We invite everyone to the “SRSP” based project, we have Chief Romain and Vietnam Party Dragon Punch! we work for the benefit of based socialism (leader), you can work with us! getting socialcredits and fried fish. Every gigached slap, Boss of this gym and Dungeon Master should visit our city Vietnam! Before the Dragon Strike Party everyone is even! Socialism Dense Jade Rod Dragon Strike!
Plugins – a small number of plugins are installed on the Server, such as – /reg (registration), /sit /lay /crawl (the ability to sit, lie down, crawl), general and local chat, /skins (plugin for skins), `Tab` displays time according to MSK and TPS of the server, some more plugins for Server Administration are installed.
World Settings – Version: Minecraft 1.18.1 Java, World: Normal procedural generation, World limit: S=14²k blocks (in all worlds), Difficulty: Hard