117server 117updated 247server Community Communitydriven Custom Discord Fast Fluid Friendly Fun Funny Griefprevention Griefprotection Help Needbuilders Needplayers Needstaff Network New Newserver Newspawn Nocheat Nvme Players Pvp Rules Ryzen Server Shop Shopgui Simple Simply Spawn Spawners Staff Survival Viaversion Wildteleport

Mint Survival! (Shop) (24/7) (1.8-1.17.1) (Survival w/Grief Protection!) (Need Staff)

                      Mint Survival


Our Mission:
As a simple survival server, we just wanted a simple server for players to enjoy the simplicity of Minecraft’s survival. We have special plugins to increase the ease of play. Those plugins are listed below. With a friendly community throughout the server and or Discord. You will find friends, enjoy yourself, and just have loads of fun. We are a 24/7 server, we are not a pay-to-win server nor are we accepting donations at this current point. It’s just a fun place for everyone to come to hang out and chill. Let us know if you need anything or have any questions. Looking for players.

Server Values:
Respect for players and staff is our one MAJOR rule!

  • Remain a friendly community
  • Ask someone to borrow something
  • No griefing, cheating
  • Be sensible
  • No major cursing allowed
  • Discord:
    — Add me on discord for suggestions and ideas, Nick227#0055

    Technical Specification:
    Zero block lag server, a great connection server is based on the East Coast of the United States (Virginia to be exact). AMD Ryzen 5800x processors.

    Plugin Explanation:

    -Tree Gravity: A simple, yet amazing plugin. This allows a player to hit the bottom of a tree once and it knocks down the entire tree.

    -Grief Prevention: This is enabled as soon as you join. All you need to do is set down a chest and it will enable your property to be protected from the ground to the sky. To expand it all you need to do is have a golden shovel and hit one corner to remap it.

    -Wild Teleport: Since we are a simple survival server, this plugin is an essential part so you do not bump heads with players and you will have a great distance between multiple players!

    1.8 Pvp 17pvp 18pvp Authentication Bot Cracké Cracked Fights Kitpvp Level Leveling Lobby Obby Practice Pvp


    MineHB Network
    1.7 – 1.8 PvP Server

    Servers Include:
    – Practice
    – KitPvP
    – and more!

    We have amazing staff support, pvp, and more!

    Please Note: This is a cracked server, we require Authentication in the lobby before you join.

    Practice with Bot Fights
    KitPvP with Leveling

    Application Applications Ations Auto Cat Ffa Hut Kitpv Knockffa Minehut Name Pvp Sumo Survival Triple


    The TripleKpvp server is a PVP server that has KnockFFA. Sumo and KitPVP coming soon! We have a discord server, friendly community and staff applications are open!

    Adventure Auctions Bedrock Community Custom Discordsrv Economy Emotes Griefprevention Mcmmo Payouts Pvp Realistic Slimefun Survival

    RealisticWorld [Realistic Survival SMP]


    A Completely Realistic Survival Experience!
    Greetings! Are you looking for a survival server that can provide you with a completely realistic survival experience? RealisticWorld is where you want to go! We try our best to mimic a real-life survival experience onto RealisticWorld. Aside from the vanilla gameplay, our server adds an additional nutrition hunger system, as well as thirst and energy bars. RealisticWorld has also implemented features that make the environment around us realistic such as a 21k x 21k fully custom map, custom nether, and end dimension, structures, seasons, and much more! RealisticWorld also hosts monthly events that reward players with payouts! RealisticWorld is available on Minecraft Java and Bedrock editions. We hope to see you there!

    Server Info:

    Java Edition IP:
    Bedrock Edition IP:
    Bedrock Port: 19132
    Java Version: 1.8.8 – 1.17.1
    Bedrock: Latest bedrock version
    Discord Server:
    Join our discord server for more info!

    RealisticWorld is packed with tons of features! Some of the features on RealisticWorld includes:

    🌎 Realistic Earth-Like Experience

    🌎 Custom Biomes and Structures

    🌎 Bedrock Compatible

    🌎 Monthly Event Payout

    🌎 Grief Prevention and Chest Lock

    🌎 Leveling and Attributes System (Farming, Foraging, Mining, + 12 more…)

    🌎 300+ Custom Recipes and Items

    🌎 200+ Custom Mobs and Enchantments

    🌎 Server Side Music Soundtrack

    🌎 Custom Nether and End Dimension

    🌎 Player Warps and Waypoints

    🌎 Monster Book and Collections

    🌎 DiscordSRV and Dynmap

    🌎 Quests and Jobs System

    🌎 Player Auctions and Trades

    🌎 Leveled Mobs and Damage Indicators

    🌎 NPC Spawning and Interactions

    🌎 Friends and Party System

    🌎 Seasons and Events

    🌎 Emojis and Emotes!

    🌎 Tons of exciting features that aren’t listed up here!

    RealisticWorld is here to provide you with a friendly atmosphere where you can play, explore and have an incredible gaming experience with each other! We hope to see you there!

    Boy Cities Cool Date Datemc Dates Dating Dungeons Empires Friendlystaff Girl Hypixel Kits Lag Love Lovecraft Marriage Mcmmo Plugins Pvp Raiding Realm Roleplay Romance Server Servers Skins Special Survival Town Towney Townie Towns Towny Townyserver Townysurvival Townywars Unique Villages Worldedit

    Realm of Towny – Revived


    Realm of Towny - Revived Minecraft Server
    Commonly referred to as “RoT” short for Realm of Towny; Realm of Towny is a game server which engages users in Minecraft gameplay for which players may make “nations” that compete with each other virtually. The Realm of Towny game server has a virtual economy driven by “auctions” of in-game items, and players may also generate income by completing specific tasks.




    Realm of Towny - Revived Minecraft Server

    This section of documentation is meant to describe Realm of Towny’s gameplay experience, this is a very brief description, and should not be used to determine real gameplay experiences.

    Realm of Towny is similar to any other Towny Minecraft server; users may make “towns” and “nations.” Towns are owned by their creator, users who join the town (by either invitation, or because that town is a “open” town) can, build houses, sell plots of land to other members of the town, and build walls to defend their town. The owner of that town may also make ranks for their town members that possess the ability to make changes to that town that are specified by that town’s owner. However, unlike other Towny servers, each town posses “defense points” that circumscribe that town’s strength. Defense points are earned by means of specific “ideologies,” which have their own positives and negatives. Primary ideologies can allow for additional defense points if specific requirements are met. These requirements are dependent on the chosen ideology, and can consist of; more members in that town, more money in that town, and land that town possesses. Users may also associate with other users and form alliances between their nations. Once allied, these nations can secure trade routes with their allied nation’s towns, allowing for income for an exchange of items; such as valuable goods, food items, weaponry, and building supplies. If, however, a nation declares war on another nation, that nation may then, attack those nations towns. If the towns defense points reach a number below zero, the town then will become part of the nation that lowered the towns defense points below zero, and that town may then repair damages by regenerating their terrain and buildings, this is done by a price determined on the severity of damage done to that town. Additionally, A player may start a rebellion within his/her nation; if he/she can get enough players within his/her nation, the player can engage in battle with the nation in a similar fashion a nation attacks a town, eventually the player who kills the nation’s leader, will then become that nation’s leader.

    Note that these nations do not claim land, they (instead) are a collection of towns and these towns can leave that nation if they please.

    In-game currency is essential for accessing important features on Realm of Towny, in order to access certain features, users must pay the cost that is defined by either seller of specific items, or a flat server cost for these features (e.g. getting an in-game pet). Players do not pay actual money for the basic features of gameplay, they do, however, have to use “in-game currency,” as a means of exchange. This currency may be obtained by completing specific tasks such as selling an item, or by forming trade routes within allied nations. Players, by default, begin with $2500 dollars of the in-game currency and may spend it however they please. Players may lose this money by either dying often, or purchasing in-game items, or in-game features.

    Realm of Towny - Revived Minecraft Server


    We love Minecraft player and appreciate anyone who wishes to get involved! Using the information listed below, we hope to see you participate in our fantastic Minecraft server sometime soon!






    Anarchy Bedrock Great Greatstaff Griefing Java Minecraft Minecraftbedrock Minecraftjava Mod Mods Noadminabuse Plugins Pvp Rules Semianarchy Semivanilla Smp Smpvp Survival Vanilla Yourmom

    Deapeace SMP (Bedrock and Java) Bedrock IP in Discord

    DeaPeace SMP DISCORD: JOIN! FOR BEDROCK IP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Server Where Dreams And Nightmares Come True…. Men By men Fight Women By Women.. FOR THE DEAPEACE Crown.. Justice Comes Comes… To Get It You Must Risk Your Life 😀 Life Or Death.. In Every Dimension.

    600 Animal Animals Biome Biomes Hermitcraft Plane Planet Planets Season Smp Survival Travel Zoo Zoocraft

    ChubZoo | Season 1

    Chub Zoo | Season 1
    We offer:
    A lot of animals!

    Make a zoo
    Make Friends
    Earn money by people visiting your zoo/shop/mall
    Travel to Planets And make it your own!

    Discord :

    Acting Diverse Feed Free To Play How To How To Join Interaction Middle Middle School Moderators Near Polls Survival TERA Trans

    Toracraft Middle School

    Toracraft Minecraft Server [​1.17.x]
    Toracraft is a brand new vanilla survival server. We are dedicated to interacting with our community. We regularly host events and listen actively to player feedback!

    Land claiming and other plugins allow for a more diverse experience on the server. Players can create their own town and expand their empire. Moderators on the server are actively listening to player feedback and hosting polls and events. The server is based around an economy and we have lots of plans for more features to be coming in the near future. On top of all of that player ranks can be obtained through player activity and winning events! The Toracraft SMP server currently has no in-game transactions and is fully free to play!!!

    How to join
    Join now using our IP:

    For updates and community interaction join our discord at:

    Hub Hubserver Igiag Kitpvp Maps Origin Pvp Skywars Small Smallserver Streams Twitch Twitch Stream Twitchtv Witch



    We have:
    Regular Twitch streams
    Original maps
    Rank giveaways
    And more!

    Enjoy 😀
    Also a discord server: Click to join!

    Aim Auto Best Game Epl Factions Gameplay Hcf Hey Lec Name Prison Skyblock Survival They Title

    MC.ZONE is a minecraft server aiming to provide the best gameplay it can, we are aiming to provide the best skyblock experience we can by giving the players what they want.

    400 Animals Announcement Bans Basics Griefprevention How To Play Landclaims Mute Public Server Raiders Semivanilla Survival Teleportation Vanilla


    Getting back to basics! Enjoy survival without the usual public server problems.
  • Grief-free! With GriefPrevention, we have an unbeatable, easy-to-use anti-grief which protects your builds, your chests, your animals, and even the items you drop when you die. The server also automatically mutes and bans spammers and chat trolls.
  • Easy to start. If you know how to play single player, you’ll know how to play CaveRaiders.
  • Quick to start. With Population Density, you’ll start close to the edge of our explored map – This means easy-to-find ores, animals, and space to build quickly and easily!
  • Fast Travel. Also a perk of Population Density, teleportation posts are placed every 400 blocks to help you quickly travel to meet up with friends, trade, or explore our huge world.
  • Active Staff. The server is monitored by active Staff members so any troubles that pop up can be fixed quickly!
  • Discord. An active Discord community means you’ll never be playing alone! Join the server to request a link to join, or wait for an announcement to cycle through with the address!
  • This server is FREE.

    We don’t believe in holding fun game elements hostage and asking for ransom. Without paying anything at all, you can access 100% of our world and 100% of Minecraft’s game features. You will not be required to vote, make any purchases, or limit your play time.

    Thanks for trying us out!

    Apocalypse Auction Auctionhouse Bedrock Community Discord Discordserver Faction Pvp Factions Factionserver Gaming Gamingcommunity Hermitcraftlike Infinityblock Java Mayan Medieval Minecraft Minecraftserver Minigames Modern Multiplayer Pets Pvp Pvparena Rabbitcraft Skyblock Smp Survival Survive Vinecraft

    RabbitCraft | VineCraft | Factions:Apocalypse | InfinityBlock

    Welcome to Rabbitcraft!

    We are a friendly community server that emerged from a group of like-minded people back in 2020 when a semi-famous Youtuber had an SMP, on which we played. After several months of playing on the server, a theft occurred and we asked the moderators for help, but we received none. Instead, they told us to sort it out on our own and made fun of us. When we started to speak up, they banned each and every one of us, so we decided to run our own server and learn from that experience.

    Rabbitcraft is led by Mods that have criminal record checks and a future planning team to ensure that we provide the best service. We want players to have freedom and safety which we never had – a place to call home and the power to change the direction of the server.

    We offer four different vanilla servers:
    Vinecraft: non-whitelist Mayan themed SMP
    Factions: non-whitelist Zombie Apocalypse PVP/PVE server
    InfinityBlock: non-whitelist modded Skyblock server
    Rabbitcraft: whitelist SMP (invite-only)

    As a matter of course griefing, stealing, or cheating in any other form are not allowed.

    You can log in to these servers with any version from 1.xx.x to 1.17.x


    Automatic Dimensions Elytra Fyp Greifing Law Mounts New Update Notes Pmc Roleplay Sport Survival Transport Transportation

    Puffy SMP (1.17.1)

    Verision: 1.17.1 (will change as new updates come out) ( i am also unsure as to why pmc listed it as 1.3 when it is offline- its on 1.17.1)
    -started with 1.16.5 so 1.17 items are not with in spawn
    small server- comment if you want to join (include your java username so i can whitelist you)
    – only adding around 15 people for now, since lag is very existant on my server 😉

    This server is a mix of survival, roleplay, and factions
    – when/if you join we (the other people are mentioned below) can get you caught up on the lore

    OPs/ moderators
    -SynxWasTaken (no pmc account)
    – stephanie_jane (no pmc account)
    -me :p

    Since this is an aternos server, it has to be start be4 any1 gets on, and im not up to starting it everytime some1 wants to get on ( i also dont have the time)- so if you are able, please make an aternos account so you can start it yourself with out bugging any1 about it (i will share the acess with you if you share you aternos username w/ me)

    Discord server: (only join if you are going to play on the smp please)
    other notes+ general rules
    -all dimensions are available, though if you get an elytra please minimize your usage of it since it generates a lot of lag
    -please treat every1 with respect (especially the moderaters :))
    – no hacking
    -only lore related greifing is allowed- and if you do that please notify me
    – no farms that will generate large amounts of lag, and most automatic farms are outlawed- if you want to make one please check with me and i will decide if it is ok
    – dont go build your main base more than 3-4k blocks from spawn, since that makes transportation for every1 longer and harder
    -report anybody who you think is breaking rules to me please 🙂
    -no stealing (for lore it /might/ be allowed- but check with me first please

    Anarchy Bestserver Cracked Ender Factions Herobrine Minecraft Pog Public Smp Pvp Smp Steve Survival Tlauncher Vanilla

    Minecraft SMP Bedrock Java Tlauncher

    this server is a public smp it offers bedrock java tlauncher support
    – tlauncher can join
    – java can join
    – bedrock can join
    – mcpe can join

    version: 1.12 to 1.17 latest

    Java ip:
    bedrock: servername: steve serveraddress: port: 19132

    1164server 1165server Challenge Chatgames Cool Easy Friendly Hard Medium Money Parkour Shop Skyblock Staff Tutorials ► 1.16.5 ► Custom Items ► PvP ► Crates – and more!

    Welcome to SkyWorlds
    You find yourself all alone on a floating deserted island… with just a cow for company!
    Now its time for you to grow your SkyWorlds island, make friends and strive to become the richest player!

    At SkyWorlds we have worked around the clock to make sure you have a great time while playing with us. We have custom spawners, custom hoppers, minions and crates for everyone. There are also hundreds of awesome and fun challenges so it’s unlike any other SkyBlock experience. Perhaps farming is your thing. If so then you will feel right at home exploring and building all of the different farms. Perhaps a wheat farm will make you the most money, or maybe its a sheep farm. There’s only one way for you to find out!

    What can you expect?
    Whatever your Minecraft level, from noob to expert SkyWorlds can add to your skill level! In addition, you will always have something to do with the many challenges we offer. From building a house to fighting the wither. Our build team worked hard to provide our players with many different starter islands for you to choose from. For instance, with each Minecraft update, we make sure to redo them all integrating any new blocks or biomes. Come join and check out our new 1.16.4 nether islands, not found anywhere else!

    If you are after a more original SkyBlock adventure, then we have just the thing for you. One of our most popular starter islands is the “Original SkyBlock”. This is a block to block replica of SkyBlock 2.1 (including the nether which isn’t available in the map download). This is well known in the community as the best, most enjoyable SkyBlock. Most importantly, the SkyWorlds team is available on our Discord server around the clock. We are always happy to resolve any problems or challenges you may have while playing.

    Come and join the community. SkyWorlds IS the place for you!

    How do you connect?
    To connect to the SkyWorlds server all you need to do is open the latest version of Minecraft.
    Go to the “Servers” section and click “Add Server”. Then just enter the IP

    Aternos Auto Cked Crack Cracké Cracked Dfg Ign Ked Name Semi Semivanilla Survival These Vanilla


  • Join The Drait SMP today, a cracked semi-vanilla server to have fun on!

    ignore these: sdhjgfbjsydftsdh dfg dfg dfg df gd fg df g t y fgy u ws ef se f sd f ,w jefn klsdrjghnriouhodit hadir hisedrhipsdh goseie hosd irg hjzpdfuig zpdjf g hujshjpsnjipf

  • Categories
    10000 Anticreeper Bettersleep Bettersleeping Diplomacy Economysurvival Industry Nations Pvpsurvival Roleplaysurvival Sleeping Smpvp Survival Tradeshop Vanilla

    Ruins of Avarath – Nations Semi-Vanilla Economy SMP

    Avarath [​SMP] [​Semi-Vanilla] [​Nations] [​War] [​Diplomacy] [​Economy] [​Shops] [​RP/Lore] [​Dynmap] [​Whitelist] [​1.16.5+]


    Welcome to Avarath, the Minecraft server you have always wished for. Build the mightiest and most glorious empires and kingdoms with your friends! The server will never be reset.

    Avarath or Ruins of Avarath is a Vanilla (mostly, with the exception of some essential plugins) SMP with focuses on nations and a strong player-based diamond currency economy. There are shops flourishing from the industry from all the resources of our 10000 by 10000 world. There are also Towns and Cities in different nations with some Roleplay and Lore involved as well! Join Avarath if you’re interested in creating the most magnificent history and drawing your own destiny. We have just started the server which already has an active thriving community and player base so it is brand new which is the perfect time for new players to join! We have tradeshops, community-driven values for items and conversion rates based on demand and a beautiful shopping district at spawn! Make friends and meet up with new people, the choice is yours! We’re planning to do a major event soon so join up!

    We are a mix between a pvp nation/diplomacy server and an smp economy server. Nations may claim land and create cities with shops. Come see the vast riches in the mountain keeps of TUNDRA or the secrets of Fox News.

    This server is whitelist only, so you’ll have to apply, run a legitimate Minecraft account and be on 1.16.5+.

    We have a few key plugins installed; essentialsx, dynmap, tradeshop, medieval factions, bettersleeping, anticreepergrief and more.

    My staff team and I are always at finger’s length away. We’re almost always online. Minecraft is my passion and I take all the votes and suggestions seriously.

    Thank you for reading! I hope to see you in the Realms of Avarath soon!

    We have an active player base, cool plugins, trade shops, a shopping district, and regular events and giveaways! We also offer beautiful cosmetic perks for you to use in-game to show off to your friends! Whether you’d like to start a war, create stunning builds, or make a profit in the shopping district, we have something for everyone.

    Bisexual Chill Chillzone Creative Date Dates Dating Fun Gay Hangout Lesbian Lgbt Survival Sweetlovers Sweetloversserver Transgender

    Sweet Lovers [1.17.1] [NEW SERVER]

    1.17.1 Biome Building Game Guard Lets Minecraft Minecraftserver Miniblocks Modifications Paper Race Server Survival Titan Umc

    A new Server with Survival Mode running on Paper 1.17.1. Please join now and lets enjoy new server. Suggestions and modifications are welcome. You can suggest if you want us to add new plugin. We are ready to explore new things with you

    Plugins Available

  • Biomerace Mini Game
  • Building Game
  • Claim Blocks
  • Shop
  • MiniBlocks
  • Multi-verse
  • World Edit
  • World Guard

  • Categories
    Adrenaline Ares Blast Blaster Brawl Brawlhalla Bros Customcoded Explosion Minigames Nintendo Pvp Race Riot Smash

    MCSmashBros – Unique Minigames Server (1.12.2 – 1.17.1)

    MCSmashBros is a uniquely custom coded server, featuring both PvP and PvE minigames!

    One of the most iconic minigames on this server is SmashWars! SmashWars shares similar mechanics you would see in Nintendo Super Smash Bros or Brawlhalla. Check out the video below to see what it’s all about!

    Players absolutely LOVE the rarity of this server. Once we build a community of players on this server, we plan on expanding into a network!

    This server features 6 other unique minigames like RiotArena, BlockBlasterz, ExplosionWars, RaceToTheFinish, DeadOrAlive, and AerialWars!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Other Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!