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_____Welcome to GenesisHub!_____
GenesisHub is a dedicated Minecraft hub server.
At GenesisHub, we bring a new meaning to Hub servers.
We have a custom and advanced server backend.
Why Settle for less when you can have more?
Factions with Guns and Planes, Survival, Custom PvP minigames.
GenesisHub – Different by Block

Go on our website for more information!

1.7 1.8 200 Action Actions Ass Class Fac Fact Faction Factions Ghost Host Join Lmao Make Man Pvp Style You


You Can Pvpen And You Can Make Your Own Fac.
Is for 1.7.2 and for 1.8


1.14 Added Com Epl Has Live Magazine Minecraft Kit Start Mob Owner Plane Planet Robots This You

⭐MINE PLANET | 1.14.60 PE | LIVE MOBES ❤️ Minecraft server

Server Owner ⭐MINE PLANET | 1.14.60 PE | LIVE MOBIES ❤️ »has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

Abilities Beta Class Complex Craft Dragon Eco Econ End Fac Fly Hub Java King Lag Lit Mine Minecraft Mob Mobs Mod Need Normal Old Open Play Player Plugin Rol Server Servers Spigot Teleporting Title Trade War Youtube

The Astral Projection Plugin[v1.0.9 Beta] Test Server

The Astral Projection Plugin is a spigot server plugin allows the player to take control of a Minecraft mobs and use there abilities examples flying, shooting fireballs, exploding and teleporting.


This is the development status of the mobs. The mobs with no status can probably be used by the player but wont have the mobs abilities. Complex mob like The Ender Dragon and Wither are not supported and do not work. In the future I plan to add them.

I have the plugin running on my server for people to try it out and test.

Bug reports can be emailed to [email protected]. Note this is still in development so expect bugs and things to change.

For more information on how to use the plugin visit the wiki.

o get started type /becomeghost [​Time] and fly in to the mob you want to control and to leave scroll over and off the milk bucket and to use abilities right click. To return to normal instantly type /unghost. Bug reports can be emailed to [email protected].

Warning this is an early access version. there are bugs that could damage user data if the server crashes well the player is a ghost the player will lose there inventory.

I am not responsible for any damages caused by this software.

Entitys Status Comments BatFace.pngBat Implemented May need to adjust Light level threshold for blind and night vision. BeeFace.pngBee partially Implemented The bee dose area effect of poison for 20 seconds and the bee then gets a wither effect and dies. BlazeFace.pngBlaze Implemented Ability:shooting a bunch of fire balls with shot gun spread style. CatFace.pngCat Implemented Ability:pounce click on the block under the target. If it is a creeper, chicken or rabbit they instantly die.


CaveSpiderFace.pngCaveSpider In_development Ability: Can climb walls while holding ladder.
Note: working on web , face hug and poison abilities. ChickenFace.pngChicken Implemented Ability: Glide this is toggled by right clicking with the feather and the state is indicated by red and green dye. red for glide off and green for on. CodBody.pngCod Generic Implementation EntityProfileWaterMobs:
see generic profiles below. Also see diagram to
better understand what other mobs are included in this. CreeperFace.pngCreeper Implemented May lower explosion power DolphinDolphin Generic Implementation EntityProfileWaterMobs:
see generic profiles below. Also see diagram to
better understand what other mobs are included in this. DrownedDrowned Implemented EnderdragonFace.pngEnderDragon EndermanFace.pngEnderman Implemented EndermiteFace.pngEndermite EvokerFace.pngEvoker FoxFace.pngFox GhastFace.pngGhast Implemented ZombieFace.pngGiantZombie GuardianFace.pngGuardian ElderGuardianFace.pngGuardianElder HorseFace.pngHorse DonkeyFace.pngHorseDonkey MuleFace.pngHorseMule SkeletonHorseFace.pngHorseSkeleton ZombieHorseFace.pngHorseZombie IronGolemFace.pngIronGolem Implemented Ability: Throwing all mobs in a 2 meter radius in to the air and damaging them.


IllusionerFace.pngIllusioner LlamaFace.pngLlama LlamaFace.pngLlamaTrader MagmaCubeFace.pngMagmaCube MooshroomFace.pngMushroomCow OcelotFace.pngOcelot Implemented Ability:pounce click on the block under the target. If it is a creeper, chicken or rabbit they instantly die.


PandaFace.pngPanda ParrotFace.pngParrot PhantomPhantom PigFace.pngPig In_development ZombiePigmanFace.pngPigZombie Implemented PillagerFace.pngPillager PolarBearFace.pngPolarBear RabbitFace.pngRabbit RavagerFace.pngRavager SalmonBody.pngSalmon Generic Implementation EntityProfileWaterMobs:
see generic profiles below. Also see diagram to
better understand what other mobs are included in this. SheepFace.pngSheep ShulkerFace.pngShulker SilverfishFace.pngSilverfish SkeletonFace.pngSkeleton Implemented Ability:gets unlimited arrows StrayFace.pngSkeletonStray Implemented Ability:gets unlimited tiped arrows with slowness WitherSkeletonFace.pngSkeletonWither Implemented SlimeFace.pngSlime SnowGolemFace.pngSnowman SpiderFace.pngSpider In_development Ability: Can climb walls while holding ladder.
Note: working on web , face hug and poison abilities. SquidFace.pngSquid partially Implemented Ability Ink spray enemy Blinds and speeds away. want to add a trail effect of bubbles.


TurtleFace.pngTurtle Tropical Fish Generic Implementation EntityProfileWaterMobs:
see generic profiles below. Also see diagram to
better understand what other mobs are included in this. VexFace.pngVex VillagerFace.pngVillager WanderingTraderFace.pngVillagerTrader VindicatorFace.pngVindicator WitchFace.pngWitch WitherFace.pngWither May add this in the future WolfFace.pngWolf ZombieFace.pngZombie Implemented HuskFace.pngZombieHusk Implemented ZombieVillagerFace.pngZombieVillager Implemented Generic profiles Comments EntityProfileWaterMobs the profile gives the player depstrider and conduit effect.

1.7.4 Amazing Ava East Easter Easter Egg Easter Eggs Egg Eggs Events Factions Hub Pvp Raiding Wars


KronosMC is a 1.7.4-1.7.9 server with amazing features!
Our server is a Hub server with only the best plugins avaible!

The Staff is amazing and we hope you enjoy the server,
KronosMC is only down when we are fixing features or adding more for your playing experience!
Occasionally we will have Events, PvP Wars with the staff and and Easter eggs!!

We hope that you all will enjoy the new players, new Staff and our server!

Ass Ban Banned Beast Class Com Craft East Enjin Eth FTB Ice Infinity Item Items Myst Persona Personal Raft Run Style Survival Multiplayer World

Slice The Beast – FTB Infinity

We are running FTB Infinity 1.3.4, with very few banned items (Mystcraft, World Anchors, and BC quarries) We do allow the use of personal anchors, however.

Pop in and say hi. 🙂


Cheats Allowed Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Grief Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Anti Cheat No Resets Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

⭐ ALL DONATE | WRITE / FREE 1.8-1.15.x Minecraft server

Description of the server Owner of the server “⭐ ALL DONAT | ПИИСЫ / FREE 1.8-1.15.x »has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

18pvp Automation Compete Craftbook Endgame Ewg Food Physics Pvp Recipes Structures Surivival Towny Townywar War


HexxCraft is a server releasing early Late June -> Early July 2020!
The Server is ran by competent staff with years of knowledge of Towny War, there is no experience like it.
Conquer the globe with your friends, or sit back and build structures and machines to do the work for you.
We know slimefun endgame is boring, thats why at HexxCraft we’re working on the Endgame to allow automation of literally everything. From Amour to Food, Everything on HexxCraft can be automated over time.

Custom EWG World
1.8 PVP and Potion Physics
Slimefun (and lots of it) + Craftbook + AutoCrafters
Minetinker Weapons
Custom Modifier Recipes
Towny Flag War

Discord :

8.2 Active Ass Hard Lmao Lwc Mature Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Roleplay Shop Surv Surviva Survival


Survival (Hard)

Abilities Added Atm Atmosphere Custom Elf Elves Everything Movie Movies Plugins Purchase Slots Special Super

BoonPvP (Custom plugins.)

a cozy Minecraft server with super cool costum plugins.
We have our own coin system, we added special abilities, and everything is made completely costum. with our good and extensive staff system we are always ready for you. you do not believe us? Come see for yourself. also we always have a great atmosphere and plenty of people. 2GB with our server and 40 slots you have never suffered from lagg. If you want that is also donate via: it is not necessary, but it helps us tremendously. Of course you can also enjoy themselves without a purchased rank.a cozy Minecraft server with super cool costum plugins.
We have our own coin system, we added special abilities, and everything is made completely costum. with our good and extensive staff system we are always ready for you. you do not believe us? Come see for yourself. also we always have a great atmosphere and plenty of people. 2GB with our server and 40 slots you have never suffered from lagg. If you want that is also donate via: it is not necessary, but it helps us tremendously. Of course you can also enjoy themselves without a purchased rank.


Ass Build Builder Builders Class Com Craft Easy Erver Game Join Need Raft See Server Style Supreme Survival Multiplayer



Added Ass Button Class Cod Craft Erver Has Inecraft Mine Minecraf Minecraft Minecraft Server Owner Raft Real Server Survival Multiplayer Ter This Vote World You

ReallyWorld ./././. Minecraft server

Server Owner “ReallyWorld ./././.” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

17 VoteGet button code

Blocks Creative Dventure Economy Factions Hungergame Hungergames Invite Maps Mca Plus Pvp Skyblocks Survival Venture


A one of a kind network where Adventure Happens at from Eco Survival, Factions,Skyblocks, Creative and hungergames plus more. Plus Discover our Custom made maps and Custom faction server and plus more. Join the McAdventureWorld network Today and invite your friends to play with you on your Adventure World.

Ass Class Com Emc Enjin Erver Everything Hiring Ill Join Keep King Mcp New Paw Please Pro Pvp Ring Server Spawn Staff Style Taff Work


Please Join Our New Server, weve just finished spawn and are still working on things so please keep in mind everything may not work as planned. We are hiring staff but please do not beg us for it.


Block Class Com Community Ect Enchant Enchants End Erver Friendly Fun Good Ill Job Jobs Mcmmo Mmo New Old Plugin Plugins Popular Positive Riendly Rvival Server Slime Staff Survival This Time Title Vanilla Vis Welcome

Scourge MC

Welcome to Scourge MC! This is a vanilla-like survival server with a friendly staff and a positive community! All are welcome. We have popular plugins like mcmmo and jobs, and some lesser known ones that add new stuff, like Slime Fun and Golden Enchants. Come visit and have a good time!

Edm Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Mines New Oppriso Opprison Paw Play Prison Pvp Red Spawn Survival


Survival [NEW]

Autorank Creative Custom Future Gamemode Gamemodes Horde House Plugins Purchase Ranks Skyblock Survival Survival World Thor

EndorCraft Survival

Hello. Welcome to EndorCraft.

On this server, we offer custom and amazing kits, donation ranks, and much more.

– On our survival world, you have the choice of playing for the allotted time to rank up with our AutoRank plugin, or you could purchase one of the ranks from our donation store.
– Once you join, you have the choice of joining either KitPvP, Creative , Skyblock, or Survival.
– We plan on adding more gamemodes in the future.
– We house very friendly staff and players.
– We hope to see you here. Join us now at


Added Ass Class Craft Erver Game Has Inecraft Mine Minecraf Minecraft Minecraft Server Mini Owner Raft Server Sleep Survival Multiplayer Ter This You

SleepMine – Mini-Game Minecraft Server

The owner of the server “SleepMine – Mini-Game” has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

Chestshops Escape Factions Heart Hestshop Mcmmo Meet Pvp Raiding Roleplay Supernatural Twist Vampire Vampires Werewolf


Grief, raid and PvP to your heart’s content! MozartRealms is a PvP Factions server with a supernatural twist – you have the option of becoming a Vampire or Werewolf! As a bonus, Vampires are able to transform into a bat for 20 seconds at a time to escape from foes.

Primary Plugins: Factions, McMMO, Vampire, Werewolf, Chestshops + many more!
Coming soon: PvP Arena and Mob Ally for Vampires

Staff have a mature, player-driven attitude, with cursing being allowed in public chat.

We look forward to meeting you soon at!

Custom Economy Elite Free Free Items Johto Nature Origins Region Road Safari Survival Testing Train Trainers

Gale of Origins

Gale of Origins

are a fairly new Pixelmon server with a fully automated Johto region.
We just got this, so we are still testing a lot of things out, but all
trainers and the completed story are added.

What we have that other servers dont:

Custom Full automatic Johto Region.
Custom commands.
Wonder trade Lottery.
Size changing machine.
Nature changing machine.
Much more.

We also have:

Safari zone
Survival world
Free items
Victory Road
Elite Four
Much more.

Join us with


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Server Bedrock Edition. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!