Action Actions Active Aids Ass Auction Auctions Cked Class Crack Cracked Craft Erver Fac Faction Factions Fur Inecraft Ked Mine Minecraft Pvp Raft Raid Raids Server Survival Multiplayer


1.6.4 Cracked Minecraft server
PvP, Factions, Raids, and Auctions!

Admin Admins Adventure Amazing Best Build Building City Class Craft Discord Event Events Fac Fun Great Help Join Lore Map Mine Minecraft Mod Online Open Pixelmon Play Player Players Rank Ranks Region Rol Server Servers Staff Survival Team Website


NightShade is a survival pixelmon server that is amazingly fun. We have a great group of staffers that are willing to help you and a wide open map for you to explore.

We are survival (Not adventure) so you can start by building your own house. Then your own city. Then your own region.

We currently have 8 gym leader position staffed by players. More gym positions will open as soon as there is a demand for them. We also have an Elite Four staffed with Admins so that you know we will be online when the time is ready.
We use groupmanager to make teams. The Team Leaders have complete control over their team including promotions and demotions from ranks and moderation of their sections of our forum.
We currently have three amazing teams (Rocket, Aqua, and Magma) for you to enlist in. Join one of them to help compete for control over NightShade.
We do regular events that include drop parties, tournaments, Statue Hunts, Chest Hunts and more. We do our best to plan these events so that everyone has a chance to have a blast.
Server IP:


Active Build City Claim Classes Community Creative Death Dedicated Donation Eco Economy Essentials Event Fly Force Forums Fun Grief Hack Hacking Home Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Network Play Plots Prevention Pve Pvp Roles Server Shop Small Staff Store Survival Towny


Super Noobs is a small but dedicated community that plots to rule the Minecraft universe and all of its many aspects. We have a smaller but more dedicated community, with our own community forums. Scarlet is the survival-build server of the SuperNoobs network (yes this means we anticipate growing in the future.) Mind you, while or name says noobs in it, our staff is extremely experienced and can help you out in game, or on the forums! We encourage cooperative play and have grief prevention keeping the ancient halls of Noob’ania safe. If all you want in a server is a comfy place to build a house, we’ve got you covered. Want more out of your Minecraft experience? We’ve still got you covered! We have a growing economy, creative plot world, and even isolated pvp arenas. Tying all of that together we have MCMMO, rewarding you for the time you put in the server. Of course we have your usual barrage of commands, such as /tpa, /home, but we refuse to use essentials. Essentials is generally clunky and just does too much. For many of you this is a great thing, but be warned if it’s something you’re used to. If all of this means nothing to you, well I suppose you might as well join. The majority of people have already stopped reading and I’m just jamming to the London Philharmonic Ochestra’s Greatest Video Game Hits album, so let’s keep rollin!

If you’re curious about donations you’ll be happy to know that the donation system is designed to be non-intrusive to non-donators. What does this mean? Well silly, it means that we don’t discriminate against players who don’t donate, but we love it when you do! We’ll give you a cute little tag in chat, which alone adds some serious credibility to your name when talking to other players, along with some $$, and claim blocks to keep your beautiful house from being burned to the ground by a random passerby! And while we’re talking about burning houses to the ground let’s discuss our policy on griefers. If you have definitive evidence against a person, we will take action. That being said, cases where you trust someone there’s simply no way we can prevent people from stealing your stuff when you trust them, and therefore it is nearly impossible to enforce the rules.

Now, let us talk about the great arenas that Scarlet holds. We currently have two arenas in operation, there’s the great and mighty tree city of Aldea, and the bold Verox. Aldea is a large tree which two teams battle with 10 lives, taking up roles such as majestic archer, sniper, and many others. You spawn within a box and cross your way into the main tree, where the teams battle to the death. Verox is a much smaller, much more intense map that pits teams in a mashing battle to ten lives. Both arenas can be accessed using the command /pa aldea join, /pa verox join. Now I know some people are afraid of losing items, and some are more into taking items from other players. Fortunately for those who are afraid, our arena system is designed so that players do not lose their items. That being said, our arenas are also designed to provide a competitive PVP experience to Minecraft. The classes are balanced so that the winner is truly based off skill, not who can horde the most diamond swords.

Moving on to the last sticky subject, certain people may feel that it is necessary for them to fly across the screen, find all the diamonds, and us exploits for them to have fun. This is not the place for that. Our staff takes hacking seriously, and is of the highest consequence. That being said, by you reading to this point in this proclamation of my own love for my server, I’d like to do something nice for you, and you’re probably not the hacking type. If you stop by our donation store,, use the code: “description” without parenthesis and you’ll save yourself 50% on a single item.

Action Active Air Better Car Class Custom Enchant Erver Fac Faction Factions Fair Fun Hey Make Mcmmo Mmo Money Original Overpowered Owner Play Player Players Power Pvp Red Server Servers Survival Multiplayer Top Unique

NoZenPvP | OP | Factions

NoZenPvP is an overpowered faction server. Some things that make us unique and better than other servers are: The owners actually care about their server, and the players having fun, like many other owners they’re in it for the money. We have custom plug-ins, most servers just have unoriginal plug-ins like ever other server. We have custom-plug-ins that make the server more fair and more fun for everyone. We have some of the typical plug-ins like, Factions, timtheenchanter, factions, mcmmo. If you want to stop on by and check out some of our custom plug-ins and play on the server!

Action Actions Ass Chest Class Craft Cube Erver Fac Faction Factions Follow Game Games Hub Inecraft Ken Mine Minecraft Noop Open Raft Rvival Server Shop Shops Sky Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Tok


Minecraft hub Server – Factions,Survival Games
Token Shop,Chest Shop.


32gb Active Admin Admins Ass Cat Class Dedi Dedicated Ect Erver Everything Force Free Has Head Kit Lag Make Mod Mods Orc People Perfect Play Pvp Ram Ree Rules Run Server Sur Survival Multiplayer This

Mc.Razorpvp.Ca is a kit pvp server! The server has 32gb of ram dedicated just to this server! This server is lag free and has many people that play it! This server has many active mods and admins to enforce the rules and make sure everything is running perfectly fine! Head on over and see what it is like!


Battle Battles Class Community Cool Craft Diamond End Enjin Fac Faction Factions Fresh Friends Growing Home Join King Noop Old Open Play Player Pvp Pvping Rewards Server Shop Shops Spawn Spawner Spawners Vote Voting War


Puncraft is a player vs. player factions server which strives to bring back the old PVP to its fullest. Puncraft has a working shop, which sells spawners among other things. Voting on the server rewards you 10 diamonds and lots of other rewards and chances at getting lucky and gaining 5-10k off of a single vote. Puncraft is a growing community that aims at growing as much as possible into a lively and livid community. Join today with all your friends and engage in many battles and activities. Dont worry, we also have enderpearl cooldown along with God Apple cooldown to keep the pvping very fresh and organic.


Based Block Claim Class Custom Earth Eco Econ Economy Fight Invite Item Items Job Jobs Join Land Land Claim Lands Large Map Money New Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pve Economy Server Shop Staff Title Vote War Wars Who


Welcome to ObsidianMC! The server is based on an Earth map with custom land claim and economy. The larger your land, the more influence you have over the server. Everything from who gets staff to new plugins is voted on by the lands. Sell items on the /shop. Grow your lands, invite players to join and rule the server! We have Jobs, Wars, and Gladiator fights that can earn you money too. Come join today!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Awesome Build Builds Cat Class Community Craft Creativity Custom Dedi Dedicated Development End Enjin Friendly Fun High Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mines Network Networks New Noop Open Parkour Plot Plotworld Prestige Prison Rank Ranks Server Staff Tea Team World

Dedi Prison

Welcome to the new opening of Dedi Prison. Unlike most Minecraft networks, were a fully dedicated prison server development team. We value community feedback with highest priority to ensure your stay at Dedi Prison is as intuitive and of course as fun as possible.

Youll find…
Friendly Community
Dedicated/Awesome Staff
Lots of ranks. (25+ and many more to come…)
Prison mines
Custom builds

More info at


Action Active Air Ars Ass Bal Class Com Craft End Exp Fac Faction Ill Inecraft Join Launch Launcher Mine Minecraft Mmu Mod Night Plus Pos Pvp Raft Rvival Serveur Sit Star Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Unch


serveur FR des Night-Trinity survival/Pvp/Faction avec économie et millénaire sans inscription obligatoire.

venez vivre cette expérience hors du commun avec nous.

plusieurs mod son mise à disposition avec notamment Mo créature et balkon weapon et plein d’autre (launcher obligatoire)

pour plus d’information rendez-vous à cette adresse et téléchargez notre launcher pour nous rejoindre.

à bientôt sur le jeu


Army Ass Boy City Class Com Country Erp Erver Follow Fun Join Jus Lmao Noop Open Poop Server Style

Poop my butt

Join if ur a country or city Folk.. idc just have some fun.

IP: 192.16.2533456

100 8.2 Active Ass Blo Block Class Com Craft Creative Eat Eng English Fun Game Games Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Minigames Pro Raft Roman Romania Rvival Sky Skyblock Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Work


Come and join us for fun!
We have:
– Creative
– Minigames
– Skyblock (Work in progress.)


1.1 1.13 Action Actions Ass Class Fac Fact Faction Factions Lmao Mcd Style Tio Town

Mc DownTown Factions

Kom nu op McDownTown


Active Arena Ass Build Class Com Craft End Erver Friend Friends Fun Mob Mob Arena Play Playing Raft Riends Rvival Server Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer


A fun server with a myriad of playing styles! So many things to do here. You can play survival, have fun with friends, play mob arena, build, and more!

Ark Ars Best Class Community Craft Create Donation Enjin Enjoy Good Great Ice Ill Kit Kits Lit Money Nation Need Noop Open Park Pay Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raids Real Red Server Servers Survival This Who


With all of these plugins, we can guarantee youll have a blast and truly enjoy what we have for you. Weve played many years of PVP/Survival servers, and from what we have gathered from each one, we believe we can create a great server that will have a little something for everyone to enjoy.

We have Great Donation kits that suit everyones needs at some point. They are good for the money you pay, and I believe with enough of them, we could really turn this into one of the best servers available to man-kind. But first, we need loyal members who log in everyday and give that spark to the community.


1v1 Action Actions Active Ars Ass Cat Class Com Crystal Crystals Ddos Dedi Dedicated Economy Ect Erver Fac Faction Factions Good Insta Join Lottery Mcmmo Mmo Pro Protect Protection Pvp Quest Raiding Server Soup Ter War Wars

Kyuzi PvP

Why join? Good question!
Dedicated Server
DDoS protection
Faction Wars
Instant Soup
And much more!

Ass Class Com Follow Lea League Lmao Noop Opé Open Play Raven Style Survival Multiplayer Target

League Of Draven


Active Ass Auction Class Com Craft Dcraft Erver Fun Game Games Hun Hunger Hunger Games Join Lima Maybe Ming Please Plugin Raft Server Survival Multiplayer


Please join the server and have fun!
we have auction hunger games coming up and maybe get married plugin.
And alot lot more!

Ages Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ats Ban Banner Banners Block Chestshop Class Craft Disguise Donation End Environment Friendly Friends FTB Fun Happy Help Inecraft Marriage Marriages Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Nation Noop Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Server Shop Slimefun Temples Water


We are 1.8. We have the blocks, water temples, bunnies and banners. So you can play 1.8 with your friends on a fully functional server with plugins.
Here at Unlimited Minecraft we have one main goal, to make you the player feel welcome in a happy and friendly environment. We have many plugins on our server including: Disguises, Chestshop, Marriages, McMMo, Craftbook, and Slimefun to name a few. We are open to any suggestions that you may have for us.

Check out our webpage to see whats available to a member. No donation necessary, though they are appreciated as they help keep us up and running.
Come and check out UnlimitedMinecraft we always have a space for you. 🙂


Active Adventure Build Class Craft Custom Drops Dungeon Dungeons Eco End Fac Faction Factions Friendly Infernal Lit Mob Mobs Mod Modpack Mods Old Pvp Raid Raiding Rights Server Spawn Spawns Survival Multiplayer Tech Technic Technology Top Tower Website Wns

Base 13 Reloaded

This is a CUSTOM MOD PACK Server for the Technic launcher.
Hexxit style high adventure with a little bit ‘o technology. Our mods include, but are not limited to: Better Dungeons, Battle Towers, Infernal Mobs, MoCreatures, Legend Gear, Reliquary, Twilight Forest, Forestry, Mekanism Generators, BuildCraft.

PvP is on so that we can give each other a friendly punch, and to make battling in close quarters more dangerous.
We are NOT a PvP/Factions/Raiding style server!

Make no mistake, this is a tough server! This makes plain old Hexxit look tame! Infernal MoCreatures, more spawns in Better Dungeons, Meteors are more rare, and so is the top tier loot! No more chest loads of top tier armor drops!
We recommend you bring a friend, its that tough!

Visit our website for more info, link to modpack, and a quick build rights application.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Free Prison Servers For Minecraft Bedrock. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!