1.18 201 Auto First Floo Mods Players Restart Run Running Sin Soon Star Start Survival


just rest this world get in on the ground floor has bin running since 2017 runs 24/7 but first restart for 1.18.1 and more mods for players coming soon and more info

Creative Economy Grand Griefprevention Llamacraft Mcmmo Minecraft Version Minigames Pvp Resets Resource Smp Survival Tebex Upcoming

BahamaLLama Craft [1.18.1] [Worlds: SMP, PVP, Resource] [MCMMO, Economy, Ranks, Grief Protection]


Welcome to BahamaLlama Craft!
Running on Minecraft Version 1.18.1

* SMP world | Land claims available
* Resource world | Resets weekly
* PVP world | Separate Inventories
* Economy
* Friendly staff
* Vote for Upcoming worlds on our Discord server
* Fun events and mini games planned

Join us now!

support us here:
our discord:

Antigrief Auctions Building Community Custom Discord Economy Essentials Events Griefprevention Griefprotection Java Javaedition Jobsreborn Kits Landclaim Lockette Mobarena Mobboss Mobbosses Mobs Online Parkour Pvp Quest Quests Ranks Ranksystem Rankup Rules Smp Survival Unique Vault Vote Voterewards Votifier Xraydisabled Youtubers Zombies


About the server:
DRGSurvival is a Minecraft SMP survival server with protection from griefing/griefers. We have multiple features for Minecraft players to take advantage of. These features include the common jobs, quests, rankups, land claiming/protection, mobarena and balanced economy. We also have custom and unique features like lucky mining [​slight chance to level up the enchants of your items]ability to ride any animal or mob, a voting shop that allows you to buy perks such as protection from fire and lava damage, as well as a lot more.

We are a survival server with “Normal” difficulty. We provide grief protection to our players through the form of a command; /claim. You can add friends to your claims with /lands trust . We also have ranks that you can grind and gain new perks, kits and commands as rewards for ranking up. Anyone can use SilkTouch to mine spawners. There are several events that we have listed below that run regularly.

Our community:
Our community may be small but it is mature and laidback. We try to go easy on our rules and punishments but we will not tolerate players who are only looking to troll, advertise or harass our players. Freedom of expression is something we strongly believe you should be allowed especially with how sensitive the world is becoming towards jokes, insults and whatever crybaby nonsense. DRGSurvival is a server that tries to take away the outside world so you have somewhere to just relax, so please do not bring politics and other stressful crap onto our server.

Staff members:
We have a few staff members but we are looking for more to add to our server. We are trying to recruit members with a decent knowledge of Minecraft, knowledge of running Spigot based servers [​including plugins]knowledge of plugin usage and who are genuinely invested in our server.

Feedback and improvements:
Lastly, we are constantly looking for feedback and suggestions. If you join our server and do not like something, let us know, we’ll do our best to change/fix/improve it. The owner [​me] is active on a daily basis and constantly trying to improve the server and it’s quality.

Rules: We’re pretty lax when it comes to rules but please abide by the following:
Swearing is allowed but please keep it within reason.
Spamming is annoying so please don’t do it.
Do not impersonate staff members or pretend to be one.
Don’t advertise.
Don’t threaten malicious/common afterschool activities such as doxing, ddos, suicide, etc.
Mods are allowed as long as they do not give you an unfair advantage [?KillAura, Aimbot, etc. are bannable.]
Do not grief, we will roll it back and you will be banned.

Recruiting Helpers/Moderators/Administrators here:

Social links:
Twitch Streamers:

Asc Ate Aternos Center Class Count Description Has Lin Offline Owner Santa Script Survival Multiplayer This

Offline Minecraft server

The “Offline” server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

1.18.2 Abilities Caves Cavesandcliffs Endless Ios Minecraft Mmorpg Oriented Rpgsurvival Ryan Server Survival Tags Tienda

Aryans Online [1.18.1 – 1.18.2]

ONLINE ARIOS [​1.18.1 – 1.18.2]

Arios Online a Survival server oriented a bit in the field of RPG Servers, you can explore endless things without getting bored, we have many options that will give you a
unique experience on the server, explore dungeons, enjoy the new caves and Generation of 1.18, 19 jobs to choose from, tags, rankup system, crates, shop, auction house and much more…., Don’t worry! you’ll regret joining!

We have:
– Ranking system
– Dungeons
– Crates
– Tags
– +19 Jobs
– Auction Shop
– Store / shop
– Skills/skill abilities
– Random Teleport /rtp
World Resources and Build
– Land System /land
– And much more…


Bov Cell Cern Courage Deal Example Griefprevention Minecraft Life Monthly Root Rust Seasonal Survival Trust Voice


Welcome to KobelcoSMP ,

an excellent server known for it’s amazing experiences. We are a laid-back, no grief, economy, SMP server where we value community above all else. The server is running 1.18, and everyone is welcome

The server offers a variety of plugins that enhance the player experience while also staying true to Minecraft’s roots such as player warps, griefprevention, and more! ✨

We aim to keep gameplay itself as vanilla as possible, while providing access to some commands that make Minecraft life a little less mundane. For example, we have /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn.
Grief Prevention
Claim your land and only give access to people that you trust! This prevents griefing and raiding, which gives you peace of mind and gives staff more free time to help players, and plan features and events
Every vote gives you a chance to win a crate key that can be opened up at /warp crates! We also have seasonal crates that provide players cool cosmetic items!

Start a town! Meet new people! Chat with friends! Join in on a community project We want everyone to enjoy their time on KobelcoSMP.
We try to promote a friendly environment free from toxic energies. Players are encouraged to voice any suggestions or concerns they may have for the community.Events
More than one event will be held monthly. Ideally, we like to hold events at different times of day to try to cover all of the time zones. Although sometimes that isn’t possible, we certainly do try our best!

Artic Claiming Griefers In Survival Laim Minigames Multi Near Non Ops Pat Support Supportive Survival Teams


Join in on one of the most supportive and fun servers out there hoping to achieve near the top of the list! participate in survival with teams, claiming land to prevent griefers, shops, and more with economy! You can also try out the bedwars and other multiple minigames soon to come!

Banking City Citylife Companies Criminal Criminals Disease Diseases Economy Government Gun Guns Jobs Roleplay Stateroleplay

Ionic Life – CityLife, Government, Guns, Roleplay, Jobs

Ionic Life
We are a realistic citylife server. Where you can be or do anything you can in real life! Become a Criminal, Cop, Businessman, Drug Dealer, Or even the President. its all up to you, how you will live your life.

Some server features include:
Realistic Player Run Economy
Guns and Drugs
Over 100 in game Jobs
Real-Estate and Properties
Oil and Gas
Judicial System
Diseases and Bio Weapons
Realistic Stock Market
And More!

City Creative Curse Curseforge Dream Smp Dreamsmp Media Medieval No Mods Poses Smp Social Story Survival Vanilla


Welcome to the Inferos SMP page, Inferos is a server network that is run and founded by NinjiiTV, the network has servers for CurseForge and Medieval roleplayers to Vanilla, the Vanilla SMP is true Vanilla and has no mods or plugins installed, with only some creative aspects within it for story purposes, and aims to stay that way, a bit like the Dream SMP, and is relatively new with a few members.



Here is our Discord if you are interested in joining:


So hopefully you decide to join us, if this is not the server you were looking for, hopefully you find that server, and if you did find what you wanted, hopefully you join us and if you do welcome!

That’s all for now, take care and stay safe.

– Ninjii of Inferos Middle School.

Antigrief Chairs Chill Community Communityprojects Discord Empiresmp Freebuild Friendly Friends Fun Hermitcraft Lgbt Lgbtfriendly Lgbtq Minigames Mostlyvanilla Newmap Newserver Newworld Noclaims Nolag Nopay2win Noteleport Pixelart Projects Pve Pvp Redstone Scicraft Season Seasons Semivanilla Shops Smp Vanilla Vanillatweaks Voicechat Whitelist Whitelisted

Block Bodega | BRAND NEW MAP | A quaint, whitelisted, mostly-vanilla SMP where you can make friends and build cool things!



Block Bodega | BRAND NEW MAP | A quaint, whitelisted, mostly-vanilla SMP where you can make friends and build cool things! Minecraft Server

Most whitelist applications will be accepted, the whitelist proccess is desgined almost exclusively to make griefing, theft, and trolling slightly more difficult. If you do not have Discord, you can message me on PlanetMinecraft or Reddit and I will add you to the whitelist — you will be accepted much quicker by applying on the Discord.

Birch Classes Guard Heroes Immersive Irc Npcs Paper Paperspigot Quests Races Roleplay Rpg Survival Vanguard

The Longbirch Vanguard – RPG Server

A fun Survival/RPG server with immersive custom races, classes and quests. Join an ever-growing world of lore with tons of cool bonus features and mini-games.

2024 Building Builds Does Dsmp Follow Home Optional Paw Spawn Survival Target Team Teams Tpa


Discord is Its a server with optional pvp and mostly for building and having fun! There is shop, teams, tpa, trigger spawn, trigger home. Admin does not have op.

Creation Creations Customize Customized Factions Fast Ken Luna Mexica Premium Public Pvp Semipremium Suggestions Survival


Minecraft Server survival mexican customized the experience for the enjoyment of the public and creations of very fast updates.



Art Ate Aternos Center Com Come Count Description Don't Late Lea Please Script Survival Multiplayer Top

top server come in not later minecraft server

The server owner “top serv don’t come in please” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Drive Follow Leplay Lose Love Lovely Pub Public Rive Riven Role Roleplay Small Smp Target

SST Roleplay

Ever wanted to join a player driven roleplay based SMP?


Well to bad!

this is the discord 🙂

have a lovely day!

UPDATE, server is temporarily closed to public

Bungeecord Colorful Creative Decade Discord Economy Friends Ladranaa Mobarena Nogriefingsurvival Old Pve Signshop Survival Transform

Ubercraft Survival Est. 2013 Not Pay-To-Win

Ladranaa, a respected member of the Minecraft Community, started Ubercraft in 2013 and it has been an integral part of Minecraft’s Community for years. In 2018, the server was shut down so Ladranaa could focus more on her outside work. Ubercraft had grown to several servers connected by Bungeecord which included Factions, Survival, Skyblock, Minigames and others too from the original survival world. In the last few weeks, the players still involved with the community server have taken the latest files left behind and transformed it back into what it used to be. The immediate world surrounding the spawn area is the same as it was in 1.8. The world, along with most of the original plugins, have been updated for 1.18. Here are some of the features that this community offers:

– Not Pay-To-Win. A long time ago there were many things that could be bought within the server’s store. After seeing the current state of multiplayer, we have decided to completely remove the ability to buy in-game items with real money. A list of all players that have given to the server previously will be forever displayed in the spawn area for making all of it possible.

– A survival world that started in 2013. There are a lot of old builds still preserved from over 21,000+ unique players in the survival world.

– We prioritize all players. A lot of the basic functions of Minecraft servers that are normally restricted by the owners to put a price tag on them are available to all players. Default players are given access to give themselves a colorful nickname, custom enchantments completely attainable in survival, 50 creative plots, more than 10 set homes, and many more things. We will be increasing the limits as we see necessary. The only cap on limits is how much data the server is able to store.

– A community of players that has known each other for almost a decade. You won’t find any hostilities here. Everyone is friendly and continues to be so after almost 10 years of playing together.

– We honor old commitments. If you were previously a staff member or have given money to the server, we will honor those commitments and will give you what we can to still remain fair to newer players. If you had joined previously, if you can log in with the same account we will transfer your data for you from the old server to the new one.

Join our Discord:

Hermicraft Hermitcraft Hermitcraftfanserver Hermitcraftlike Hermitcraftlikeserver Hermitcraftsmp Hermitcraftstyle Semisurvival Semivanilla Semivanillasmp Smallcommunity Smallsurvivalserver Smp Survival Survivalserver Survivalsmp Survivalworld Vanilla Vanillacraft Vanillaserver Vannila Whitelistapplication Whitelisted Whitelistedserver Whitelistedsmp


We are a Whitelisted semi-vanilla survival server enhanced with; an armor-stand editor, proximity chat, mini-blocks, and other plugins that give players the closest gameplay experiences to that of Hermitcraft. Most other plugins used are for moderation and lag efficiency like Core Protect which helps keep our community a safe and friendly place this means there are no plugins that drastically alter the vanilla experience such as; /landclaim, /sethome, or /tpask /tpahere.

Here at Blithe, we encourage creativity; mega-bases, player shops, minigames, group builds, redstone projects, cityscapes, or anything else. If you can dream it we want to see it!

Join Today!

Abilities Artic Auction House Auctionhouse Axol Axolotl Battlepass Economy Jobs Mcmmo Pve Quests Ranks Survival Xolotl

AxolotlMc | 1.18.1 | Survival Server

About the server
AxolotlMc is a brand new survival server where griefing/raiding is strictly prohibited.

The economy is community driven, with a variety of ways to earn money. You can join jobs, set up shops or list items on the auction house.

To enhance the gameplay, we offer special abilities with mcMMO.

Players are also able to rank up, in game, using the economy to gain access to new commands and perks.

We host multiple events each month where anyone can participate to have fun and win rewards.

We have much more to offer that is not mentioned here and hope to see you soon!!

Discord Link –
Server IP –

Address Bedwars Bridge Buildbattle Creative Mini-game Mini-games Minigames Parkour Sever Sina Skyblock Skywars Survie Thebrigde


Sinaty is a Minecraft server composed of several Mini-games: The BedWars, The SkyWars, The BuildBattle, The SkyBlock, The Parkour, The Bridge and Survival!
You can connect to it at the following address: or in version 1.18.X
Cracks : On

Annoying Anti-grief Fight Hoe Hut Ios Keep Minehut Rps Server Ip Survival Tpa Turn Warp Warps

Helios Reborn

Hello. Helios Reborn SMP is a semi-vanilla survival server. It is not an anarchy server. there are no annoying anti-griefing plugins and no annoying over the top anti-cheat plugins. We keep the server as vanilla as we possibly can + a few tpa and warp plugins

We like to focus on the survival side of minecraft not the server plugin side. PvP is always turned on and you can fight whoever you want whenever you want.

There are a few plugins but only plugins we believe add to the survival experience such as tpa and warps.

if you are interested in joining please join our discord


Server IP

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Servers For Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!