Current Minecraft Version 1.8.3
Welcome everyone to the Network, Our main goal is to create a stable and inventive server
for players to enjoy and explore.
Our servers are currently running the latest versions of minecraft which means you can use
all the game content that was included in the game.
We impose NO limitations when it comes to items and are a big disbeliever in
P2W (Pay to Win) games.
Our server has only just gone live problems will happen, please report them *LINK*
Our server is based of the Bungee server base code meaning we have the ability
to string multiple servers together meaning minimal server downtime.
Our permissions and other systems are held in a SQL database meaning all permissions
are automatically and funtions are updated from the Website to ALL our servers at the same time meaning minimal lagg between servers.
All our servers are backed up hourly in case of catastrophic failure of any server, your
playing hours are safe with us.
We hope to see you online.
Thank You.
The Trinity Network