nam Pixel Play Reeeeeeee Server Skywars Title War Wars



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Ass Block Buy Buycraft Class Com Craft Discord Ect Erver Faction Pvp Factions Fox Ftop Item Items Lin List Noop Open Opfactions Opprison Pay Paypal Play Prison Prize Pvp Ran Rank Server Store Survivals Title Top

SynixMC PvP


70% OFF all items & rank using the coupon FOXLINEGG

FTOP Prize list:
Top 1 $200 Paypal
Top 2 $50 Paypal
Top 3 $50 Buycraft

115server 116server Claim Claiming Class Dedicated Discord Environment Event Events Family Free Hard Home Join Lag Land Land Claim Mod Nolag Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Rank Rps Safe Server Servers Spawn Staff Survival Title Update War Warp Warps World

🔥 FamilyMC 1.16 Pre-release 🔥 Survival Hard World 🔥

Welcome to FamilyMC full 1.16 pre-release! We strive to provide a safe environment for everyone to play in. 24/7 with 100 percent uptime, absolutely 0 lag, FamilyMC is the place to be. Our 1.16 world is set on hard mode.

After the full release of 1.16 our server will update to using plugins. Like our previous servers, we will offer land claiming, a rank system, player warps, events, and much more.

We are hosted on powerful dedicated hardware running an i9-9900k overclocked to 5.1GHz and can provide you a lag free experience. Our staff is available to solve any issues you encounter.

Useful commands:
/trigger spawn
/trigger discord
/trigger playtime

Set your home by sleeping in a bed.

Be sure to join our discord:

Ass Block Cat Class Com Conomy Dedi Dedicated Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Erver Fun Host Hosted Job Jobs Lag Mcmmo Mini Mmo Positive Quest Quests Release Released Server Slime Slimefun Title Town Towny

Obtania Towny

Obtania Towny is a Towny server boasting Slimefun, mcMMO, Economy, Quests, Jobs and more. Were hosted on a dedicated server for the minimum amount of lag possible. Weve recently released and have mostly positive reviews! Come check us out with the IP on 1.15.2!

Action Actions Ass Block Class Com Craft Easy Ect End Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Friends Inecraft Join King Looking Lookingforstaff Mine Minecraft New Newer Old Pro Pve Pvp Red Riends Ring Server Staff This Title

Factions 24/7


We are a newer server, but progressing like we are a year old.

LOOKING FOR STAFF! Come join up and find some friends.

Tired of the boring minecraft? To easy? Try this server.

Creative Disney Disneyland Games Haunted Mansion Matterhorn Mcrides Minecraft Mountain Park Project Resort Rides Roleplay Rollercoaster Scale Soarin Space Studios Theme Themepark Universal Universalstudios

Soarin’ Resort

Welcome to Soarin’ Resort! We are a 1:1 scale Disneyland recreation in Minecraft that is heavily dedicated to making the most accurate Disneyland in Minecraft! NOW OPEN!! Get your ears on at the Soarin’ Resort! IP: . If you would like to get involved with the Soarin’ Resort community, feel free to join our server Discord!

Be sure to join us for our summer event starting June 5th!!

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Action Anything Ass Block Class Com Core Create Design Ect End Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Game Gamer Hard Hardcore Ill Lin Lit New Play Playing Rol Rules Server Servers Sign This Title Way

The Gamer Den

A new hardcore factions server. Few rules, endless possibilities. We designed this server after playing other servers and finding that there were too many rules, and too many other confinements getting in our way of playing. Now, weve created a server that allows you to do almost anything you want. Will you control the next ruling faction?

Anarchy Anarchyminecraft Anarchyserver Block Cat Claim Class Community Discord Faction Factions Factionserver Factionsurvival Free Fun Game Good Help Ill Join King Network Noop Open Play Pro Rules Server Smp Staff Staffneeded Super Survival Survivalserver Survive Survivial Title


Welcome to the SuperHOT MC! In this server you will find multiple avenues with which to have fun with and help expand the server. We are currently looking for staff so feel free to fill out the application on our discord! All help is appreciated but not all will be accepted. Follow the rules, or not, either way you’ll have a good time, we promise!

Also join our discord server to be apart of our community.

Disclaimer: We are in no affiliation with the video game Superhot and or its creators.

Action Anti Ass Block Cheat Class Custom Day Discord Ect Erver Event Events Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Giveaways Heat King Lin Link Looking Noop Open Plugin Plugins Release Server Staff Style Title Today Tournament Tournaments Way Youtube Youtuber Youtubers


Releases: June 7th 3pm est![​TODAY]

Looking for staff

Op factions!

Many Youtubers!

Custom Plugins


Strong anti cheat

Big Block Bungeecord Class Com Community Craft Creative Discord Ect Enjoy Erver Fun Game Gaming Help Hub Inecraft Irc Join King Link Make Mine Minecraft Ming Network Noop Open Paper Plot Plots Rules Server Store Title Welcome


Welcome to the Circuiteers Network!

We are a Gaming Network, and community!

Join our discord at:
Join our Minecraft server at:

You can also directly join the hub or plots from:

We are under constant expansion and we want your help to make us grow bigger than ever before!

The rules can be found ingame by typing /rules

If you enjoy the server consider checking out our store at:

We hope you enjoy your stay with the Circuiteers Network!

Balance Block Class Discord Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Enjin Forums Fun Has Island Item Items Land Mission Missions Money Noop Open Permissions Play Player Players Rol Role Roles Sell Server Shop Sky Skyblock Title Website

OblivianMC Skyblock Server!!

Hello, welcome to OblivianMC!!!

OblivianMC is a Skyblock server with a shop, enchantments, control of borders, missions, boosters, and more!! On OblivianMC players can sell items to other players using the /shop command and if you don’t know how much money you have you can do /bal or /balance to find out!! You also have full control of your island of permissions for certain island roles, co-op with other players, and much more! OblivianMC also has a discord server where we have all sorts of fun stuff ( and we have a forum website ( So if you wanna have some fun on skyblock make sure to check out OblivianMC at

Have fun! -Hitoriono

Adventure Claim Community Computers Create Creative Custom Customplugins End Event Events Faction Factions Floating Friendly Fun Home Map Minecraftserver Mod Modified New Play Player Plugin Redstone Server Servers Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Survive Title Tweaks Unique Vanilla Vault Worldedit


VaultMC | [​Survival] [​Creative] [​Custom Items]
Looking for a new server?

Then VaultMC is definitely your choice! We have a wide variety of game modes, friendly staff/community and a lot of unique features. We also have occasional events for you to have fun.


Survival has been a huge part of VaultMC’s gameplay since its beginning. It’s about generally having fun exploring and creating.
While in survival, you can use /claim to claim a chunk of land as yours. You can also use /claim add and /claim remove to allow/disallow players from interacting within your claim.
We have a unique system for survival that contains modded items (fully server-side). However, you can also play for a vanilla experience. Use /crafting to find out all the craftable modded items.

It is Factions that you will enjoy on most of the servers, however it offers a semi-vanilla experience with some tweaks to make it easier to understand. Our custom Factions plugin aims to give you a bug free, community focused game. Join a Faction or create your own today! (Features custom server side items)

It’s about simply having fun creating anything you want. From a dirt hut to advanced redstone computers, you can do anything in the creative world.
To claim a plot in creative, run /p auto. To return to your plot, run /p home. The higher your rank, the more access to WorldEdit you’ll have!

SkyBlock is like survival, however you survive on a floating island.

Our custom SkyBlock maps have been built to give you a fun but challenging adventure.
Join us on today.

Ass Bed Block Class Cube Cubed Ect End Erver Friendly Friends Full Fun Host Ill Join Make Makefriends New One Plugin Plugins Pro Pure Riendly Rvival Server Surviv Surviva Survival Survive This Title Vanilla Vive




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Aus Ban Block Class Craft Create Discord End Event Friendly Furry Furryfandom Grief Griefing Inecraft Item Join King Lag Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Modded Mods Nation Need Noop Open Play Real Rol Rules Server Title Whitelist World

Cult of Nozo.kuma3

Welcome to the Cult of Nozo.kuma3! We are a furry modded minecraft server that welcomes all furs only! You have to join our discord server to get the mods in order to prevent trolls;


1. Keep the server friendly and work with everyone; don’t create a depressing atmosphere or just don’t be a bad person effectively.
2. No griefing; we backup the world every 2 hours so there isn’t really any point to grief the server.
3. No harassment.
4. No racism, sexism, or any discrimination of the sort.
5. Common sense please
6. No item-generators which cause lag;
7. Be a furry.

Only Punishment for breaking the rules: IP-ban.

We can choose to whitelist the server at any time. You NEED a discord to play on this server.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Best Java Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!